Immortal Void Holyland (6)

"All trials have been completed! From now on all of you can pride themselves as disciples of Immortal Void Holyland!!!"

Gao Wenyan announced it with bright grin over his face, the faces of all people who have just passed trials were filled with bright smile

Meanwhile Mu Chen just moved his gaze around his surroundings, all the Grand Elders were present there and watching Mu Chen and Xi Shi with greedy eyes

"Alchemy Lord Yin Guangli ... What do you think?"

A muscular looking man with heavy metal guard on his arms questioned an old man in greenish robe waving his hand over his beard

"Martial Celestial? You seem oddly interested too huh... But well I guess who won't be interested, the Heir of Ancient Immortal Mu Clan is indeed interesting,

I think he possesses some kind of 'Immortal Flames'... But it seems like he lacks alchemy skills compared to his talents, it will be really great if I can teach that child myself in any way..."

"Immortal Flames huh? But the talent he showed in Marital Techniques isn't bad either..."


All the Grand Elders seemed conflicted about this matter, each of them were interested in Mu Chen and Xi Shi's talent

But as this was going on Gao Wenyan waved his hand in space and next moment various jade slips with the name of the new recruits suddenly appeared in the air

"From now on you all are ordinary disciples of the Holyland but with the exceptions of Mu Chen and Xi Shi!

Both have displayed an astonishing talent during the trials, just keeping them as ordinary disciples will be loss for Holyland, hence with agreement of most Grand Elders both are immediately promoted to 'Inner Disciples'!"

As he said that suddenly the jade slips of both Mu Chen and Xi Shi cracked open and transformed into silvery jades with name and position written over there

Mu Chen and Xi Shi grabbed their jade slips and along with everyone gave a bow to all Elders gathered in here

"We will be under your guidance!"

All Elders nodded and next moment various Space Ripples emerged over the place and Elders slowly left the place

And just as they left, Ye Xiaobo stepped forward to Mu Chen and gave a little report about the things in here while congratulating both

"Congratulations on your promotion Young Master Mu Chen, Young Miss Xi Shi!"

Mu Chen and Xi Shi nodded with smiles and suddenly various notifications rang into Mu Chen's head

[[You have gained the attention of the Supreme Elder!]]

[You have gained the attention of all 9 Grand Elders!]

[You have gained the attention of all 8 Core Disciples!]

[Your reputation in Holyland is rising at an incredible pace!]

[You have gained 2500 Villain Points!]

'Top Lords are really something else huh...'

As Mu Chen finished checking up the Ye Xiaobo continued again

"You both have gained various authorities as the Inner Disciples of Immortal Void Holyland here! You both now have access to Advanced Training and Resources in here

On top of that you also have access to two Immortal Peaks in the inner part of Holyland with denser Immortal Energy, and I think most Grand Elders are interested in you, they will be happy to guide you in future too!"

"As expected of the greatest Holyland in the Blessed Void Immortal World... It really lives up to its name

Ye Xiaobo, I think we shall start developing our own factions, using the name of the clan is such a shallow move, for now all ordinary disciples shall move into my peak"

As Mu Chen commanded Ye Xiaobo and others immediately nodded and next as Mu Chen and Xi Shi both took a flight towards their Immortal Peaks where they will be living

"Oh! It seems like my Immortal Peak is in another direction..."

As they arrived at a certain distance Xi Shi suddenly muttered with slight frown over her face, Mu Chen blinked and just sighed

"Well I guess it isn't always like in stories to face everything go the same way as we want in here, the female ordinary disciples will follow Xi Shi from now on

In a way it's a good thing, Xi Shi can form her own individual group aside from me, it will be good to have another group backing us in situations"

"As the young master says!"

As soon as Mu Chen said that the group divided itself, Xi Shi nodded and left over to different directions while in just a few minutes Mu Chen arrived over at his sharp pointed peak filled with greeneries and mystical serene waterfalls with pure shining water

"It really does have quite pure Immortal Energy in here..."

Mu Chen muttered that and arrived directly at the top of the peak which was touching the clouds along with Ye Xiaobo and others from his group

As Mu Chen arrived there Mu Chen noticed the ground of this place was indeed extremely broad, big enough to have a mid size village on top of it but it was densely covered with trees and plants everywhere making it look like the scene of the middle of some forest

"Young Master, we will quickly clea-"

Ye Xiaobo was just about to finish his words but just then Mu Chen himself took out his sword from the cover and with a calm smile just stated

"No need for useless efforts, cleaning up things that aren't needed, is my expertise..."

*Absolute Sword Intent!*

As Mu Chen said that he immediately swung his sword in one uniform circular wave and as he did that all eyes were left widened

Firstly there was a wave of sharp wind because of Mu Chen's swing that cut off all the unwanted trees and stones down to their roots and the second wave was filled with Mu Chen's Sword Intent that turned all these unwanted things directly into dust and tossed it out of the peak directly


"What kind of Sword Intent is this!?"

"It cuts only what it wants to cut! Such a mysterious flow!!!"

"The young Master is really too good!!!"

Ye Xiaobo and all others were left with their eyes widened and jaws dropped to ground but just the next moment Mu Chen grinned and commented

"Well a residence is a necessity too huh..."


Join the discord guys, I really need a lot of suggestions from you all~ ^^
