Astral Pagoda of Ancient Dragon (1)

"Well a residence is a necessity too huh..."

As Mu Chen said that he was filled with a smile and next pointed his hand towards one smooth surface of the ground with a smirk

"The Great Elders of Clan were really a bit too excited seeing my mansion last time, it seems they did some upgrades too..."

*Heavenly Blue Phonix Mansion*

As Mu Chen said that a grandiose version of Mu Chen's mansion suddenly appeared at the location in front of all the eyes, and the serene waterfall behind the mansion just made it look much more beautiful and mysterious

But that was not all as everyone noticed a gigantic Blue Phonix covered in Blue Flames slowly descending from the skies directly on top of the mansion

"A Blue Phonix!?"

"Is it an Immortal Spirit!?"

"The Flames look so pure..."

"So astonishing..."

Everyone seemed to be visibly amazed by the scenery in front of them while Mu Chen just sniggered and with little awe he also commented

"Seems like Elders really liked the mansion huh..."

[To think they will even awaken the Spirit of the mansion... Damn! To be honest the protagonist is always loved by the heavens but isn't a villain loved by the whole world?]

Mu Chen smirked and immediately commanded Ye Xiaobo without any delay

"This isn't time to be enjoying life, the other factions have already gained a huge influence over the Holyland, my talent and capability means nothing if I can't prove it

The world won't be coming to ask me for results, it's me who has to show results to the world, I already have late start into competition, we can't delay it any longer

Ye Xiaobo, can you guide me to the place which stores techniques of the Holyland?"

"Oh! I will immediately! Let us escort you to 'Astral Pagoda of Ancient Dragon'!"

Mu Chen nodded and next moment they immediately left towards the direction of that place, within just merely a few minutes Mu Chen and others arrived over at the place

As the mist covering that flat peak slowly came off Mu Chen saw huge enormous short looking yet extremely broad pagoda shaped buildings with hundreds of disciples coming and going from the place

"Young Master, that's the Astral Pagoda of Ancient Dragon, it is said to contain as much knowledge as the Legendary Ancient Dragons of the past,

An ordinary disciple can have access from level 1 to level 5 but they have to show their strength and achievements for the Holyland to access them

But you, as a new Inner Disciple you have access to up to 6th level out of 9 levels

A Core Disciple can have access up to the 7th level which contains some of mystical skills too, the Grand Elders and Heir of Holyland can have access upto the 8th Floor

And for the 9th floor only those acknowledged by the Supreme Elder can enter so even Grand Elders have to gain his access to enter that place, it is said to contain the inheritance of the founder of the Holyland!"

Mu Chen heard him and nodded and next moment all of them silently landed over the ground and started to follow after Mu Chen inside the Pagoda that was so huge that Mu Chen and others felt like insects in front of the behemoth

"Is that rumoured Young Master Mu Chen!?"

"Wasn't he recruited just a few hours ago!?"

"They are already entering the Astral Pagoda of Ancient Dragon..."

"He is so handsome!!!"

Everyone was amazed by Mu Chen's mere presence and as Mu Chen arrived inside the first level of Astral Pagoda of Ancient Dragon, Ye Xiaobo and all his men immediately surrounded Mu Chen like guards

Meanwhile Mu Chen silently closed his eyes while standing in front of hundreds of techniques stored in vault

'This place is really similar to the Infinite Growth Star Pagoda in the Clan huh, well anyways time to utilise the Villain Points right away, activate immersion state...'

[Activating Immersion State in 10 seconds!]

[1 Villain Point will be consumed every hour!]

*Null Void Mind Cultivation Technique_ Empty Pawn State!*

As soon as Mu Chen activated this state of his Mind Cultivation immediately felt like his mind had become completely empty like a vacuum and concentration level of Mu Chen was all time high towards his goal

*Celestial Art of Eternal Ascension!*

*Infinite Sword Heart*

Next second suddenly with shockwave suddenly 9 swords of his suddenly started floating in circles behind his back pointing at 9 different directions

Everyone watching this was absolutely stunned but next moment as Mu Chen opened his eyes a wave of pure golden light came out of his eyes with both pupils glowing radiant with purplish golden light

[[Immersion State Activated!!!]]

Immediately dozens of techniques all at once surrounded Mu Chen and started flipping at monstrous pace and various golden scriptures surrounded Mu Chen

"Immersion State!? Just at a mere glance!?!"

Ye Xiaobo was absolutely stunned as he saw that and without any delay next moment he and all others surrounding Mu Chen immediately activated array formation to guard Mu Chen so that not even blow of wind can disturb him

*9 Element Absolute Serene Array!!!*

"Immersion State... he was in immersion state over at Ancient Immortal Mu Clan not long ago, to enter Immersion State twice in such a short time... Just what is this kid?"

Suddenly Divination Sage Shen Qiqiang was seen coming out of space with surprised eyes with his pupils glowing like that of a dragon with white eyes


Join the discord guys, I really need a lot of suggestions from you all~ ^^
