Hidden Wisdom Pavallion (1)

"Mu Chen!?!"

Liu Yan was stunned hearing that name as he clearly recognised him and next suddenly looked at the curse mirror floating besides him and shouted

"So even after that curse... Not only was he safe but even annihilated my subordinates!? That young bastard! It definitely deserves punishment!!!"

As he was roaring that in here trembling with rage and frustration, the signs of madness were clearly visible in those eyes but the cause of all Mu Chen totally unaffected by any of these cursing aimed at him was just sitting outside his mansion drinking soul calming tea along with Xi Shi and his youngest disciple Xiao Wenqian

"So did you learn something new after this fight?"

Mu Chen questioned as he took a sip of his tea and looked at Xiao Wenqian with little side eyes, Xi Shi didn't seem to be paying much attention over this master disciple conversation and just focused over her own cup of tea

Xiao Wenqian on other hand hearing Mu Chen paused for a brief moment before finally giving a reply

"It seems unfortunate but I guess I'm not very talented in straight chivalrous battles, my talent for footwork technique and hiding is quite good thanks to the master and my racial capabilities,

But even if I might be far more talented than ordinary geniuses, the level of peak prodigies isn't something I can reach with my own efforts"

Xiao Wenqian didn't hide her incapabilities, if anything she was only disappointed in her own fate and nothing more, Mu Chen heard her and saw the look in her gaze and with a nod placed his tea aside and stated

"Indeed, truth always comes painfully in such matters but it's better to rather heal the painful wounds as fast as possible than letting them rot a person itself by letting it grow

You aren't talented in upfront battles, you don't have adequate strength, you don't have required long term stamina for this, maybe it's just for balance in life but to compensate for this you have great agility and vitality but guess there is one more thing people just forget that is just as important for survival in world as your own strength..."

As Mu Chen said that Xiao Wenqian's eyes lit up and she just questioned with slight curiosity in her eyes

"A thing people forget?"

"Indeed, in the world of cultivation where everyone is just dying to become stronger and stronger with their own strength and factions people just forget the base of all survival itself

Connections, Xiao Wenqian you have talent in making connections and manipulation, with that talent of yours you can easily make a lot of connections everywhere you go, making that web of connections you can easily weave wars everywhere you like and your position right now is also not bad"

As Xiao Wenqian heard him her usual lightness gaze seemed to spark with flames for a moment as she muttered

"Connections and manipulation..."

"Indeed making use of these two blades of minds, wounds can be even more lethal than the broken limbs or crippled cultivation, along with growing your cultivation, grow your presence in a world of connections!"

Mu Chen grinned with the look of amusement in his eyes and continued

"You just need to think everyone as your pawns, a pawn can be in situations be more precious your own life but other times not even worth your attention, I myself am your pawn for you to use but the condition is that 'this' pawn will only be moving by capable hands at right moment but well you still have a lot of time for that for now just focus on growth"

Mu Chen smiled and patted a few times on Xiao Wenqian's head and once again grabbed his tea and finished it all in one go as he commented

"Now that's some taste!"

"Indeed, this coldflare tea hits hardest when it's drunk in one strong gulp!"

Xi Shi just smiled and drunk her own tea in same way and both started laughing for no reason, Xiao Wenqian watching both laugh just curved her little lips into slight smile and also finished her tea with beginning to new plans of future in her mind

The next morning as Mu Chen came out he noticed Xiao Wenqian missing from his Sacred Peak

"Ye Xiaobo? I don't see my little snake today?"

"Haha! Little Miss seems a bit too ambitious! You do know about the 'Hidden Wisdom Pavallion' right young master?"

As Mu Chen heard Ye Xiaobo he nodded, no one among the real bigshots of Immortal World didn't know if this organisation, they were there greatest organisation for secret informations in entire world with millions of members but not even a single memeber's identity is known outside of organisation, they were like wind that just exists but can't be seen

"Well little miss just said she is going out to plant the first step of her plans to overtake that organisation itself! Hahaha! Guess everyone needs to learn as they grow old!"

Ye Xiaobo didn't take Xiao Wenqian very seriously as any sane person but Mu Chen knowing the missing pieces just sniggered as he commented

"Well people indeed people learn from mistakes but what if this step even doesn't make mistake in first place? If it's planned and it works it isn't a mistake right?"



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