Hidden Wisdom Pavallion (2)

"Well people indeed learn from mistakes but if this step isn't make a mistake in the first place? If it's planned and it works it isn't a mistake right?"

Mu Chen sniggered as he cracked up his muscles, after warming up early in morning his gaze went over to Ye Xiaobo's face that seemed to be lost in the vastness of the universe

"Well that's a rather reasonable reaction..."

Mu Chen just casually commented and started to leave the place into his usual life again of watering his own personal herb garden and trying to find something new in those same scenes again

"Wait! Wait! Wait! Young Master! Are you really serious!? You seriously consider her to be actually successful in that plan!?"

Ye Xiaobo suddenly exploded in panic, Mu Chen turned back and looked back at that face and easily nodded as he replied

"Your reaction is indeed a normal one but none of my disciples are anything even close to being called normal!"

Mu Chen scoffed and next second on his command a space portal suddenly emerged in front of him and Mu Chen commanded

"Your reaction awakened my little curiosity too, then let's just go see what little snake is doing leaving the house so early today"

"Great thinking young master!!!"

Ye Xiaobo immediately followed Mu Chen into the space portal and as Mu Chen looked at the jade slip in his hand he came out in mid air over skies and as he looked down he noticed a whole bunch of crowd in busy streets of a grand city not so far away from Immortal Void Holyland

"Oh... it's the Blue Crane City, well it's close to Immortal Void Holyland so safety and trade here is actually good here but it's nothing special for us young master"

"Nothing special for bigshots meaning really special for people who are not big shot, great thinking my little snake..."

Mu Chen smiled with satisfaction and his gaze was already set on Xiao Wenqian wandering into the streets with face covered in cloak not attracting any attention in the crowd

"Well things are getting fun..."

Mu Chen muttered and next a layer of concealed barrier covered both Mu Chen's and Ye Xiaobo's presence up in air making them seem almost similar to air in there

"Wha-!? Young Master!? When did you master this top class concealm-"


Mu Chen stopped Ye Xiaobo's words with a signal as his eyes were filled with amusement as he looked down over his disciple and slowly a little reddish aura of divination started to come out from corners of Mu Chen's eyes and immediately a bright grin flashed over his face as he commented

"The chances indeed seem pretty high with the things she is planning but I just want to see how she will even manage to pull such a plan off"

Ye Xiaobo was utterly confused but just gulped down his thoughts as he saw Mu Chen looking so interested and on other hand on the ground Xiao Wenqian moved quietly through streets and arrived into a dark part of the city and entered a building of an inn and went directly into second floor to sit in table which already had another man sitting there eating meat and drinking wine

"Southern Eagle seems to be getting too close to the sun these days, It seems like it's about time its wings get engulfed in flames by the sun's heat, isn't that right?"

Xiao Wenqian suddenly uttered those words as she sat quietly still hiding the face inside her cloak, the man looked in front of him with eyes a little widened and a thought flashed in his mind

'When did she even arrive here!? But more importantly I can't even measure her cultivation... I had only heard of it in rumours but is this really how...'

"The way of people from 'Hidden Wisdom Pavallion'? Truly worthy of fame, so young and I can't even see through your cultivation..."

The man commented with amazed tone but Mu Chen watching everything through a layer of space was even more amused as he saw through everything and commented

"She took the 'Celestial Mirage Ring' with her to conceal her cultivation huh, she did her research about that organisation within a night and prepared according to everything within a few hours, that's actually quite good..."

"Celestial Mirage Ring, well such treasure is exclusive to only a few people in the whole Blessed Void Immortal World, guess she used your name to borrow it from the treasury of our peak..."

Mu Chen nodded and suddenly out of nowhere the man in front of Xiao Wenqian suddenly grabbed his sword and in a flash cut off the piece of cloak hiding Xiao Wenqian's face

"Forgive me for being rude but I can't be any less cautious for such matters"

The man apologised in his own senses without actually caring anything about Xiao Wenqian's actual thoughts but as he looked at Xiao Wenqian's face he only got to see a face of an entirely another being instead of the real face of Xiao Wenqian

This new face was of a rather more mature looking woman with shorter ashen hairs with left side of face covered on burn marks, as the man saw that face he was left stunned by the burn marks even the people watching this little commotion were a bit stunned


"You think I'm here to conceal my beauty or something?"

The man tried to apologise in panic but got cut off in the middle of his words as Xiao Wenqian coldly rejoined the cut off pieces and covered the face again and with bone chilling words she just stated

"I was initially here to burn the southern eagle with the sun's flames but I guess letting the Southern Eagle swallow the sun itself isn't so bad now... Cause this Sun is a bit too arrogant!"



Join the discord guys, I really need a lot of suggestions from you all~ ^+^
