Hidden Wisdom Pavallion (3)

"I was initially here to burn the southern eagle with the sun's flames but I guess letting the Southern Eagle swallow the sun itself isn't so bad now... Cause this sun is a bit too arrogant!"

Xiao Wenqian's cold words silenced the whole place, the man standing in front of him also felt the shivers down to his spines feeling chills immediately sat back and a thin barrier covered them both as he pleaded

"Forgive me! I was too rude and forgot my boundaries! I didn't want to offend anyone from the Hidden Wisdom Pavallion!!!"

Xiao Wenqian remained silent and after a brief moment just quietly stated

"Hidden Wisdom Pavallion also doesn't want to be in too much light, do the usual compensation for your arrogance!"

As Xiao Wenqian said that Mu Chen easily saw her activating her talent to interfere with the mentality of the man in front of her messing a little with his memories, the man in front of her was unconsciously dazed for a moment until the loud bang on table didn't knock him back

"This is the information request from us!"

Xiao Wenqian shouted as she placed a small scrolled paper on the table and immediately left the place leaving the man still stunned and trembling from sheer fear of Xiao Wenqian's presence

"A-as expected of someone from that place, even ordinary workers are so cold..."

The man muttered under his breath and with trembling hands took the paper left by Xiao Wenqian and as he read through content the trembling from his hands spread over to his whole body and a huge grin emerged over his face as he shouted in excitement

"Finally! Finally I have found the way! So that's your weakness hahahaha!"

"Well this one is done for~"

Mu Chen who just read everything from that letter same as this man here just shook his head feeling pity for this little guy and quietly started to talk away along with Ye Xiaobo who was still petrified over what had just happened

"H-how! I definitely know that was Little Miss so now! Just how that scar faced woman..."

Mu Chen sighed seeing him so shocked and explained as he dragged him along behind him

"It's just the racial skill of Xiao Wenqian, she can change her physical structure to pretty much anyone and though a master can see through that in a few minutes but she used her talent to play with that man's mind and kept her Identity a secret"

Ye Xiaobo slowly came out of the shock and muttered

"Then what about that information scroll... what is she is even trying by playing someone else's character here..."

Mu Chen sniggered and replied

"Well I don't know what she is trying to do playing as someone else but I do know that the information she gave was a fake one, she took help from Hao Meng and taking advantage of his informants she managed to arrive a few hours earlier than the real member of Hidden Wisdom Pavallion, if she wanted she could have given right information too but she purposefully turned the situation for worse, there seems to some plans hidden in here..."

Mu Chen thought for a moment and just threw away his overused thoughts and commented

"Well guess I don't know for now, let the future show itself when time comes"

Mu Chen smirked and as expected in a few days this man here, with actual identity of Core Disciple of South Ocean Eagle Sect was found dead after attempting to kill his disciple brother trying to exploit the weakness but as news about the weakness was absolutely wrong instead of killing others he got himself killed

After this incident several more incidents ended in similar manner through no real information was revealed to ordinary people but among people of reputable clans and sects the rumours about Hidden Wisdom Pavallion giving out wrong information have started to spread at rapid speed

The reputation of Hidden Wisdom Pavallion has started to move towards bottom but even then there were no direct reactions from the real members of the organisation

"So they still want to keep ignoring me, but oh well..."

Xiao Wenqian muttered that as she was sitting in some city around Immortal Void Holyland with face still covered in cloak and next just placed a few immortal stones there and left

'But well that was within what I had expected, if they started to reach out to me directly after a few little rumours and reputation then it won't be the organisation that I actually want...'

Xiao Wenqian nodded with a hint of coldness in her pupils and left, after a few days suddenly mysteriously more than a hundred auction houses got completely annihilated with all resources missing from those places and auction managers dead by a traceless poison

"Hey! Did you hear those rumours"

"To think someone will be acting so wild everywhere"

"I heard it was the Hidden Wisdom Pavallion that took commission for it"

"Man! I told you these bastards can't be trusted!"

The rumours spread like wildfire among the high society but the Hidden Wisdom Pavallion still seems to be showing patience but Xiao Wenqian seemed to be holding much more patience

"Young Master... Isn't it too cruel, little miss is now just blatantly running wild everywhere"

Ye Xiaobo who along with Mu Chen had seen everything these past days opposed but Mu Chen hearing him just scoffed and replied

"Tell me a single person in your world who is a pure Saint not guilty of a single sin undeserving of death, tell me a person who didn't kill others for his own benefits, tell me a single person who won't kill others if he can get benefits from it?"



Join the discord guys, I really need a lot of suggestions from you all~ ^+^
