Night time delivery

It was late at night, at 11 pm to be exact, that the truck with the Embleton Company's symbol parked in the driveway of an apartment, that was where Keith and his family although poor, lived for years

when his apartment doorbell rang, Keith, who was reading an old book and scribbling some notes in his room, when suddenly a slight ding could be heard

"Package for Keith Ligoniel!" hearing those words Keith got up from his mattress and made his way to the door while smiling 'at least she kept her promise' he thought

before taking the package and opening it 'well since tomorrow is Saturday and there isn't school...' he thought while smiling before lying on his half-covered mattress and putting the VR set on


[You have been successfully transferred to a starting planet]

Those were the words Keith heard when he woke up in a half-dead forest, he got up while pressing a palm on his forehead as he still felt dizzy "ugh... I wouldn't have thought that the teleportation would be this... bad"

After waiting a bit for the dizziness to go away Keith looked around, he was in a forest, and though most of them seemed dead silent at first, it seems that the forest was very much lively, as there was a river near and many animals, mostly rabbits

Keith looked around for a bit more before calling his status screen to see what he got for starting equipment.

[Name: Keith

Race: Advanced Human

Class: N/A

Status: N/A

Level: 0

Health point: ???/???

Energy point: ???/???

Stamina point: ???/???

Experience: ???/???

Strength: ???

Dexterity: ???

constitution: ???

intelligence: ???

wisdom: ???

charisma: ???

Skills: N/A

Spells: N/A

Proficiency: Lowest-level Handguns proficiency, Lowest-level Hand to Hand Combat proficiency

Mastery: N/A]

Keith looked through his stat before checking his inventory for his starting equipment, as it just show what he got at the moment


-Gunner's clothes (100%) (common)

-Energy Handgun (common)

-Gunner's Gloves (common)

-10 Days Rations]

Keith, seeing the energy gun on the screen tilted his head before looking down, he saw a handgun there, it had golden and black features and a straight glowing white line running on his barrel, which would pulse every now and a while, which would match his glove which also seems to have similar features as white glowing lines extended from the base of it toward his fingers.

Keith stood up and looked at the sun, and tried to pinpoint where to go, but he couldn't find any ways, so he just walked parallel to the river, as he knew, where there is a river there should be a city


{~10 minutes later}

After a while, Keith finally saw a structure near the river, a bridge made out of iron parts, which seemed to be rusted in part, as he walked closer he could see that it wasn't rusted, as it was very clean and had a bronze colour, which means that it was very frequently used.

but Keith didn't approach it immediately, he doesn't know anyone on the planet after all, so he just stayed hidden on the side for roughly half an hour observing the situation and people that would come

After a while, he heard the sound of wheels running on the gravel road, as Keith hid behind a rock and carefully looked at the people coming around.

he could see a strange humanoid figure with a hidden face in the distance running with a rough backpack, though it seems some part of his body was replaced with weird mechanical parts as well as tubes of glowing energy, just like his gun, and he seemed to run much faster than normal human as he was able to gain ground against his followers,

in fact behind people were chasing the unknown figure, which Keith assumed to be a thief, as the chasing people are much better equipped, and have golden flashes on them,

two of them seemed to have horses who are also mechanically modified or just armoured and there was also a closed carriage behind them, trained by 2 other horses,

as the guards or soldiers were chasing closer and closer to Keith, he had to make a quick decision, either support the guards by shooting at the thief or supporting the thief.

he pondered deeply in the few seconds he had, he thought about the benefits of both options, and he thought about their numbers,

in the end, he chooses to help the guards, because if not he would have a hard time entering any cities related to that faction, and the thieves would probably never know that he was the person who helped them,

Keith peeked at them and estimated the distance between him and the rogue was about 100 meters now, he aimed with his energy pistol from his hiding spot waiting for the perfect opportunity,

90 meters...

80 meters...


50 meters!

Keith aimed at the person's head and pressed the button as a ray of white energy shooted out of the handgun, he also felt something flow from his arm into the gun, but he left it for later

the white ray was very quick as Keith watched it shoot out and reach the running thief in a nano-second...

[-456! Critical hit! Deadly strike!]

the ray directly pierced the thief's head as Keith walked out of his hiding spot, he then received another notification from the system

[you have Killed Bandit's Thief(???) level 2]

[you received 250 EXP points!]

[Attention! your reputation with the local bandit's group might fall if they found the body or traces of murder that connect to you!]

[you have begun your learning of skill [Ambush] progress: 1/???]

[you have Killed a Thief in the presence of City Guards, item rewards from the Thief's Corpse will not be received but you can request a reward in the local Sheriff's Hall!]

After killing the thief Keith approached the corpse which has fallen on the ground and just stood there, waiting for the people on the horses to reach him...