Hateful Judge

In the audition room, the judges accessed the petite Jeslyn for a while with satisfaction. Her face is remarkable and would certainly help her in the industry. All they need now is just a little bit of talent from her and her beauty will do the rest. 

"Jeslyn Lee, that name rings a bell." The only female judge in the room said with doubt and a tinge of malice. She couldn't remember where she heard that name from. 

"She probably got into a scandal due to her face, I'm sure." One of the male judges replied. 

Another male judge nodded: "The face is indeed enough to cause controversy. So, it's understandable. But then, if she uses it well, she'll be an A-lister in a year. After all, talents don't matter these days." 

The judges spoke amongst themselves in low voices. Although Jeslyn couldn't hear them, she was sure it was about her. She sighed and hoped that she wouldn't get disqualified before her plans even began. 

"Jeslyn Lee, you can start–"