Death Certificate

"...My mother and grandfather were the richest people in Rose City. With their wealth combined, do you think anyone, including Rose City's law, can get in my way if I had their wealth? I could have simply settled everything with money. So I'm sure your belief is broken now. 

Meanwhile, if my grandfather was angry that I disgraced my ex-fiance on the altar, he wouldn't have hugged me, spoken softly to me, and shielded me at the wedding venue, in the presence of all the guests. If you are still in doubt, do thorough research, ma'am." She concluded. Jeslyn explained every single thing like she was schooling children because, who knows, it might be helpful to her in the future… 

A pin-drop silence overtook the hall as all the judges were in deep thought. After a long while, a male judge asked: "So, are you saying your sister framed you?"