Father and son at the hotel

The intruders were caught off guard at first but a moment later, they found cover and also started shooting at the bed. 

Pink moved away from the bed and also sought cover as the shooting continued. 

Behind the floor-to-ceiling window, one of Nancy's right-hand men, Death, who was known for his brutality, pulled out the safety pin of the blast ball he was holding and threw it into the room. The ball produced a white foam of tear gas, which not only debilitated Pink, but the others too. 

Pink's throat, eyes, and nose took in the impact of the tear gas immediately as it spread inside the room. Even so, she was determined to fight against the irritating, pepperish, and painful effect before she was shot by Death with a tranquilizer, in her neck. 

Pink pointed her gun at the window while she was feeling dizzy. Before she could aim at the tall man who was walking towards her, she swayed and fell to the floor. 

The next morning…