Meeting Nancy

Brian pushed the door open and walked in. The faint smell of gunpowder, blood, and some weird and unrecognized substance filled the air. 

He subconsciously knitted his brows and switched on the lights. The sitting room looked fine, so he called her number again. 

Brian could hear her phone ringing from the inner room but no answer. Feeling odd, he walked towards the door to the inner room and slowly pushed it to create a small gap. He didn't want to barge in on her if she was inside. The second he did that, the smell of gunpowder and blood became thicker. 

Brian's heart dived as he forcefully pushed the door open and stepped in. 

"Older sister…" he called softly, his voice had a tinge of fear in it. 

He took a small step forward like his shoe was filled with mud. "Old– older sister?" he called again but still no response. Just as he took another step, his leg hit something and he tumbled over. Looking closely, he noticed it was a HUMAN!