Moses in Polska!/ Henryk the Poles

[]A/N: I won't be able to upload often these coming weeks, got a thesis defence coming up and I'm the leader so...f*ck my groupmates for nominating me. Enjoy the chap tho, peace out![]


[St. Ottery Catchpole, December 22nd, 1991]

"Moses have you finished packing?!" A feminine voice shouted,

It's been a few days since Moses returned to his home, and rather than receiving a welcome, what he received from the younger children were sulks and huffs. After all, he promised them a souvenir for his return, but instead, all he gave them were a bunch of potatoes that he sneaked out of Hogwarts' breakfast... Thankfully, Sister Lily immediately calmed them down, thereby settling the situation.

The next day, he went to find Luna, only to be disappointed when he learned from Sister Lily that the Lovegoods were not present because they wanted to make the most of their time before Luna's first year at Hogwarts. Sister Lily said that they are currently in the Amazon right now, having the time of their lives with the exotic magical beasts.

"Just a little bit left, sister!" A boy with golden blonde hair replied with a shout while fixing his bag of clothes and other necessities. After packing everything, he rushed downstairs with his bag.

"Father are we going by plane?" asked Moses in glee; he hadn't experienced riding one yet, so he was quite excited.

"I'm sorry to burst your bubbles, Moses. But no, we're not traveling by plane." Father Orsi replied while smiling apologetically at Moses. Moses was disappointed for a bit, but he quickly regained his emotions.

"— But! I'm sure you'll be interested in something similar with—this!" The priest exclaimed as he took a hanging object from his neck.

"Your cross?" Moses asked while tilting his head confusedly,

"HAHAHA, it's not just a cross, son. It's a private portkey, just for me. A friend made this for me. It's a magical object enchanted to instantly bring anyone touching it to a specific location, or in our case, to Poland. Now hold it," explained Father Orsi as he gave the metal cross to Moses, which Moses received. Both of them touched the portkey, and Father said,

"Now I'll count, if I say to let go, you immediately let go, understand?" Father Orsi instructed, and Moses replied eagerly, a little excited about what would happen.

"Bye-bye!" Sister Lily said goodbye with a smile.

"Ready, 1. 2. 3—OHHH!"

At Father Orsi's shout, Moses saw something that he will never forget in his life. The world itself was spinning quickly before his eyes, and as they spun around in mid-air, he looked below and noticed that the space was cracking until it ultimately formed into some sort of wormhole that was being covered by dark clouds and a fast streak of lightning. They were both sucked through a strong wormhole that made their bodies a little wonky at first, but once they were inside, they returned to normal.

"YAHOOOO!" Moses shouted, ecstatic at the sensations that he was currently experiencing.

"Moses, let go!" Father Orsi shouted to him, which Moses just answered with a nod as they both let go.

Moses descended slowly to the ground, watching the vast lands of trees below him grow from small to large in a matter of seconds.

"We're here. Looks like you've had your fun, huh?" Father Orsi commented as he chuckled,

"Yeah! It's a little better than flying at high speeds!" Moses replied nonchalantly,

"Flying at high speeds?" Father Orsi asked, wondering what Moses was talking about. The instant that he heard Father Orsi's question, Moses' eyes widened comically in shock as he thought of the excuse that he would give.

"Ye — Yeah! Right, I fly so fast at my dreams, it's kind of fun!"

"I see, HAHAHA, I dreamed of something like that too when I was a child. I was floating and encircling the Eiffel Tower." Father Orsi shared with a bit of pride,



After walking for quite a few distances, Moses and Father Orsi arrived in a wooden house with a double story, it looks like your typical family farm house in the countryside, and the place is surrounded with greeneries and chickens.

"We've arrived!" Father Orsi exclaimed with a smile while stretching his back while Moses observed his surroundings.

'It feels peaceful.' Moses thought to himself with a smile.

"Kleiner Erik, komm hier raus, du undankbares Kind!" Father Orsi shouted, causing Moses to be shocked.

"Father, why do you need to shout?!" Moses whispered in agitation, and even though Father Orsi shouted in a different language, Moses still understood what he said.

(Little Erik, come out here, you ungrateful child!) His mind 'deciphered' what Father Orsi shouted with a little help from his command. Moses, understanding the problem that is called "the language barrier," had already made a sure way to fix it before going to Poland. What he didn't expect is that instead of speaking Polish, Father Orsi shouted in German.

By commanding,

{I command my brain to have the ability to speak, understand, and decipher any and all languages!}

And thus, we have our very own universal translator that doesn't know the true extent of having an omnilingual mind. After all, the only thing he thought his command could do was decipher any language, when language has far more broad terms that he is currently unaware of.

However, even though omnilingualism can greatly enhance a person's math intellect due to its ability to decode the language of math, Moses' dyscalculia hasn't gone away, not even a little. However, he doesn't need know about that.

"Erik! Komm runter, du Punk!"

(German TL: Erek! Come down here, you punk!)

Father yelled, his veins visible in his neck.

Before Moses could interrupt Father Orsi, a middle-aged man cautiously exited the door. The man winced his eyes to look at Father Orsi clearly, and a moment later, a look of shock appeared on his face.

"Pater Orsi!" The man shouted in excitement as he ran toward Father Orsi in glee. As he sprinted, he raised his hand for a hug, but before he could hug Father Orsi, Father Orsi, with great speed, hugged his waist and picked him up with great strength that was supposed to be impossible for his age.

Then, once he had completely picked up the man...And with a grunt, he throws him backwards. Completely performing the infamous German SUPPLEX



The middle-aged man groaned as he rose slowly from the bushes.

"Du hättest mich töten können!"

(German TL: You could have killed me!)

The man yelled in annoyance while rubbing his neck in pain.

"Well, you're alive, aren't you?" Father Orsi asked with a sarcastic tone, to which the middle-aged man just replied by saying,

"Barely, old man!" Angrily.

After saying that, a peaceful silence engulfed the two of them as they stared at each other for a few seconds, then they suddenly moved simultaneously and hugged each other out while wearing smiles of their own.

"It's good to see you again, Father." The middle-aged man said this while tightly hugging Father Orsi.

"It's good to see you again, Erik, my child." With a fatherly hug, Father Orsi said.

"Vater, ich habe dir etwas zu zeigen."

(German TL: Father, I have something to show you.)

Said Erik with a hint of excitement as he guided us inside his house. Letting Moses and Father in, they were surrounded by a cozy family home. Wooden floors, ceilings, and tables—it's a normal home for a rural community. Then Moses and Father Orsi were greeted by a woman and a toddler, about 2–3 years old. Erek let go of Father Orsi and hugged the woman affectionately while smiling at Father.

"Father, meet my family. This is my wife, Magda Gurzsky, and my sweet little daughter, Nina Gurzsky." said Erik while embracing his wife and daughter as he looked at Father Orsi with a proud smile.

After introducing them to each other, Father asked Erek to have a private talk with his wife and daughter in the dining room, leaving Moses and Erik alone in the living room.

"Father said we were meeting someone named Henryk Gurzsky, is he here, sir?"

"I am Henryk Gurzsky, child." Erek replied with a serious expression, gone was his joyful smile while looking at Father Orsi.

"What? But I heard Father called you Erik...?" Moses asked while tilting his head, he was confused at what's the man is saying.

"Well...I have 4 names." Erik replied awkwardly, he was hesitant to tell his real name to a child considering how gullible and noisy they are.

"You have more than one name too??" Moses asked in expectation, as far as he knows one person can only have one name, and one of his oddities is his second unknown name too, so he was quite shocked when he heard someone with two names too.

"Yeah... Why? You have more than one name too?" Erik asked, confused by what the child meant.

"Yeah, though I don't know what my second name is, and maybe, I'll never know."

'Right... This child's an orphan too, maybe he was talking about the name that his real family gave him...' Erik thought while looking at Moses sympathetically,

"What's your name that you knew, kid?"

"My name's Moses, just Moses. When Father discovered me floating in the river, he gave me that name. I'm quite proud of my name, to be honest. I've read all about him, including how he split the sea in half." Moses replied absorbingly. He was rather comfortable with this middle-aged man, it's like a feeling of kinship for him even though he doesn't know why, considering that the man before him is only a normal human.

'Can I split the sea in half? That would be cool!' Moses fantasizes while looking dazed.

While he's absorbed in his daydreaming, a sudden laughter coming from the dining area takes him out of his thoughts. Erik and Moses looked at each other confused, wondering what they were laughing about, and due to their curiosity, they both stood up and went to the dining area to take a peek.

When they arrived, they saw Father Orsi showing pictures of a young man to the mother and daughter duo, causing the mother to laugh at some of them.

"To wtedy złamał nos podczas łapania metalowej piłki baseballowej. HAHAHA, bachor powiedział, że chce kontrolować swoje moce, więc mu w tym pomogłem."

(Polish TL: That's when he broke his nose catching a metal baseball. HAHAHA, the brat said he wanted to control his powers, so I helped him with it.)

Father Orsi said this while showing a picture of a young Erik wearing a baseball helmet with blood on his nose and mouth. Erik's wife laughed, and her daughter chuckled in delight even though she didn't understand much of what was going on; Nina is happy as long as her mother is laughing.

"You have powers?" Moses asked nonchalantly, causing Erik, Father Orsi, and Magda to widen their eyes. Moses looked at them, confused at their reaction.

"Moses... You can understand Polish?" Father Orsi asked. When Moses heard Father Orsi's question, he widened his eyes in shock,


After figuring out the mistake that he made, he uttered,


[]Give me power stones or I'll kill Erik's fam :)))...[]

[]You can read 3-5 chapters ahead on my p@treon![]