Christmas at the Gurzskys

[]A/N: I'm back! Please read the notes at the end![]

[Somewhere in Poland, December 22nd, 1991]

"So...knowing that we will go to Poland, you decided to learn Polish?"


"I see... then you should have said so from the beginning, Moses." Father Orsi said while holding his forehead while shaking his head,

"Well, I thought it was no big deal, Father," Moses replied with a shrug, as he sat on the bed.

After Moses's blunder, Father Orsi asked Erik to give them some private time to talk with Moses. Erik gave them a guest room, which led them to this situation.

"Tell me, Father, what do you mean when you say powers? Is that man a wizard too?" Moses questioned, his gaze fixated on Father Orsi.

Hearing Moses' question, Father Orsi sighed in frustration as he questioned,

"Tell me, where are you in your study of biology right now?" He asked while looking solemnly at Moses.

"Biology? You're questioning me about that?" Moses said, trying to shrug off Father Orsi's question.

"Don't fool me, Doctor told me about your studies in it; you're quite advanced," Father Orsi said with a hint of pride while looking at Moses.

"Cell Structures, Molecular Biology, Genetics, Evolution, and Natural Selection. I read whatever interests me, though I haven't read any books in bio since I've come to Hogwarts." Moses explained,

"Cell Structures I can believe you, but molecular biology, genetics, and natural selection? What do you eat for breakfast to be that smart?!" Father Orsi asked in glee while rubbing Moses's hair.

"...Potatoes...?" Moses muttered to himself, quite unsure of his answer,

"If you're already that advanced, then I believe this will only be easy for you to understand," Father Orsi muttered as he sat beside Moses while wearing a grievous look.

"Tell me, what do you know about Homo sapiens?" Father Orsi asked, his hands clasped while wearing a serious look.

"It is us, right? Homo sapiens are the modern humans of today." Moses answered while looking at Father Orsi with a confused look.

"Correct, then what's the next stage of it?"

"Nothing yet, but I've read something about it before from Doctor Bern's studies, but before I could dive into it, the doctor took the book from me and said I'm not ready to read it yet," Moses replied while holding his chin, seemingly in thought.

"Of course, Doctor Bern will have a book about it, that man's a science enthusiast. Anyways, the next stage of Homo sapiens is called Homo superior." Father Orsi commented with an expected look

"Homo superior? That's a big claim..."

"You—you're really smart, huh?"

"It's like saying that they are the apex of the apex human, the only difference is that humans, in their entirety will never allow an apex predator to live in their habitat." Moses muttered while thoughts, every word that came out of his mouth made Father Orsi astonished, but before he could speak to Moses about his opinion, his thoughts were diverted by Moses's question,

"What's their difference from a normal human, Father?"

However, before Father Orsi could reply to Moses' question, Erik suddenly opened the door, causing Moses and Father Orsi to look at him in confusion.

"Vater, ist es wirklich in Ordnung, so etwas einem Kind zu erzählen?"

(German TL: Father, is it really okay to say something like that to a child?)

Erik questioned while looking at Father Orsi, and Father Orsi replied by saying,

"Wie wirst du dann erwarten, ihm deine Kräfte zu erklären?Vertrau mir einfach, ich vertraue Moses, dieses Kind ist der Engel deiner Schwester Lily"

(German TL: Then how do you expect to explain to him about your powers? Just trust me—I trust Moses, this child is your sister Lily's angel.)

Father Orsi, after saying those words, turned back to look at Moses, but before he could do so, a coin levitated between them.

Moses immediately activated his mage sight, however, when he saw that no hint of mana signature was responsible for levitating it, he was shocked to his core.

"This is what I can do, child. I can manipulate metal in any way I see fit. I am a master of magnetism. My kind is called a mutant, or as Father Orsi said, Homo superior..."

"Homo Superior... mutant..." Moses uttered these words in a daze while examining the floating coin in front of him.


"Our kind has a different set of powers for each of us. Normally, I wouldn't just tell anyone about this, but Father Orsi trusts you, and I trust Father with my life. But I swear, if you, in any way betrayed my trust, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will hunt you dow —" Erik muttered every word with a serious expression, looking like he meant it. As Erek was saying this, Moses looked at Erek's face with an unwavering gaze and a firm stance.

But before Erik could finish his sentence, Father Orsi shouted in a stern voice.


Erik looked at Father Orsi in agitation, the levitating coin fell on the ground as he turned around and decided to take his leave, but, before he could take a step outside the door, Moses stopped him,


Erik stopped in his tracks, seemingly waiting for Moses to say something.

"You left your coin," Moses muttered coolly, causing Erik to glance at him in confusion. With a raise of his hand, Moses levitated the same coin that Erik was levitating and hurled it towards the side of Erik's head as it dug deep beside the wooden door.

"It looks like we both know some of each other's secrets now, Uncle Erik. How about a truce?" Moses continued with a confident smile. Erik, who overheard him say that, stared at him for a few seconds before suddenly smiling.


"Father Orsi took me into his orphanage in 1947. After escaping from my captors, I was a castaway from where he had found me. And since then, for ten years, Father has taken care of me and helped me with my powers. He became the father that I didn't have since they took them away from me. I left the orphanage unannounced because I knew for myself that the path that I took would be an unjustified one." Erik said it with a despondent expression.

After Moses introduced himself as a being with superhuman powers, Erik immediately thought of him as a mutant, a man similar to his own, and a brother. Which led them to this situation, where all of them except Nina, who's currently in her bed, are situated at the dining room table. Father Orsi, Magda, Erik's wife, who's currently holding Erik soothingly, and Moses, who's currently eating a potato.

"If you have read a newspaper, then I believe you've heard of me as a terrorist mutant called... Magneto."

"Ah! We don't have a newspaper because Father said the messenger was always late, and lazy at his job causing our town to be ignored by the messengers," Moses replied while chewing,

Erik looked at Father Orsi confusedly, causing the man in question to be uncomfortable.

"Ah, that. I was shielding the orphanage's children from the outside world, you know what the newspaper is talking about these days. It's always about a weapon, especially that Starks'. " Father Orsi replied while rubbing the back of his head awkwardly.

"Well, if you don't know about Magneto, young Moses. Then it's better for it to stay that way. I'm curious, though, on why Charles hasn't picked you up yet," Erik stated with a confused look, deep in his thoughts.

"Charles?" Moses asked while yawning, its been a long day for him today, and he's getting sleepy.

"My friend... A telepath, a man capable of breaking into the innermost depths of someone's mind. He has a school named Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters." Erik said with a nostalgic and longing look,

"He sounds like a very dangerous man, Uncle Erik..." Moses commented with a serious expression,

'Mind barrier noted...' He thought to himself, but he was taken of his thought by Erik's laugh,

"You're right, child. He could defeat and control me with ease, and he won't break a sweat." Erik replied with a defeated smile as he continued,

"I'll give you the address later, It's been a long day for the two of you, I'm sure you're quite jetlagged from the flight, especially you, Father. You're not getting any younger, you do know that, right?" Erik asked teasingly while looking at Father, trying to make fun of him for his age.

"Oh quiet, brat. Moses, it's your bedtime now, go upstairs and I'll follow you," Father Orsi instructed Moses. Moses tiredly stood up and went upstairs, leaving the adults at the table.

"Teraz też pójdę na górę, Nina mnie potrzebuje."

(Polish TL: I'll go upstairs now too, Nina needs me.)

Magda said as she kissed Erik on the cheeks affectionately, then stood up and went upstairs.

After a few moments, Erik stood up and took something from the fridge.

"You think you can still keep up with me, old man?" Erik said, smiling as he took a beer from the fridge.

"What did you say? I seem to hear a dog's whimper." Father Orsi replied in a mocking manner as he fixed up his sleeves, seemingly readying himself for a match.

"HAHAHA, you're on, old man!"


[Somewhere in Poland, December 25th, 1991]

In the past few days, Moses has had one of the most wholesome moments of his life. Uncle Erik, as he was affectionately known, became one of his three favorite people in the world.

They did all the stuff that some may call a father and son's perfect bonding during these days, including playing chess and ping pong, reading some interesting books about mechanical engineering, and most importantly, his most favorite activity, wood logging.

Erik also taught him how to properly hold an axe and hit a log. It's not much, but to him, simple and normal things matter a lot considering how powerful his ability gave him some sort of speck of humanity.

They ate a variety of meals at Kolacja wigilijna (Christmas Eve supper); Moses particularly enjoyed the Sernik, a type of cheesecake in Poland. After that, during their meal, they laugh to their own heart's content, and Moses experiences the closest thing that he can think of to being in a complete family, however, he only shrugs those thoughts away and smiles innocently so that Father Orsi and Erik can't see his sad look.

After that, they gave their presents to each other. At first, Moses didn't have anything to give them, but after some thought, he decided to just create a necklace that he created out of thin air using his commandments.

{The air will turn into the necklace that I am thinking of.}

After creating the necklace, he enchanted them with another commandment.

{This metal will give its wearer protection against any attack, slight regeneration, immunity to illness, and enhanced intellect.}

Because he enchanted the said 'metal' itself and not the concept of a necklace, his commandment became a passive enchantment on the said metal. Thereby giving it a permanent ability without reducing his active commandments.

When Father Orsi asked where he got it, he just answered by saying,

"At school." to which Father Orsi only replied with a knowing nod.

Erik gratefully hugged Moses after receiving the necklace and assisted his wife and daughter in wearing it.

"Co powiesz bratu Mojżeszowi, Ninie?"

[Polish TL: What do you say to brother Moses, Nina?]

Erik asked his daughter.

"Dziękuję ci, bracie Mojżeszu!"

[Polish TL: Thank you, brother Moses!

Nina said cutely, which caused Moses to carry her up and collide his cheeks against hers playfully causing the girl to giggle adorably. After that, Erik gave a box to Moses that is covered with a gift wrap. Moses opened it with excitement, and when he saw what was inside, a huge smile adorned his face.

"Father Orsi said you liked books, I have these two that I received from my other mutant friend, you know, Charles. The biology one was from him –" Erik said while looking at Moses, who's holding the books like he's holding a baby.

[Humanity's Evolution: The Destined Future of the Human Genome—by Charles Francis Xavier]

"While the other book was given to me by a mutant friend named Henry McCoy. It's not a published book, and I haven't read anything written about it because I don't have any interest in it." Erik added as he looked at the white book that had no cover in Moses's hands. It only has a title on it that was handwritten with a marker.

[Artificial Intelligence: The Door to the Future]

"This...This looks interesting! Thank you, Uncle Erik!" Moses exclaimed in delight as he rushed towards Erik for a tight hug.

Father Orsi, Erik, and Magda looked at each other's eyes for a few seconds before landing their eyes again on Moses. They were looking at him somberly with a sad smile, which immediately disappeared as fast as it appeared.

So Moses spent his Christmas joyfully at the Lensher/Gurzsky Family, and he's very confident that this was the best Christmas he'd ever had up to that point, and he thought it might be even better if all his cherished friends, orphanage siblings, and Sister Lily could also experience it...with him. He wished that maybe—just maybe—in the future, his Christmas would be much happier and more perfect than this one is. He wished.

[]This will be the end of the Marvel part of the story, just wanna give y'all a glimpse to remind you there's a marvel world in my fanfic, hehe. Just wanna warn you that the next chapter will be a little boring to some but it's still interesting. As I said in my tags, this story will have some slice of life so please let Moses have his fun, after all, his joy will not be forever. Just wait for the Forbidden Arc because that arc will totally change the story, there will be some canon, yes. But it will be added with a marvel twist. Thanks for reading my fanfic and sorry for the inconsistent uploads, my schedule is full, I'm graduating so it's totally understandable for me but....damn it's hard.[]

[]Nina wants her powerstones, if you don't give it to her, I'll somehow take her to the Savage Lands and give her a dinosaur pet to hunt you down( for thought.)[]

[]3-5 chapters on my P@treon![]