Wednesday's POV and New Girl

[Hogwarts, Great Hall, June 10th, 1992]

It has been a few weeks since the Great Catastrophe happened, as they called it. The magical population and the no-maj population have gone into disorganization, each kind claiming on who had caused the genocide due to its rather unexplainable aspect.

Wizards of Britain, most of them purebloods and some half-bloods, accuse the muggles/no-majs population of doing the enormity, while most of the muggles/no-majs claim that the ones who did the act of brutality are the infamous mutants.

Inside the Great Hall of Hogwarts is one lonely goth girl, eating alone at the farthest vacant part of the Ravenclaw table. Behind her are the boisterous Gryffindors, talking amongst themselves about some giant severed hand.

"I'm telling you! I saw a huge severed hand that night, why aren't y'all believing me?!" Dean Thomas exclaimed in irritation while looking at his housemates.

(Search Dean Thomas's Boggart.)

"I'm telling you, mate, if there had been one, then we would have seen it—scratch that, I and George would be delighted to see it!" Fred quipped while laying his shoulder above Dean's.

"You say that, but when you do see it, I doubt you'd have a good night's sleep..." Dean muttered to himself. His eyes had a hint of terror in them.

Wednesday had experienced one hell of a year in Hogwarts, but nothing could ever compare to that night, the night Voldemort attacked.

'Being a target for killing is not bad...' Wednesday thought to herself while munching on a dark, odd food that her Grandmama gave her through Cadaver, Cadaver is her family's personal owl.

'Though it's still a lousy one... at least he put a hole through my stomach... I want to put a hole through someone's stomach too...' Wednesday pondered with a dazed expression. However, her alone time was suddenly interrupted by the Gryffindor trio, who sat by the side of her table.

"Why are you here?" Wednesday asked while squinting her eyes at the three.

"Well... there isn't any rule about it, so why not?" Ron answered, causing the other two Gryfinddor to look at him with childish smiles, after all, that motto had been stuck to them due to Moses.

"And... congratulations, you didn't answer my question."

"Hehe, we just wanna ask about Moses. Madam Pomfrey had forbidden us from visiting the Hospital Wing for a month, so we haven't got any clue about him yet," Ron added with an awkward smile,

"He's fine... He's better. Healer Pomfrey said that he will wake up any day of this week now."

"I see~ sigh! That's incredible!" Hermione exclaimed in delight while shaking Harry, to which Harry responded with a sheepish smile.

"Thanks, Wednesday." Harry thanked the pale girl, who responded by saying,

"Don't mention it, Potter..." She replied with an unemotional tone as she stood up, finished with her lunch, and was supposed to march away when suddenly she stopped in her tracks.

"If you're competent in the art of stealth, Healer Pomfrey is out for a whole day, maybe then you will be able to visit Moses..." She added as she marched her way across the hallway, leaving the wide-eyed trio alone in their mischievous thoughts.

"She's getting soft on us, isn't she?" Hermione commented with a childish smile,

"Maybe, maybe not... I mean, she's been by Moses's side ever since he's been in the Hospital Wing, that ought to mellow someone's cold heart... right?" Ron asked, to which the other two Gryffindors only replied with a shrug.


Wednesday, the ever-lifeless goth girl was walking in the hallways toward the Hospital Wing. She went inside like her usual routine for the past month, but when she suddenly noticed something out of the blue, it caused her to stop in her tracks.

"Headmaster..." Wednesday uttered, causing the old man in a wizard hat inside to come out in his thoughts,

"...Ms. Addams, visiting Mr. Moses, I suppose?" Dumbledore stated with a grandfatherly tone,

"Yes," Wednesday replied without emotion as she continued moving toward Moses's hospital bed. She stood by Dumbledore's side and took something out of her pocket and tossed it to Dumbledore who caught it with ease.


"Nicholas asked you to destroy it as his last wish; I hope you do it right this time," Wednesday said while looking at the unconscious Moses with a deadpan gaze,

"...Of course... Is Perenelle really... okay with this...?" Dumbledore spoke with an unsure tone; his eyes had a hint of sadness and grief in them.

"My great-great-great-great aunt had already accepted Nicholas' mortality ever since he became her husband. Nicholas only prolonged his destined death to be with her for a few more centuries, but he must go on now." Wednesday uttered while boring her gaze at the Philosopher's Stone.

"Aunt Perenelle would be delighted for Nicholas to finally meet the esteemed, Lady Death. After all, the only reason that they made that stone was for Aunt Perenelle to be by Nicholas' side once he passed, unfortunately, she can't do so..." Wednesday uttered somberly,

"Love... and Death. A poetic title befitting my friend... I thanked the Addams Family for being with him all this time, Wednesday." Dumbledore uttered with a grateful tone and acceptance while he pocketed the red glowing stone as he continued,

"Be sure to tell my gratitude to Perenelle too, once she is raised from the grave..." He said, to which Wednesday just answered with a nod.

"I got to ask, however, how did you know that Professor Quirrell would be able to steal this stone...?"

"I didn't need to know that he would be able to steal it. Prevention is better than cure, have you heard of that saying, Headmaster? It doesn't matter who intends to steal it, what matters is that they will never be able to steal it..." Wednesday muttered with an intrigued gaze. She turned her head towards Dumbledore as he continued,

"February 22nd, Saturday night, a meeting took place in the forbidden forest between Professor Snape and Quirrell. Professor Snape asked Quirrell how to get past the hellhound, which is pretty suspicious itself, but the real question is, why does Quirrell know how to get past the hellhound? That question was later answered by the groundskeeper Hagrid, who told me that he told someone how to get past his pet, Fluffy the hellhound, through a drunken mistake even before Snape asked Quirrell about it. You can already guess what made me suspicious of Quirrell at that time, which forced my hand to steal the stone even before the real stealing began." Wednesday finished, she had no idea that investigating and thwarting someone's plan could be so riveting, especially against a Dark Lord. It made her want to start a novel about mysteries and detective escapades...

'Hmm, food for thought...' Wednesday pondered with an interesting glint in her eyes.

"I see... You'd make a very good Auror, Ms. Addams..." Dumbledore muttered while looking at Wednesday with an interesting glint in his eyes.

"You can go now, Headmaster. I'm sure you're quite busy. After all, politics can be quite annoying... and I appreciate it if you don't bother telling anyone about what happened between me and Moses in that forest. I prefer not to garner any unwanted attention, Headmaster." Wednesday finished as she continued her dead-eye stare at the unconscious Moses, who, for some reason unknown, had a balloon of snot in his nose while snoring.

Finished with his affairs, Dumbledore agreed to Wednesday's favor and decided to take his leave, when someone suddenly came in through the door, gaining Wednesday's curiosity.

"Ah! Lady Greengrass, I see you're doing well," Dumbledore greeted the white-haired girl with a joyful tone,

"Yes, Professor, it's because of your help. If you didn't allow me to become Healer Pomfrey's assistant, I wouldn't have known what to do, especially after what happened..." The white-haired girl replied with a feminine charm unlike any other.

Her voice had a magical chime to it that can captivate many men, and coupled with her cute look, which gives a hint of noble attractiveness in the future, she has snow-white hair, blue crystalline eyes, and fair skin. It's a puzzle why others or anyone hadn't taken notice of her.

"I allowed you because I was absolutely sure that you would do well, Lady Greengrass. Now, if you'll excuse this old man, I seem to have forgotten my lemon drops, that's a first, hohoho~," Dumbledore ended the conversation quickly and took his leave, leaving the goth girl, white-haired girl, and one asleep boy with a balloon-like snot on his nose alone in the Hospital Wing.

"Hello!~ Wednesday, right? It's so nice to finally meet an Addams! I've heard so much about your family!" The white-haired girl greeted Wednesday with a delightful tone. As she raised her hand for a shake, Wednesday did not receive it, causing her to back out her hand awkwardly, but she shook it off, seemingly expecting Wednesday's response.

"Anyways, my name's Daphne Greengrass, Lady of the most ancient and noble house of Greengrass, it's a pleasure to meet you... Wednesday Addams," Daphne introduced herself with a little lady bow while looking at Wednesday with a friendly smile.

"So you're Lady Greengrass... Thing told me about you... I believe I owe you one, if it weren't for you, then I would still be in my coffin now, recuperating from my grievous injury. Is ther—" thanked Wednesday with an emotionless tone of voice,

"AWWW~ It's my pleasure, Wednesday. Though you have to invite me sometime in your coffin, okay? I heard it's a really cold place to sleep in, and I very much like cold places. Hell! I love cold places! ~" Daphne replied in glee while making a weird face, seemingly imagining her happy place.

"..." Wednesday, not knowing how to respond to her kind and cheerful attitude, just stared at her with a blank gaze until,


"WAHHH!" Moses yelled in shock as he sat up straight with a wide eye. The two girls looked at Moses' comical face with two different reactions, one was amused, while the other was disgusted at the mucus in Moses' face.

"Bad dreams?~" Daphne asked with a playful tone,

"Yeah... I was falling..." Moses muttered while staring in a daze at the white-haired girl before him.

"Umm... Who are you...?" Moses questioned, his head tilted to the side, and a confused expression was adorned on his face.

[]Please give me some stones⊙⁠﹏⁠⊙[]

[]You can read 5-10 advanced chapters ahead on my P@treon/Noob_Writer[]