END OF VOLUME #1: Way Back Home

[Hogwarts Express, June 20th, 1992]

It's been a few days since Moses was discharged from the hospital wing. The first thing that he did was visit Erebus in the owlery and give him a bunch of potatoes as an apology for not being able to take care of him for the past few weeks.

"Sorry, Erebus, I wasn't able to come to you these past few weeks, my mana juice was out, so I've gotta recharge, if you know what I mean," Moses said while stroking Erebus's feather gently.


And that's how he found out that, like the wolves, he was also able to understand Erebus. Not a minute later, Moses was able to deduce how he was able to understand animals and found out that it was because of his passive command on his brain to speak, understand, and decipher any and all languages. He was shocked by the potential of his command and thought of the ways that he could use it in a more odd or bizarre way, like maybe ordering some animals here and there to help him with some things, and many more.

He talked with Erebus for quite some time, but he's not much of a talker. He asked some questions, like, where do you poop? Am I a good master? What's your favorite food? ... Stuff like that, but he was not able to ask why Erebus was so different from the other magical creatures.

After all, Moses didn't know that a creature that is capable of teleporting with a gust of smoke isn't just an ordinary creature, and Erebus, a magical crow, can do just that...and more. Moses's view on what's normal and what's not is a little messed up currently because of the things that he can do and the world that he is currently in, which is totally normal considering his carefree personality.

"What house cup?" Moses asked his friends while pulling off his wizard robes and putting on jackets and coats. The Gryffindor trio staggered into place, taken aback by Moses' question,

"Are you serious, mate?" Ron asked,

"Ye—" Moses answered Ron with one of his eyebrows raised, confused at his friend's reaction. However, just before he could finish his answer, Wednesday interjected with a blank tone of voice.

"House Cup is a useless venture that the founders of Hogwarts created for the purpose of gaining a positive competency amongst the houses. It is also a way for them to bait the naive ones into never doing an illegal act that goes against Hogwarts's rules by decreasing a house's points, if you will," Wednesday answered blandly, already in her black coat while looking at Moses intently.

"So that's what house points are for... kinda lame if you ask me, and we lost? I thought we were making a bunch of points, Wednesday?" Moses asked while looking at Wednesday,

"Don't ask me. I don't care about any house cup, and I doubt you'd care about winning too."

"Well... you're right," Moses replied with a shrug as they got off the Hogwarts Express.

"Anyway, where do you live again, Hermione?" Moses asked with curiosity while looking at Hermione, who widened her eyes and made a big smile,

"8 Heathgate, Hampstead Garden Suburb, why? Why? Why? Will you visit me? Please come visit me!" Hermione said earnestly, while holding Moses' shoulder and shaking it,

"..Well, hehe, sure, if I'm near your area, I'll be sure to visit you, Hermione," Moses answered with a helpless smile as he turned and gazed at the boy beside him,

"What about you, Harry?" Moses asked,

"Mine's around Privet Drive, Moses. Though, I don't think you will be able to vis—" Harry answered, but before he could finish, a shout interrupted them,

"Bye Harry!"

"See you, Potter!"

"Still famous," said Ron, grinning at Harry.

"Not where I'm going, I promise you," said Harry. Moses looked at Harry confusedly, wondering what he was talking about. He tried to ask him why it was so, but before he could do so, it was already the Gryffindor trio's time to pass through the platform, leaving him and Wednesday alone in front of the platform.

"...And you, Wednesday, where do you live?"

"Westfield, New Jersey."

"New Jersey, that's kinda far, I think? You travel here by portkey or something?"

"Yes, there's Ilvermorny in America, but once I saw their school, I immediately backed out."

"Why?" Moses asked, confused at Wednesday's reason,

"They are not... very welcoming. " Wednesday answered with a whisper, still looking at Moses intently.

An uncomfortable silence surrounded the two, causing Moses to let out a drop of sweat.

"Ummm... Wednesday, could you please stop staring at me like that." Moses said while scratching the back of his head. Wednesday has been staring intently at him ever since he came out of the hospital, and he doesn't know why.

"No can do, I'm under investigation to find out what and who you are; every little detail counts," Wednesday answered, still staring keenly at Moses.

"Wha— but that's too much, isn't i—"


With the old, wizened old guard's shout, Wednesday and Moses passed through the platform, allowing them to finally return to the No-maj's world.

"Moses, dear!" A motherly voice shouted,

Moses looked at the source of the voice and found out that it was Mrs. Weasley in her usual plump, red-haired look, looking at Moses with a motherly gaze.

"It's so nice to meet you again, Mrs. Weasley!" Moses exclaimed in glee as he took a step forward and gave Mrs. Weasley a hug.

"Oh, you~ It's nice to meet you too, dear." Mrs. Weasley replied while brushing Moses' hair with a smile.

"Where's Father Orsi? I thought he was with you." Moses asked while looking around for any sign of his father.

It turns out that Father Orsi was currently busy handling a lot of paperwork for quite some time in the orphanage, and he was having quite a hard time with it.

"I see... I wonder what it's about?" Moses muttered under his breath while rubbing his chin with his finger, seemingly brushing his imaginary beard.

"It looks like you didn't change, Moses." A girly voice spoke behind Molly, revealing a red-haired girl with cute freckles on her face.

"Ginny!" Moses exclaimed as he stepped forward toward Ginny for a tight hug, leaving the said girl to blush in a mess due to embarrassment.

"You've grown!" Moses pointed out, while comparing his and Ginny's heights using his hand,

"Hey! You're overreacting," Ginny responded, annoyed at Moses' claim, however, a small smile is still adorned on her face, happy to meet her first ever boy...friend again.

"HAHAHA, just kidding! It's nice to meet you again, Ginny!" Moses shouted, causing Ginny to be abashed by Moses' overenthusiastic greetings, which caused a bunch of people passing by to look at them in a teasing manner.

"OH! Right!!" Moses exclaimed with widened eyes, seemingly remembering something. Ginny looked at him confusedly; however, her confusion was immediately answered by Moses' next shout,

"Harry! Harry! Harry!" He shouted repeatedly, causing the boy who lived in question to look at him in confusion.

"Don't you dar —" Ginny warned, her flaming red hair seemingly floating, defying gravity. A dark imaginary miasma surrounded her while she looked at Moses,

"Ginny likes you! Like, like-like yo — UGHFFF" Moses exclaimed with a weird smile while pointing at Ginny; however, just before he could finish his teasing, a slap with full brunt force impacted his cheeks, causing his head to comically turn around, and he passed out while laying on the shoulder of the person beside him, Wednesday Addams.

"Moses! Dear!" Molly shouted worriedly as he dashed towards Moses.

"Ginny! You — We'll talk about this at home! How dare you behave like this in public, young lady!" Molly reprimands,

"Tsk..." Ginny uttered with a pout while crossing her arms in disapproval.

"...He did deserve it..." Wednesday muttered while her gaze is on Moses.

"Right...?" Ginny uttered nonchalantly while looking at Moses' unconscious figure irritatingly.

"I guess I won't be able to bid my farewell to him properly considering that he's currently out of consciousness. Can you just please give this to him?" Wednesday said, while handling a black piece of paper to Ginny,

"This is...?" Ginny asked,

"Sending a letter to my household is a little challenging. What's written on that black paper must be written on the said letter for it to be delivered to our house. Just tell that to him," Wednesday said blankly as she turned around and faced her gigantic butler, who somehow didn't bother any muggles surrounding them, signifying that he was currently under a Repello Muggletum charm.

"Wait, I don't even know who you are? Who will I tell him if he asks me, who gave me this?" Ginny asked, while looking at Wednesday, who was about to turn and leave, stopped in her tracks.

"Wednesday... Addams. My name is Wednesday Addams." At that instant, Lurch, the Addams Family's Frankenstein monster offered his large hands to Wednesday, who received it causing the two of them to be sucked into a void and disappear with Lurch's apparition.

"...Addams... where did I hear that from again?"

Just then, a big, beefy man, looking somewhat like a walrus, with hardly any neck and a large mustache with a purple face, while looking furious at the nerve of Harry, carrying an owl in a cage in a station full of ordinary people. Behind him stood Aunt Petunia and Dudley, looking terrified at the very sight of Harry.

"Ready, are you?"

It was Harry's uncle. Vernon Dursley.

"You must be Harry's family!" said Mrs. Weasley. She was having a hard time carrying Moses, so the twins, so very generous of them, decided to help her by carrying Moses. With George carrying Moses through his armpits, and Fred carrying Moses through his foot, they were carrying Moses rather humorously, causing Harry and the others to giggle.

"In a manner of speaking," said Uncle Vernon. "Hurry up, boy, we haven't got all day." He walked away.

Harry hung back for a last word with Ron, Hermione, and Moses.

"See you over the summer, then."

"Hope you have — er — a good holiday," said Hermione, looking uncertainly after Uncle Vernon, shocked that anyone could be so unpleasant.

"See you, Harry!" Moses exclaimed while waving towards Harry, who was still being carried by the twins.

"You git, you were awake!?" The twins exclaimed as they dropped Moses on the ground,

"HAHAHA, always has been, mate, always has been," Moses said while patting the twins' backs mockingly. After that, he stepped towards Harry and looked him in the eyes with a calm smile.

"I see now how you got those bruises when we met, Harry." He muttered solemnly,


"Don't deny it, Harry. Do you know how many children were once abused victims in our orphanage? It's not surprising for me to know of your situation." Moses said grievously while looking at Harry intensely,

"If it ever gets more serious, send me a letter, and I'll ask Father to give you a visit. You don't know how many people he straightened out with, some became a priest themselves from his sermon." Moses said as he laughed, witth those words, Moses placed his hands above Harry's shoulder and gave him a whisper,

"Just give them a scare in the meantime, will ya?" Moses said, causing Harry to widen his eyes in amusement. As they separated, an interesting glint was still in Harry's eyes as he replied,

"Oh, I will..." With an understanding nod, the two friends smiled childishly at each other, each of them with a mischievous smile of their own.

"Come now, boy!" Vernon shouted from afar, taking Harry out of his wits. He looked at his friends and bid them farewell one by one as he grabbed his things and took his leave, but not before giving them one final look—a look of belongingness, appreciation, and hope.

After that, Hermione's parents arrived, causing Hermione to smile in delight as she dashed and jumped toward them for a heartfelt hug. Realizing that, it will be some time before she meets her friends again, Hermione dejectedly bids goodbye to Moses and Ron,

"Be sure to send me a letter, okay? You've forgotten it last, Christma—"

"It was Erebus' fault, he didn't know how to get to your house, he was los—" Moses excused himself. While he was saying this, Erebus, flying up in the sky, was looking at him with a deadpan look, contemplating whether to poop in his master's head right now or maybe take all his potatoes up in the sky for a week straight.

"Don't make that excuse, Erebus is a very smart crow; he even helped me in my math homework exercise last week!" Hermione interjected while looking at Moses with a frown.

"Wha— How did that happen?" Moses said, flabbergasted at Hermione's claim.

"Who do you think fed Erebus while you were in a coma, hmm?"

"Hmm... is it you...?

"It is me! Just — don't forget to send me a letter! Hmmp! Bye!" Hermione exclaimed as she turned around to leave, but once she was a few meters away, she stopped in her tracks and ran back towards Moses for an unexpected hug, causing Moses to stagger in surprise. Moses was still speechless when suddenly Hermione stopped hugging him and turned around with her head looking down, and her face was red in a mess.

"No goodbyes for me!?" Ron teases Hermione while looking at the scene before him with an amused smile.

"Goodbye, Ron!" Hermione shouted as she dashed away from Moses and the others, finally taking her leave.

"Hmmm..." Moses hummed while looking at the departing back of Hermione. He was deep in his thoughts when suddenly, Ginny spoke beside him, adorned with her cocky look,

"That's disgustingly mature of you, talking to Harry like an old man," Ginny commented from behind,

"Jeez, you were eavesdropping on our talks, that's too much, even if you like him, Ginny," Moses mocked while looking at Ginny with a wronged look.

"Oh, Shut u—"

"La, la, la, la, la, la~ Sing a happy song~"


With a joyous song, Moses and the Weasley family took their leave from the unaware No-maj masses, each of them happy to finally go back to their own homes. The wizarding world is a very mysterious and beautiful place, but nothing could ever beat the warmth of a place called home.

[]I want some stones, can you give me some? Please? Pretty please! GIVE ME![]

[]You can read 10 advanced chapters ahead on my P@treon/Noob_Writer[]