Statute of Secrecy = BS

Inside a dim office, two men are having a high-profile conversation pertaining to the unfortunate events that happened in some parts of London. 

"BULLSHIT! It's obvious that this is the mutant's doing! Why is that woman stopping me from investigating it?! Fucking Carter, she should've retired by now!" A middle-aged man dressed in a gray suit shouted in frustration,

"Enough Pierce! You bore me with your whining, let's just wait for Whitehall first, he said that he's up to something." An overweight man complained while reading the report that one of his agents gave him.

After a few minutes of waiting, Daniel Whitehall, a man dressed in a suit with glasses, arrived in haste before their room. He was holding a stack of paper on his shoulder, and a few vials of blood.

"This... gentlemen, what I've found will completely change our perspective and the difficulty of our mission in Hydra conquering the world..." Whitehall with a depressing tone causing the two men to scowl.

"What are you saying, Whitehall? I know that the mutant problem and the Inhuman problem have been getting in your head lately, but for you to say that?! Hydra always wins. When S.H.I.E.L.D. tried to annihilate us, did they succeed? NO! Cut off one head, and more shall take its place! We are HYDRA!"

"THIS IS NOT ABOUT S.H.I.E.L.D., mutants, or Inhumans, MALICK!" 

"Then what is it?" Pierce asked in confusion, wondering what Whitehall was panicking about. 

"...From this moment on, everything that I will say will not make any sense whatsoever, but I have proofs for them..." Whitehall uttered as he grabbed a stack of papers and gave the two men each one. Once the two received it, what they saw was a bunch of pictures of people dressed in bizarre clothing, but the most noticeable among them was that they were holding a rather peculiar thing in their hands, an elongated, thin object made out of wood, a stick.

"What do these nutjobs have to do with our problem, Whitehall? Look, even the people were looking at them weirdly in this pictu—"

"Johann Schmidt, a.k.a. Red Skull, one of the leaders of Hydra, has talked of an individual, a man with white hair and strange eyes. He said that this man is one of the reasons that Hydra was winning on the strategic side of war—information, battle tactics, battlefield strategy, and even the tesseract."

"If he was so important, then why isn't he in our Hydra archives, Whitehall?" Malik questioned, he was growing curious about who the man was that Whitehall was talking about, his father didn't tell him any of this.

"Because someone deleted him from our every record, Malick. Completely everything about his record was deleted, it's like he didn't exist at all! Within one day, he became nonexistent... like magic."

"What are you trying to say? Just say your point!" 

"Even though he helped us win most of Hydra's wars, the most important thing that he contributed to our cause is how he helped our leader, Red Skull, see the future... He was not a mutant, an inhuman... or a human. He... was a wizard." 


"Not believing me, I see. I expected all of your reactions. On May 27, 1992, several parts of London were bombed by an unknown assailant using an unknown method, resulting in a total of 269 deaths and 69 injuries. Right after that was publicized, an unknown phenomenon happened in various spots of the world, a beam made out of light was cast upon the sky, leaving all of our scientists and S.H.I.E.L.D.S. dumbfounded by the abnormal phenomenon. On May 28, 1992, one of our agents who was investigating Britain's latest bombing event, took a rather inexplicable picture of two men dressed in clothes that fit the profile of a wizard. Robes, a long, thin stick that we can assume is their wand... that's not all. Who do you think is in that picture?" Whitehall busted out different pictures, some are blurred, some are not, but it is still enough for the two men to sit in their chairs quietly while wearing their serious faces. Pierce took the picture that Whitehall gave him and widened his eyes.

"United Kingdom's Queen Elizabeth..." 

"...Gentlemen... my men have managed to capture one wizard, and it took one team to get her. I repeat, one team of highly trained men with top equipment that the best our Hydra has to offer was needed to take her down, and she's currently strapped in a table with 24/7 takes of sedatives."

"Carter is trying to keep it away from us, which means that she already knew of their existence." Malick deduced,

"There's a great possibility that it is so, but the question is... how many of those freaks are all over the world." 

"The light-beam phenomena appeared in these parts of the world if we planted our disposable spies here, then only time can tell before we know all about them," Whitehall said as he spread out a marked map.

"How do we know that they're what we think they are..." Pierce asked,

"I'm planning on creating a device to locate them, I have a specimen ready and the technology; now I just need time," Whitehall answered,

"I'll add more men to spy on Carter, and check if any of our associates are one of these so-called wizards," Pierce added.

"If they're all over the world, then I'm sure that they have some sort of government that governs them, and that government surely somehow has connections to our government, I'll focus more of my attention on the United Kingdom's Royalty because we are sure as hell that they've known their existence for quite some time just with this picture. I'll deal with the political side. I believe we can conclude our meeting at this point, gentlemen. If you don't have anything else to say, that is." Malick said as he stood up and fixed his suit. The two men also stood up and took their things as they both uttered the phrase that was passed down before them that signified their cause.

"Hail Hydra."


Inside a spacious room surrounded by men  and women of African descent with different cultural attires is one of the leaders of the most powerful and rich country in the whole world. This man is the current champion of the Panther Goddess, or as he was also known, the Black Panther. The Protector of Wakanda, King T'Chaka

"Tell me everything that you knew about the Britain incident, Z'Raka." T'Chaka ordered the dark-skinned woman. The said woman was more than beautiful, to say the least, with fine curves in her body, beautiful amethyst eyes, and snow white hair. However, all of this was just a show; in truth, this woman is a trained killer and a master of assassination, with more skill in magic than an elite Auror. Yes, she is a wizard.

The Ibis Tribe, a tribe that worshipped the God of Wisdom and Magic, Thoth, is one of the great clans of Wakanda, a country that's thought to be just a third world country when, in truth, it was the most advanced and powerful country on Earth. 

The Ibis Tribe is the least numbered tribe in the whole of Wakanda, not because they are dying or a falling tribe, no. It was because the Ibis Tribe only accepts Wakandans with magic in their blood. Wizards and witches, no matter their backgrounds, are immediately enlisted among the tribe, and it was what was agreed upon from the time when the first King of Wakanda, Bashenga, ruled.

That's why even the infamous Jabari tribe sent out their young with them as long as their young had magics in their blood, it was because it is part of their culture and traditions and it is only right to say that the only thing that every tribe of Wakandans can agreed upon are their rich culture and traditions.

"My King, it is still unknown what the cause of the incident was, but according to our spies, Albus Dumbledore has a connection to the incident," The woman named Z'Raka answered respectfully while kneeling before her king.

"That old man again?" T'Chaka asks in annoyance

"Yes, my King." Z'Raka answered with her head still bowed down,

"...How many of your tribes are in there..."

"Only me and my son, my King... My son, B'Azi, will be in his second year at Hogwarts this year, my king." Z'Raka answered,

"What of his cover? The others still hadn't known his real identity, yes?"

"Yes, my king. The security at Hogwarts is more lax than we thought, and I've also successfully moled him to an heir from the Sacred 28, allowing him to infiltrate some of the information that I can't quite get because of my cover."

"I see... We need to pay extra attention to these wizards, even now, our technology, no matter its advancements, can't quite comprehend the workings of magic. The potential of vibranium can be best obtained if we somehow combine magic and vibranium; however, our study and research towards it are still inadequate. We need someone... someone who can bring out the true potential of both worlds,"

"I know, my king. I will do my best to bring out your utmost expectation, my king." 

"I know you will do so, Z'Raka. Tell me, how is your son, B'Azi?" 

"He is doing well, my king. His studies in the art of potions have become higher than before ever since he came to Hogwarts, it seems like the fame of that potion master can't be scoff at, my King."

"...So young, yet so much weight is being placed on his shoulders."

"He knows perfectly what he has gotten into,  my king. Ever since you ordered me to retrieve any vibranium artifacts used by some of the wizards, my son only wants one thing, and that is to serve the great nation of Wakanda and its king. He's never been more proud of himself since then, my king."

"I see... as a gift for his bravery and loyalty, Z'Raka, can you give him this?" T'Chaka said as he handed Z'Raka a necklace made out of the claws.

"This... I'm sure he'll be honored." The woman stood up, respectfully received the necklace, and eyed it appreciatively.

"I hope, Z'Raka. The only thing that I can repay to the citizens of Wakanda is my love and protection. I hope that with that necklace, your son will know that I, T'Chaka, son of T'Chanda, am with him in his journey and mission."

"I, Z'Raka, daughter of M'Linda expressed my gratitude to King T'Chaka, son of T'Chanda, the King of Wakanda!"




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