Jung-ah! Take what you want, take me, take me!

Well, for you it must have taken a while, but for me it was a turning of pages.

I had time to get a cup of coffee, decaf, and now I feel refreshed.

Oh sure... I was freaking out about the possibility of Jung-ah being married. Yes yes, I can remember.

"And you Jung-ah? Rumors were that you were going to marry a rich omega and left to live abroad."

When I came across that dull expression I could be sure of two things.

First, she's so beautiful... Second, she was definitely omega rich! Heavens! Am I the mistress?

I must say, I was terrified and my eyes must have looked like a murderess in a psychotic break. At least I could frame my face and use it as a model for some day I want to write a crime story... I already have the perfect facial expressions of someone succumbed to madness.

Well, Jung-ah could clearly sense my shaken state and held my hand under the table almost in a small prayer for mercy.

I grabbed a glass of soda, but my mindset was that of someone who was ready to get drunk on alcohol, I almost screamed for the gentleman at the counter to bring me the drink that would give me the worst hangover possible!

"It really happened, but now I've been divorced for half a year… The rumors were right this time."

Jung-ah was quick to explain herself, but I confess that even a comedy needs a little drama to build the climax. I accepted it quietly just for the plot and of course... The past is the past, I shouldn't really care despite generating some level of discomfort.

The warm hand was still holding me tight, like I was about to run away.

Surreal and a pure daydream, I would never leave that woman again.

But of course, back to the narrative of the facts... The atmosphere at the table became quite strange after Jung-ah manifested her current marital status and the single omegas seemed more eager for her attention, which made me a little irritated.

I was always jealous of her, but I just thought that was because she was my best friend... Could it be that the love was already there and I was blindly ignoring it?! So embarrassing to finally open my eyes and notice there were so many details I just chose not to see.

Really Jung-ah was blatantly in love with me forever, I was crazy or something! How could I not have seen?

Anyway I'm just crying over spilled milk... Today we drink beer and there's still plenty of beer to drink without spilling!

My small group and I kept ourselves entertained, after our return from the bathroom the atmosphere between us became much calmer and noisier... Well, we are bedridden so we feel comfortable making noise, insecurity made us cornered and confused about what we should be said or not.

But we've been friends for so long and the subjects just come up without much effort.

And especially Minji had already sent me at least half a dozen looks full of questions... Dear friend, you will know everything in rich detail very soon, just let us establish some kind of level of sobriety.

To make sure she doesn't behave like the good... bad witch that she is... Does that make sense?!


To make sure she didn't bother me too much I tried to soak her like the good friend I am and let your girlfriend take care of you.

With my efforts, it didn't take long for Minji to go home accompanied by Eunmi.

Me and Jung-ah?

Well, the two of us kept talking and forgot there was a class meeting.

There were so many things to remember and discover, it was almost like I was meeting Jung-ah for a second time. So different and so the same.

She was no longer the same girl I had in my memory she was a woman... A beautiful woman and good... Mine.

How can I be less selfish? I'm not even interested in that, Jung-ah is perfect and I want to show off.

Feel free to suffer for your singleness and if you are dating, boast about your girlfriend you too.

Either way we are experiencing these emotions together, you and I... My thoughts.

Are you just a thought or do you really exist? I think this may be too philosophical, but everyone exists in some instance or outbreak.

Jung-ah exists in all the glory of her ripped abs, I'm alpha too and I've never been able to have anything like that... Of course, let's also not blame the hours of sitting sedentarily, drinking alcohol and eating only instant noodles, I have I'm sure the blame is all on my body genetics.

I wonder if my thoughts carry shades of irony, let's hope so.

After hours and hours of drinking I find out that Jung-ah is in a hotel far from the city center, how can I let that piece of woman walk around so late at night? I made the small sacrifice of asking her to sleep over with me.

Of course, I completely forgot that I haven't done any cleaning in the last seven days and that was a small reason to freak out as we walked hand in hand down the street.

"What do you think so much?"

I sighed, she still knew when I was restless.

What else do you know about me, Jung-ah? Are you still the same?

Will I know how to recognize when you're anxious?!

"I remembered that I haven't organized the house these last few days."

Well, I'm always rooting in my bed, it's not like it makes much difference to clean my house often or not, but now I wanted to impress Jung-ah.

I want to know more about her.

Understand more.

Learn more.

In response I just received a hug.

"You think too much… I just want to be closer to you."

And it was at that moment that I understood that two people are full of insecurity when they like too much, feelings are confusing and intoxicating.

Well, finally arriving at my apartment, I humbly asked her to wait a few minutes and I must confess that I have never cleaned my house so fast in my entire life.

I feel proud.

Opening the door Jung-ah seemed curious about where I lived and I let her explore the house as much as she wanted while I made us both some tea.

It could easily remind me of the days when we would go to each other's houses to do school work.

We always talked all night and left work for the last few seconds, it was exciting.

Jung-ah leaned on my bed.

My house was small and minimalist, it's not like I had a lot of time to decorate or look for a big place.

I have a humble apartment with just one room, the living room, bedroom and kitchen were combined and the separations only happened because of the furniture.

I just work all day, I don't date and I don't get many visitors, so there's not much need.

She looked at the stacks and stacks of papers spread across the table.

"I can read?"

I just agreed, of course I could, after all was there something this wonderful woman couldn't?!

Jung-ah! Take what you want, take me, take me!


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