Mother in law! Take good care of me!

I took the two steaming mugs and walked to stand beside Jung-ah, it was impossible not to be reminded of our adolescence, I could see before my eyes her the same way with her eyes fixed on every word written on the paper in the school break with some buds open on hot summer days.

She always read everything I wrote and even if it was just a short poem.

Most likely I only became an author because of Jung-ah's encouragement.

"Of course... But the ideas still seem a little fuzzy, don't expect too much..."

Jung-ah slowly smiled... I must say I smiled too, I could easily feel my face heat up.

If I was... Maybe I am... I give up, I'm definitely in a rom-com, but isn't that how the leads start to realize they're in love?

Heavens, how could I be so predictable? I feel ashamed, I'm glad I'm just an author and not a character.

Well, if I were a character would you like me?