Fighting A Dungeon Boss

"Can we please not mention spidragoons!?" Alice yelled out. She was fine with anything but spidragoons! 

"I am just saying…." Vance chuckled as he looked at the girls: "Are you ready?" 

"Ready…." Both girls did not look like they wanted to do this, but they had to in order to grow stronger. Vance also knew they would soon get used to all of this as well. 

Vance took a deep breath and pushed the door open. The room was like any generic boss room where it was dark until you walked in and the doors behind you closed. There was no retreating from a boss room. Either you died, or the boss died. There was no running away. 

"Alice, You stay more to the left, and Sally, you stay to the right. This will keep two of the attack from hitting either of you. Do not attack until I say so. Let's move!" Vance charged forward with his sword drawn.