Relaxing After Hard Battles

"Vance, take this chest too. It's plated leather. It adds strength and vitality." Alice pushed a leather chest armor that had green scaled patches sewn into it into Vance's arms. "You are our frontline man. We need to make sure you will not die…." Alice had truly been worried this entire time about Vance always taking aggro. She knew he was doing this for them, but it did not sit well with her. 

"Alright…." Vance took the chest piece.

[Scaled Leather Chest Armor]

[Rarity: Rare]

[+100 Defense]

[+ 20 strength]

[+15 Vitality]

"Anything else good?" Vance asked. He did not know if anything else dropped that was worth mentioning or not. 

"No more armor, mainly materials, but there is a big red crystal," Alice replied as she cared it over to Vance. 

"Hmmm? An Evolution Gem!?" Vance was very surprised to see such a thing!

"What's that?" Sally asked curiously. She had never heard of an evolution gem.