Magical Imperfection 57: Dance With Fallen Creatures 1

Every dodge they made, trees and the earthly ground within the unused garden were being ruined by the rampage of the unknown tentacles. Ayame while holding MIR, they were jumping all over the place trying to figure out how to deal with the creature that doesn’t want them to leave the area.

“Irie, try to read its energy flow so we can figure out how to deal with it,” Ayame whispered to her mate in her arms who just nodded instead of verbally answering.

As MIR agreed, something began to spread out from her body and it was shooting all over the place before it vanished. It cannot be seen until the tentacle goes out again to shoot its attack but this time instead of its tentacles some toxic water melts everything it touches.

“Acid,” Ayame muttered to herself while they were dodging until MIR tightened her grip around her mate. Ayame noticed it and halted from moving when they were at the very top of the remaining tree in the unused garden.