I'm finally free!!/ Unknown power

Xi Xhen's face brightened with excitement as she jumped around happily.

"Now that Crown whatever won't ever bother me ever again…. I can't believe that I'm saying this but, I'M FINALLY FREE!!!". she yelled out happily. Zhen only stared at her dumbfounded, she doesn't get why her Young Mistress is this happy after being given this haunted Manor.

"Let's get to work Zhen Zhen…. We don't have all day long". She said after she was done being excited.

"Huh, Young Mistress…. What work are you talking about?". She asked confusedly.

"How about turning a dead Manor to an alive one?". She said as she smiled brightly. "Let's get going already…. Don't just stare at me like that, I'm not a ghost". She grabbed Zhen Zhen by her hand and then dragged her out of the old looking Manor.

"B…. But, Young Mistress…. What if the Crown Prince visits you or calls on you?". she asked.

"Not my problem, and he better not. I even doubt he will. He gave me an old looking Manor to stay in…. What a Demon. Well, not so bad by the time I am done with repairing it". She turned to look at the sky before saying. "There is still much time left after all. And I am really good at everything I do, so it's going to be a piece of cake". She tapped on her chest as she bragged about her skills.

"I know you are, Young Mistress". Zhen Zhen nods and says.

Xi Xhen still held her by her hand, when she almost arrived at the exit gate, she halted as her head started processing.

"What's wrong, Young Mistress?". She asked.

"I don't think it's a good idea to use the gate.... I suggest climbing over that wall". she said pointing at the opposite wall from the other direction..

"B... But Young Mistress I can't climb walls…. I have never tried it before". She said, her body shivered between her words. Thinking about climbing the wall was scaring the hell out of her. She was really scared of heights.

"Heh…. That's no problem". She slightly smirks on the side of her lips."Get on". Her voice ordered Zhen Zhen that widened her eyes. How can I get on?. She thought.

"Huh, But Young Mistress that's improper…. I… I can't, please".

"We're not in the Xi Mansion Zhen Zhen. No rules for me or you here. So stop with the fusing already and climb on my back now!". Her voice was a little loud as she said.

Zhen has no other option but to obey Xi Xhen. Actually she had no other options, Xi Xhen was too stubborn to reason with. She finally got on her back and before she knew it, they were already outside the Crown Prince's Palace.

"Whoa!!!.... Young Mistress, you're amazing!". Zhen said cheerfully as she gave her Young

Mistress a sincere thumbs up.

"Of course…. and now that I'm free, I finally get to practise my skills even more… I'll be the greatest fighter in the world!. No more nagging from my parents and I can wear whatever I want!. Maybe this arranged marriage isn't such a bad idea after all. It helped give me my freedom". She said excitedly before they both headed to the large market. It wasn't that near to the Crown's prince Mansion so they had to walk fast to be able to reach there on time…. After getting all the things that they'd need in repairing the Manor, They finally head back.

On arriving, they entered the Palace the same way that came out.

"Thank goodness I am in a comfortable outfit to do this job". She carried the hammer she bought, and some other stuff.

She repainted the Manor and redecorated it with the items she got from the market.

After hours of repairing they were finally done….

"Haa!!!.... I'm exhausted!!! finally through with this!!". She was so tired that she had to swat down on the floor.

The Mansion was now like a new Manor. it doesn't look like an abandoned or haunted Mansion again..

"Well done!!!, Young Mistress". Zhen cheered her up.

"Hmph!!!. They shouldn't have underestimated me. I, Xi Xhen is unstoppable!!!". But sure we need serious cleaning on us". She said as she scanned her whole body. She was covered with paint and dust, the same as Zhen Zhen.

"Young Mistress, let me help with your bath". She said,

Thank goodness that there was a tap and a little stream in her Manor. it looks special to her and she loved it..

"Just prepare my washing items.... I will have my bath on that stream outside. It's so tempting". The stream was transparent and neat even though the Manor looked abandoned just a while ago.

"Sure, Young Mistress". Zhen said as she paid her respect before going to prepare her bathing items..

Xhen unclothed herself. She was left in her undergarments…. After coming out from the room, she walked over to the stream and slowly stepped into the lake and sat down…. "Mm…. Feels so good". She muttered.

Zhen came back with her Young Mistress's bathing items.... She placed it beside the lake and was about to wash her.

"No need for that Zhen…. Remember, we're not in the Xi Mansion. Go have your bath". She ordered.

Zhen wanted to persist but she knows just how stubborn her Xi Xhen can be. She just bowed and respected her decision…. She was even feeling stinky and sweaty as well. She went away to take her bath.

Meanwhile Xhen was really feeling relaxed in the little stream.. The stream seems to be drawing and calling her. How stupid right?. She suddenly closed her eyes as she enjoyed the stream's warm temperature. A white glow suddenly formed in the stream.... It was bright, it immediately entered Xhen's body.

She felt something like a new energy inside of her, but it was kinda a warm feeling. She was feeling super energetic now. She finished with her bath and got out of the water. Although she wanted to stay soaked for long, her stomach disagreed with her, so she got out and headed inside her redecorated Manor.

What Xhen didn't know was that something new has started developing inside of her. An unknown power?....