Something strange is happening

I heard that our Senior brother's Crown princess consort is here at the Mansion, but why don't I see her?? Quin Quin said, asking her older brother. Quin Quin is the last daughter of the Emperor. She was given birth to by one of the Emperor's consort.

The Crown prince and Li Nan were of the same mother "Emperor's Crown consort…. Empress Dowager".

"Huh…. Is that why you came to visit here?! You know how scary he is and yet you still decided to come because of his princess consort??? Li Nan asked in disbelief.

"Mm…. Yeah, you're right. I heard she has beautiful black shiny hair and the face of a goddess. Of course I want to see it for myself". She said excitedly as she was anticipating the moment already.

Although Li Nan usually interacts with his big Brother, the Crown prince, he is still nervous and scared when they are alone. Quin Quin on the other hand was only a little scared of him but that would not stop her from seeing his consort.

Quin Quin was 17 years, now ready for marriage. She was angry and furious when the Emperor, her Father, chose a husband for her. She was to marry the next week, and she is totally against this but has no choice. Since the crown prince didn't refuse the Emperor's proposal, then who is she to deny hers??. That doesn't make sense to her.

But she will make sure that he doesn't touch her. That's what she always thought.

Li Nan on the other hand was 19 years old.

"Where do we find her now?". Li Nan asked, he was already in a hurry to leave.

"It's simple, you dummy…. She should be at the Crown Prince's chamber now". She said as she headed straight to his chamber. His Mansion was so big. It took minutes to even get to his chamber.


On the opposite side of the palace, in the renovated Manor. [Xi Xhen was furious, her brows were furrowed, and she was wandering about in one direction complaining].

"Wait! Are they planning on killing me!? First he gave me an abandoned Manor to live in, and now the servants won't even serve me?? Does he want me to starve to death!!?". She yelled out in frustration. "I hate you Demon!!!. No…. I think a Demon is even better than you!". She shouted at the top of her lungs. Not minding to even settle down for a moment.

"Em…. Young Mistress, why don't you wait here, let me go get food instead?". Zhen Zhen suggested, with her aim of trying to calm Xi Xhen ranting.

"Hmph!!!…. How pathetic of him. They all brought me here to starve. Well I, Xi Xhen, will never starve…. Nice plan". She said, Her face

was already red now because of all the yelling. Her mind was only focused on food now.

While Xi Xhen was still furious, something strange was already happening outside. The foods in the large storage area disappeared. [Vanished!!!] It appeared right outside her chamber.

Xhen was busy still quarrelling when suddenly she halted. Her nose sniffed the air and perceived a nice aroma that was breathtaking. So she totally stopped her yelling and came outside only to see a nice set of meals in front of her Manor door.

She was dumbfounded. "How did this happen?". She thought.. "Well, I don't want to think about it, not now". She bent her back and carried it up, but Zhen Zhen collected it and helped carry it into the Manor.

"Something strange is happening here". She can't help but to think.


"Huh…. How strange. Why don't I see Li Yun?". Quin Quin asked in confusion. They came all the way here to see the newlyweds couples, but they were told no one was inside.

"Were they all lying then?". She thought as she pushed her way in. Li Nan tried to stop her. "What if the Crown Prince was really inside and didn't want any disturbance?!". He thought.

He ran after her but she was faster than him because she was eager to see the crown princess consort.

Upon arriving her way to his room to confirm, Indeed no one was in. "But why? Isn't this supposed to be their wedding night?". She wondered, as she could still not believe it. She was sure not to enter the room. She just checked for shadows outside through the door. "Phew". Sigh of relief by Li Nan when he saw no one was in the chamber.

"Now let's go". He urged her as he grabbed her hand out of the huge Chamber. "It's already late, we should head back". He said to her. Quin Quin has no choice but to agree. On the other hand, she was kind of disappointed. She knew why she persisted to come here now, because from tomorrow, she would be really held captive because of her coming marriage. She used the Crown Prince's marriage ceremony as an excuse to escape for the day, only for her to get disappointed. Well she still has another chance to meet her. She thought as she followed behind Li Nan.

She entered her carriage and left the Crown Prince's Palace.

Li Nan just rode his horse and they both left, assisted by the imperial servants.


It was morning time…. The morning sunset shone so brightly through the chamber that it caused Xi Xhen to wake up.

[She Yawns, while supporting her mouth with her hand] "Morning freedom". Xhen said out excitedly as she got up from the bed.

"Good thing that I am Free and don't have to even see the face of that Demon…. hehehe". She said as she laughs, she still couldn't believe that this really happened.

The door suddenly swung opened, making Xhen to look at the door. It was Zhen Zhen.

"Morning Young Mis.... WHOA!!!". Zhen's sudden exclaim made Xi Xhen to be confused.

"What was that Zhen?". She asked Zhen Zhen that was still looking dumbfounded like a clown now.

"Y..Y.. Your hair, Young Mistress". She stammered as she finally said out.

"Tsk…. What happened to my ha…?. She stopped her words when she saw that her hair was no longer shiny black but instead it was shiny golden white. "WHAT?!!! HOW ON EARTH DID THIS HAPPENED?!!!". She asked in confusion as she quickly got up to stand in front of the large mirror. She stared at herself in great confusion. She does looks like a deity goddess with the hair.

She pinched herself to confirm if she was perhaps still dreaming or not, but she was actually not because she felt it.

Zhen was also surprised. How did this suddenly happened to her Young Mistress. She thought as she also look at her Xi Xhen who was still in shock and in great disbelief.