Spirit protector/ Reincarnation of the Goddess

They were both still shocked by this strange happening.

Zhen on the other side looked at her Young Mistress in awe.... She was a beauty just a while ago, but now, she looks even more beautiful than a goddess.

"Zhen….". She called but no response from her. "Zhen!!". Zhen Zhen was finally snapped out of her daydreaming.

"Oh…. I apologise, Young Mistress. I was just as surprised as you are now". She admitted.

"Hmm…. This isn't that weird". She nodded while using her fingers to touch her hair. "But it doesn't look that bad having a white hair…. It kinda looks cooler to me than black hair". Xi Xhen said, bringing out positive feelings about this situation.

She has to wave this off for now, later she would figure it out. She thought. But all these weird things started happening yesterday when she entered this Manor. She thought this, thus flooding her mind with different thoughts and possibilities.