The Rescue and Assult

Ushu flies from tree branch to branch just to reach Elve Village.

Ushu stops at a tree stump.

"(heavy breathing) ahh.. ah aah.. aah... I'm... still can't go that fast..."

Ushu continues her way to the village that is under siege. On her way there, she notices that there are 2 orcs on her front. She casts a spell on the orc's head and then it fell off to the ground. Ushu still does not stop until she reaches the backside of the village, where a dozen orcs are waiting for her.

" Ahh..haa... I... I need to... enter the village...I need to.. t-to.. kill you all."

Ushu summoned a Dark Shaped Dagger and cut off orcs' heads one by one until she reached the inside village.

"Ahhh.. ahhh.. I'm inside... guhh.. my mana... I can't keep this up... I'm still not recovered from my last fight.."

While she is on search, the inside village has been infiltrated by the orcs, and she kills a bunch of them until she finally finds the villagers with a bunch of orcs surrounding them and their weapons are already lowered to strike the villagers.

"NO PLEASE SPARE OUR LIVES!"A random villager shouted.

"NO PLEASE, STOP!"A random villager shouted.

Ushu grips its hands on the dagger and moves as fast as the blink of an eye. She cuts the heads of all the orcs surrounding the remaining villagers, but on that, she consumes all of the mana that she had left.

" It's... is this the end? I'm still... I'm still capable of doing it!"Ushu talks to her head.

Ushu tries to get up, but she falls.

The villagers' chief approaches Ushu and hold her down.

"no.. don't force yourself... it's fine we will protect you... after all, you save us... we will try our best we know we are weak but when we see your bravery that encourages us elves to fight with our own... no.. fight with our brothers and sisters... stay down... we will take care of you." Said by the villagers' chief to Ushu.

The Elve rise from their seats and hide Ushu. A dozen orcs come from different directions. They are now angrier and want to kill them all.

"This is the end to us My brother and Sisters let's unite into another world!"A random villager shouted.

"YEAH! SEE YOU GUYS!"A random villager shouted.

"I LOVE YOU ALL"A random villager shouted.

The orcs were closing in on each other when suddenly a dozen lights appeared in the sky and hit the orcs on their heads. They fell to the ground at the same time.

"what... just happen.. they all just fell-"A random villager shouted.

A loud jet oozing sound passed above the village, and the jet came back and hovered in the distance.

"W-What was.. that.."A random villager shouted.

Ushu stood up in surprise when she saw that the human flying thing was there.

"This message has been converted into your speaking, and it comes from the Federal of the Earth Alliance (FEA). In short, we are here to assist you. "

All of the elves were shocked at what happened right now.

"What is that coming out of the woods?" A random villager shouted.

The system spoke.

" Don't alarm that's my Pilot in your language he is my master Major Drek... and he is a Human."

The elve village was shocked at what they saw. A human came out of the woods with something that it was holding.

{ Earlier on Drek perspective }

A Low flaying Jett with a zooming speed passes by through the mountains.

[..Sir, we are almost there, The weapons are ready to fire...] said by the system

'Ok, now I need to find a place to Deploy on the ground... Ahh Over there.' said to itself

Drek is looking for clear ground to drop off.

"System, Ready the AEDS (Air Emergency Disembark System)"

[..Yes Major Drek, AEDS Ready..]

Drek flew his plane slowly above the trees and came close to touching the tip of the end of it.

'wait... wait... Here!.' he shouts on his mind.


[..AEDS, Activated..]

The underside of the jet seat opened for the deployment of a soldier pilot, Major Drek, who flew down with impact boots and safety landing packs, or jetpacks, for short.

Major Drek reached the ground.

"System, Deploy ASD."

[..Yes, Major Drek ASD Online..]

ASD, also called an Armed Service Drone, is a Combat Medic, Spotter, Shield Generator, and Ammo Box with a Mounted MG Tech9 Generation 8 Laser Gun.

"Copy System, I received the package. System Continue the mission, get there as soon as possible I'll Excercise for a bit, I'll be there."

[..Yes, Major Drek...]

Major Drek runs as fast as he can and hunts all the orcs that were on their way to the village. Dozens of orcs have been killed easily by Major Drek's powerful gun.

"ASD, EP Code 4. Scan area."

It means Emergency Protocol Code 4, which is only used when it's a life-or-death scenario.

[..Roger... Scan Complete, Clear sector...]

Major drek continues on his pursuit into the village.

[...Major Drek this is System, I'm almost close to the Target Should I fire now?..]

"System, Drop them."

[...Yes, Major Drek, Firing now...]

Suddenly, a dozen light beams light up the night skies.

[..Major Drek, Mission is Complete, Elves Safe...]

"System, Send Protocol M-46."

Protocol M-46 Supervise the area or recon and destroy it.

[..Yes, Major Drek...]

"Ahh... they are safe I can finally stand down a little bit...oh I can hear System talking to them..." Drek said on its mind.

When Major Drek comes out of the woods, he feels happy on the inside because he's saving another innocent life.

The elves in the village are still shocked by the situation, but Ushu snaps out of it and orders the villagers.


The elf people snap out of it and start moving to save the wounded elves and extinguish fires.

The Massacre at Southern Elf Village has been recorded in history.

Major Drek walks out of the forest and continues along the path in front of the Elve Village.

Ushu notices Major Drek and sneaks out to see and watch what Major Drek is doing.

He looks around and raises his right arm, and makes a circle shape in the air. The circle that he drew glows blue. Suddenly, a hologram pops up in front of Major Drek, and it's the map scale around the village.

"Wow~ w-what is that in front of drek... is that a~ MAP!?" Ushu talks to her head.

Major Drek clicked on the hologram map, and suddenly a lot of red dots appeared.

"This is a lot worsen I didn't expect that they will be hidden monsters.." Drek said on its mind.

Major Drek touched its ear.

"System, Ready the HV and LBM"

[..Yes, Major Drek Armed and ready..]

HV stands for Heat Vision and LBM stands for Laser Beam Missile.

Major Drek hovers his hand above the hologram map, and suddenly it's faded away. He prepared his equipment and he called the AEDS.

"System, Activate Air Assistance for me."

[...Yes Major Drek, Commencing now...]

Suddenly, a beam of light lights up the night skies with a colourful beam.

A random Elve villager

".. LOOK UP THE SKY!.." said a random Villager.

"..Its so beautiful.." said a random Villager.

They are all frozen by the beauty of the light beam, suddenly.


The villagers continue its work to help other elves.

A horde of Orcs marches through the dark forest, not far from the village, with the intent to kill. A light beam was getting closer and closer to the Orcs when it just suddenly exploded into the sky and it became a smaller light beam. It starts to fall down with an amount of speed that it aims at the Orcs' heads. One by one, the Orcs fell to the ground with the amount of force that came from the light beam.

In the village, Major Drek, with his binoculars, sees the orcs wiped out with one blow of the LBM.

"hm... Direct Hit.. LBM is literally scary to use here it only used on a Neodymium or Tungsten metals... but on here this will be like a peace of paper..." Drek said on its mind.

Major Drek turned around and walked to the elf villagers, where he saw the corpse of the dead Elevs.

----------------------------------------To Be Continue -------------------------------------------------------