
Ushu is helping others prepare a meal for them and preparing medicine for the wounded Elevs. While Ushu was busy helping the elevs, she saw in the distance that Major Drek was sitting under the tree.

"Drek is taking a break over there. I want to join him, but.. I need to help the others." Ushu said in its mind.

On Major Drek's side, he is just taking a close-eyed nap, but he is still not letting his guard down.

While Major Drek taking a nap he suddenly got a dream of the past.

In that dream, he is in an urban fight with the unknown.

year 2100, somewhere on the Korean Peninsula.

Fighter Planes zooming in the skies. A squadron of KF-16s flies over the buildings.

"Target Lock! Fox one... Fox two..!" Said by a random pilot in a KF-16

"Target Hit!" said the pilot.

Suddenly, an unknown spacecraft suddenly appeared on its back and shot him down.

"IM HIT! AHHH-" A KF-16 exploded.

The dogfight continues in the skies.

A loud noise appears out of nowhere, and some parts of the city darken as if there is a shadow above.

Drek looks up and sees a large ship the size of a city appear in the sky, slowly lowering and hovering above the city depending on its position, and he notices that the spacecraft are coming out of that large ship.

"This Alpha 1-1... focus your attack on their big ship, their mother ship" said Drek on the radio.

"This Bravo 1-1, Copy!" Said by the Leader of Bravo Squadron

"This Charlie 1-1, Roger!" Said by the Leader of Charlie Squadron.

"This Delta 1-1, Copy!" Said by the Leader of Delta Squadron

The radio went silent.

"Where is Echo Squadron?" Drek said on the radio.

"Echo Squadron... is lost, sir.." On the radio, the Delta Squadron said.

"... Damn it! Let's do this! IN MEMORY OF OUR LOST COMRADES!" Drek said on the radio.

"Roger!" exclaimed the squadron leaders over the radio.

in a tense aerial dogfight with the KF-16s and the unknown spacecraft fighting over the buildings.

Drek and others in the squadron pass through the dozen unknown spacecraft fighters and head to the big ship, or as they call it, the mother ship.

"We are almost there! get ready to fire all your missiles" Drek said.

"Roger missiles ready" said the squadrons.

"On my mark.... 3...." They are getting closer and closer.

"2..." its suddenly opening something a hatch

"1.. OPEN FIRE !" All of the squadrons opened fire, and a dozen missiles traveled through the skies

"Wait what with that hatch is opening wide and a light coming out of it.." Drek said on its head.

Drek look carefully and suddenly

"EVERYBODY! EVADE! EVADE! SCRAMBLE!" drek shouts on the radio.

A giant white beam came out of the mother ship, destroying all of its wayward spacecraft and the KF-16s.

Drek KF-16 got hit on its right wing and can't control its plane.

"Maday Mayday, Alpha 1-1 going down, ejecting out."

Drek ejected from his fighter plane, the KF-16, and successfully opened the parachutes. The ejection seat is safely landed on the roof of a building. He removed its seat belt and stood up, grabbing all of its equipment and its weapon, and when he saw the radio, he picked it up.

"This Alpah 1-1, come in, come in, is someone on this frequency. Over." Drek Said

"... ... ..."

"No response" Drek said.

Drek looks around him and sees the way down the stairs.

"I should get out of here" Drek said.

He starts walking towards the door, and while he is walking on it, he starts checking his equipment and weapons to see if they are loaded or not, and then he is ready to breach the door.

He reached the door with speed, and he kicked it. The door opened wide; it was a staircase down to the third floor of the building.

"Okay, information about this building is unknown; I don't know where I am at the moment; the building has a fire on the 2nd floor; this might just be a staircase way down, right?" Drek said to its mind.

Drek just kept walking down and peeking at the left side, where he could spot how long the way down there was and that it was just a staircase down to the 1st floor without any hustle. Drek just kept walking down until he reached the ground floor.

Suddenly, the radio starts getting some signals.

"This Captain Haymond, do any one read! all units, full back at First Defense" was said on the radio.

Drek heard a cracking sound and without any hunch, he rushed to open the door and find a way to get out of the building. The building suddenly collapsed, but Drek didn't hesitatate to stop. He still kept running with the alertness on high.

He kept running, from one alleyway to another, because he had the feeling that something was chasing him so fast that he couldn't stop running, and suddenly he saw a highway and a clear field at the end of his alleyway. He rushed in and jumped to avoid the obstacles, then suddenly grabbed its weapon and looked back with the tenseness of killing something that was following him.

"Comon you just get out..." Drek said

Suddently Loud noises were coming closer and closer to Drek, but suddenly, a missile just impacted the alleyway with turmendous speed, and a fighter jet of an alien type hovered just above Drek, followed by the sudden noise of armored vehicles and the shouts of infantrymen.

A group of infantrymen ran towards Drek, aimed at the alleyway, and suddenly..

"OPEN FIRE!" shouted by a rambunctious group of infantrymen.

They open fire at the alleyway, and the armored vehicles and hovering jet fire missiles.

The infantrymen advanced to the scene, where they fired a dozen rounds of ammo at a creature that was willing to kill everyone in its path, and it confirmed it was dead.

All the armored vehicles advanced to the scene to support the infantrymen. The hovering fighter plane moved a little to the side and saw Drek looking at him. The pilot waved, and it flew away. A humvee approaches Drek, and a person gets out of it.

"Good to see you alive, First Lieutenant Drek..." Captain Haymond stated.

Drek shocked, took a formal stand, and saluted.

"Yes sir! Thank you sir!" Drek stated

"haiyah..." said Captain Haymond.

Captain Haymond approached First Lieutenant Drek and shook his right hand.

"Don't be formal in front of me; I'm glad you're alive" Captain Haymond said.

With happy and joyful feelings, Drek extends his left hand and clasps Captain Haymond's hand.

"Yes, father, I'm here now." Drek replies