System Activation

There is still more than 3,000 yuan left to make up for the cost of going to college, but it is only half a month since I left school.

Can I just explain the difficulties to the school and take a break from school for a time to earn more money before going to college?

In a dark and cramped rental house, a young man with a handsome face was sitting on a reclining chair that was not new, looking a little sad.

The boy's name is Lin Zhi, and he is an orphan who grew up in an orphanage in Hangzhou. However, after the dean's grandfather passed away two years ago, Lin Zhi moved out to rent a house by himself.

Two months ago, Lin Zhi took the college entrance examination. Lin Zhi, who has always had good grades in the college entrance examination, performed exceptionally well and was admitted to Shanghai Magic City University, which ranks among the top five in the country. It's just that I worked a summer job during the summer vacation, but I still couldn't make up the expenses. Now Lin Zhi can only hope that the school can agree to take a break from school for a while to work and earn money.

"Energy collection is complete, the strongest women's clothing system is being activated"

Just as Lin Zhi was thinking wildly, a voice sounded in Lin Zhi's head.

Lin Zhi didn't panic when he heard a strange voice ringing in his head. Lin Zhi, who is familiar with various online articles, instantly realized that his cheat had already arrived.

"System, are you there?"

Lin Zhi asked cautiously in his mind.

"I am here"

"What functions do you have?"

"This system is the strongest women's clothing system. As the name suggests, the host completes system tasks through women's clothing to obtain system rewards and thus reach the pinnacle of life."

Lin Zhi blushed when he heard the words, it's too shameful to wear women's clothes.

"System, can I not wear women's clothing?"

"Then the system will go?"

"Don't worry, I'll just wear it. Women's clothing has a variety of styles and colors. I like wearing women's clothing the most!"

Lin Zhi quickly succumbed to the threat of the system's "I'm going". After all, this may be the only chance in his life to change his fate against the sky. Let alone women's clothing, even if he turns into a girl, it is not unacceptable to bite his teeth.

Stop, stop, Lin Zhi, how can you be so unscrupulous? You are a boy.

Thinking of this, Lin Zhi patted his blushing cheeks, breaking himself out of his wild thoughts.

"It has been detected that the host has accepted this system, and the system is being bound. Please choose the direction of your women's clothing in the future."

"What is the direction of women's clothing?"

Lin Zhi was a little confused and asked the system.

"The direction of women's clothing refers to the shaping effect of the host after wearing women's clothes. The system will carry out a certain body transformation on the host after wearing women's clothes to make it closer to a girl."

"Then what directions can I choose now?"

"The host can choose from two women's clothing directions, the first is Onee san's direction, and the second is Lolita's direction, please choose"

"Wait for the body transformation? Then I should still be a boy? Isn't it like a shemale?"

"In the state of women's clothing, the host still retains male sexual characteristics."

Lin Zhi breathed a sigh of relief, as long as the pride of being a man is still there

Only Onee san and Lolita? Lin Zhi stroked his smooth chin and thought: In the direction of Onee san, she has fair skin, beautiful long legs, protruding front and back, and a devil figure.

Thinking of the countless bees, waves, and butterflies around me. Lin Zhi couldn't help feeling a little chilly. Loli's direction is nothing special. For me, it's nothing more than a little lower height and longer hair. The difference from the current self should not be very big.

The key is that Loli's words should be able to block many LSPs. After all, not everyone is a lolicon. Lin Zhi is a straight guy, and he doesn't want to feel pursued by boys at all.

"System then, I choose the loli direction"

"It has been detected that the host has chosen the direction of women's clothing, the novice gift bag is being distributed, and the body is being transformed"

Lin Zhi suddenly felt a warm current rushing through his body. The place where the heat flow passed was like being charged, and the surroundings became numb. This feeling is so comfortable that it makes people feel like they are floating on the clouds.

Lin Zhi lay on the bed and hugged the pillow, biting the corner of the pillow, trying not to make a sound. Lin Zhi fell asleep slowly, feeling as if he was soaking in a hot spring.

Lin Zhi didn't wake up until the moon was in the sky.

"This world seems to be brighter." As soon as Lin Zhi woke up, he found the difference from before. Lin Zhi's slightly myopic eyes have completely returned to normal, and the things around him seem to be a circle bigger. It should be the result of his body size being shrunk a little. Lin Zhi was not surprised by this, nor did he find it difficult to accept. After all, can someone with shoulder height and body width be called a loli? 

Lin Zhi jumped off the bed and was about to put on slippers and go to the bathroom mirror to admire his transformed appearance. After all, although his original appearance was pretty and handsome, there was still a big gap between him and the cute little loli. Wearing slippers that are too big for several laps and don't fit. Lin Zhi came to the mirror and looked at the beautiful little loli in the mirror, with a jade quality and a fairy quality. Lin Zhi admitted that his heart was moved at that moment, even though he was not a lolicon.

Lin Zhi felt that he had to take back the loli figure just now to block the thoughts of many lsps because they might not be lolicon, but the person they just wanted to control was a loli. Lin Zhi thought with some distress, and the little loli in the mirror also showed a worried expression, which looked very cute. Suddenly, Lin Zhi thought of the most important thing he hadn't confirmed yet: he had become such a cute little lolita, no matter how he looked, he didn't look like a boy anymore. Lin Zhi quickly stretched out his small hand to touch his body.

Um? empty!

Lin Zhi felt that he was deceived and received 10,000 points of critical damage. It was agreed to be a women's clothing system, so why did my little brother all turn into a girl's little sister?

''This is a special effect of women's clothing blessed by this system. In short, the host is still a boy. do not worry''

Lin Zhi breathed a sigh of relief, recalling his actions just now, although he felt that something was missing, there was nothing more.

But just to be on the safe side, Lin Zhi quietly confirmed it. After confirming that I am still a real boy, I finally let out a long sigh of relief, now I am relieved!

I didn't expect the function of the system to be so powerful. Even Lin Zhi himself was taken aback when he knew that he was a boy, thinking that something big happened.

Who would have thought that such a soft and cute little loli would hide a fierce beast on her body? But after letting some gentlemen know, maybe they will be more excited.