Going out in women's clothing for the first time.

''Issuing the task now: As a soft and cute little loli, how can I not have a cute little skirt? Ask the host to purchase a certain amount of clothing. The task reward depends on the completion of the task, and all the money spent during the task will be borne by the system. ''

The voice of the system rang in Lin Zhi's mind.

''There is such a good thing!"

Lin Zhi instantly turned into a loli star-eyed state, and of course, the light of money shone in his eyes.

As a child who grew up in an orphanage, it is not easy to guarantee his studies. Naturally, there would be no extra money to buy clothes, and Lin Zhi only had a few sets of clothes to change and wash.

But now that the women's clothing system is activated, as the name suggests, you have to wear women's clothing.

But now Lin Zhi has nothing to wear except the small Lolita dress automatically given by the system. If this suit is washed off, he can't wear big pants and a T-shirt!

And now that the body size has become smaller, think about it. The T-shirts I used to wear can be used as dresses, and the neckline must be more than a circle larger. Walk outside and properly distribute benefits to others!

Lin Zhi didn't want to be a welfare concubine. Now that the system releases this task, I am really happy.

"Needles don't poke! System dad, I love you!"

''Cough! The mission timer starts''

A sentence came out of the system suddenly.

However, this task seems to have no time limit, and the sudden sound of the system seems to be trying to cover up.

However, Lin Zhi didn't know the twists and turns. After hearing the system's prompt, he immediately prepared to go shopping in the mall.

When going out, Lin Zhi stopped at the porch of the door, a little tangled - he seemed to have no shoes to go out - the previous sneakers were too big, and he couldn't wear them at all. Although the slippers are too big, at least they can be worn.

But it doesn't match the current loli shape and the cute Lolita dress. It looks very discordant.

Just when Lin Zhi was so entangled in whether he should just wear slippers and go out. A pair of black round-toed leather shoes and a pair of white stockings wrapped in exquisite bags slowly appeared on the floor.

Lin Zhi looked at it in amazement, and at the same time secretly sighed at the magic of the system.

After picking up the stockings and unpacking them. Carefully roll the stocking into a comfortable fit.

She arched her white, tender, and lovely feet and slowly slipped them into the stockings. After the little feet are completely inserted, slowly lift the stockings along the milk-like tender and white calves to the thighs.

After one foot was put on, Lin Zhi

followed the same procedure and finished the other foot. Feeling the soft and comfortable feeling that the legs are wrapped in stockings, Lin Zhi understands why girls like wearing stockings so much because they are so comfortable.

After putting on the stockings, Lin Zhi picked up the small black round-toed leather shoes, which are also called pig kidney shoes because they look a bit like pig's kidneys.

When Lin Zhi was in high school, he saw some girls in his class wear them, but they all looked nondescript. It's so ugly that only a few girls with good looks can control it.

However, after Lin Zhi put it on, there was no such problem at all. The small black round-toed leather shoes made Lin Zhi's little feet more small and cute. People can't help but take off the little loli's shoes and wantonly play with her white and smooth little feet.

Especially for those with abnormal foot control, the lethality is simply not too great. Coupled with the pure and lovely face of a little loli angel, it is simply too cute to die.

"The problem of going out was solved so easily by the system. The system is really a good person." The system, who was issued a good person card invisibly, felt the same in his heart when he saw the cute and cute appearance of the little loli. Beautiful.

''My female goose is the cutest in the world'' proud.jpg.

After getting dressed, Lin Zhi took the house keys and was ready to go shopping happily. Outside the door of the unit, there is a small area for residents' activities.

Because there are several kinds of fitness equipment and a few tall trees, it also attracts many uncles and aunts to come to do morning exercises on weekdays.

But it was already past nine o'clock in the morning, and the morning exercise crowd had already gone back.

But there are still many old men and women sitting under the trees to enjoy the shade. After all, it is too hot in City X in August. If the fans are turned on indoors, the wind blowing out will be full of heat.

And grandpas and aunts are more thrifty and are not willing to turn on the air conditioner, so they might as well come out under the tree to enjoy the shade. You can also chat with neighbors and play cards and mahjong.

After Lin Zhi came out, an aunt with brighter eyes found this soft and cute little loli.

''Look at that little girl is so cute and beautiful''

The other uncles and aunts couldn't help seeing the past when they heard the words, and they all responded:

''She looks even better than the stars on TV. ''

"My son just graduated from university this year and has not found a girlfriend. I will ask for the girl's contact information so that they can get in touch."

An aunt was about to get up as she spoke, but the others hurriedly held her back.

"Come on, your son looks mediocre and is not tall. How can he be worthy of such a cute little girl? What a toad wants to eat swan meat, and you can see that she is obviously underage. If I complain about you, you will be punished. Do you want your family to live your whole life running to Courts?"

"Yeah, look at the clothes she's wearing. The style and fabric are obviously not ordinary. This little girl is probably a wealthy daughter. Your son must be out of business."

After a few words, the aunt's intention was dispelled.

"Yes, no matter how you look at her temperament and clothes, she looks like a child of a rich family, although I don't know why she came to their resettlement community where most of the poor live."

"But I think it should be that the eldest miss has one or two classmates who have a good time living here, and the eldest miss comes to play with her classmates for a day or two during the summer vacation."

"My son looks like an idiot who eats too much, is lazy, and doesn't want to make progress. If he works hard for a hundred years, he won't be worthy of him!"

Thinking of this, Auntie saw that it was past nine o'clock. My stupid son must still be sleeping in at home. Immediately, he was so angry that he ran home angrily after telling a few good sisters that there was something wrong with him when he went home.

A few minutes later, a fat house with a decadent face hugged his wife's pillow, screaming pitifully. This fat man is accepting the spur of love from his mother's feather duster with a dazed face.

"Mom, don't beat me, what did I do wrong. You're still sleeping and you beat me with a feather duster?"

"old lady gets angry when she sees your fat face."

Fei Zhai's doubts did not stop his mother from beating him, but instead gave him an even more overwhelming spur.

Naturally, our lovely Linzhi little lolita and handsome reader fathers cannot understand the pain of this fat house.

Lin Zhi's little lolita is no longer called Lin Zhi, but Lin Zhi'er. The name comes from the new ID card that the system processed for Lin Zhi'er.