
He turned to the egg, and to his shock, the little grey roots coming out of the egg dug deep in the ground and then mana again started flowing into the egg. 

The moment the mana flow started, the upper part of the egg started blinking. 

Yunyun shouted to him, "Yay master, you succeed in the experiment." 

Grave, on the other hand, had a frown on his face. Through his mana zone, he sensed there were many energies rumbling in the egg, fighting against one another.

He was not able to sense any embryo in the cracked eggs. For him, the egg looked like a bomb that would explode to release those energies in it. 'sigh' The root was proof that the tree gene dominated the snake genes. He still looked at those roots. They were grey and had some weird symbols on them.

He found those intriguing and want to inspect them, but the blinking egg stopped him. He waited on the side to let the egg explode and then examine those roots.