Going to carnival

In his past life, the 6 gates made many of the dungeon masters so traumatized that most of them panicked just hearing about the gates.

Anything related to the gate became taboo to talk about in the forum. All the dungeon masters collectively decided not to look at the gate at all. The gate not only wasted so much time but the after-effect left a horror to those that experienced that.

But one way or another, he always ends up staring at the gate. It all started when he got so much Loney that he wanted to run away from everything in life and to make that time pass he looked at these gates and bam days passed. All the loneliness got replaced by the dread feeling. He even thought, 'What if I spent so much time there never to get up again?'

These gates became the tool to run away from reality. The start was slow, but unknowingly he got addicted and then started looking at gates in the name of finding the solution to this mystery.