Play time

[what happened? Why are you not replying] He heard another shout. 

He asked, "Who are you?" 

[Don't act like you don't recognize me!]

Roan looked at his phone with an annoyed look on his face. He felt some resemblance, but he did not recall it. 'Shit, what happens to my memory?' He remembered so many game events, but the real-life memory was all foggy. 

[You don't remember me… it's less than a month.] her voice became low. 

"Nope!" he flatly rejected her. 

[You fcking retard? Did you get hit by a donkey? Don't tell you replaced that brain of yours with donkey shit…] 

Her voice was so loud that everyone in the car started looking at him. He stared at the phone, scratching his head. The more he heard this voice, the more clarity he got. 'Is this second leach?' 

[… I am Minky, team leader. ]