School problem.

"Idiot you are 20. You can't be a guardian before 21." 

"What!" This rule surprised Roan. He looked at Aria. 

Aria shook her head, "I am 18, sir." 

"Shit! Is there anything else we can do?" Roan asked her. Dhruv also stared at her. 

Aria opened her tab. "For the guardian problem, I don't know much, but here." She turned the tablet toward the brothers. 

Roan asked her, "What is this?"

"This is the school's special Liberty program where they focus more on teaching the children about gaming as this is the future." 

Roan rubbed his chin. He heard about these kinds of programs but he did not know they started this early. He turned down to see Dhruv going through all the information.

Aria said to him, "Sir, this program is great for sir to become friends with other kids."

Roan nodded to her. He realized the lack of peers around Dhruv. "Aria, I have a doubt about this program."

"Yes, sir?"