Trouble known and unknown...

Dhruv and Aria looked at each other and smiled. 

"Big sis, that's so great. You are also going to the party, right?"

"Mm," Aria nodded her head with a smile on her face. 

"But big sis, what plans were you guys talking about the other days?" 

Aria froze. "Lil sir, no time. I need to get ready," she rushed to her room.

In the Roan rooms, he lay on the ground. He needed some relaxation time. His condition was not optimal. The thought of the 3 voids and his frozen state kept coming to his mind.

It was only because of his mental resistance he could walk. He was not in the condition of attending any party right now. The torturous feeling of being trapped in a place and those clouds… 

It was already too much for him to move his body as he wanted. He knew that the easiest way right now was to cry his heart out in a corner. Screamed and blamed the entire world or even cursed this luck. This would surely help him out, but no.