Unwanted problems

"But why? Why?"

The driver shook his head. "I don't know. You know, even the guild is helpless about the boss in the game." 

All of them sighed with a defeated looks. They looked at each other and decided it was best not to poke much in the Boss' business. 

Roan cut the phone and walked to the guards. "You guys, I will wait here for my friends. You do your work." 

The guards looked at each other and one of them asked, "Sir your instruction about miss." 

Roan looked at them, "is there anything to ask on this? Just pulled out guns that time." 

They looked at him with wide eyes, and nodding their head, moved to the party.

Roan leaned on his car and started waiting for those guys. He did not care much about this party instead, his mind was all occupied with the game. He spent his time thinking about his trapped situation in the game.