The party and William

'Well, great life lesson, I guess.' this incident sure reminded him he did not know the Abyss gang. He only had limited knowledge about the Abyss guild only. 

One guard looked at him and said, "We are ready to move." 

Roan sighed. So much drama. He walked to the 2nd hall gate. There were 2 guys standing around the gate, but both of them were in black suits. 

He saw them staring at his groups, not caring his group moved toward the gate. Both of the guards moved inside the hall.

  One guard opened the gate, and he entered the hall. Inside the hall, there were all his classmates talking, sitting around a big long table talking among themselves. Most of the people of the same groups sit around one another. 

In just one glance, he noticed one thing. At the upper end of the table, most of the people were in shiny clothes. 

A few waiters were moving around the table with drinks in their hands.