Chapter 42: Things are different where I'm from.

Damien's POV

I left Angelique to rest as she wished and finished cleaning myself up. I would've been here sooner if it hadn't been for that false threat that meant hurting my sister. If I had known, I would've gone straight here to be with Angelique.

I was right all along. I should've stayed with her instead of participating in this stupid hunt. What kind of a king am I to be when I can't even protect my family? I feel so disappointed in myself. But I suppose it can't be helped. Everything already happened and nothing I do can change that. All I can do now is make sure nothing like this ever happens again.

"Prince Damien," a familiar voice dragged me out of my thoughts.

I looked up to see who my caller was. It was none other than the brothers who saved the day. I guess I owe them the life of my family and should pay proper respects. I walked closer, bowing to them in respect. "Prince Conner and Prince Ford," I said, "Thank you for keeping Angelique and the babies safe. I owe you a lot for that."

The older prince seemed calmer than the younger, but they both had death glares in their eyes. Both were tall with the same dark hair and eyes but were totally opposite from the other. The older one looked more sophisticated and highly respected while the other looked more ragged and carefree. They're the heirs of the fallen empire of Malachite and cousin of my wife. Despite their downfall, they're still highly respected and feared.

"Let's have a chat, shall we?" said Prince Ford, gesturing me to follow after them.

I did as I was told and followed them into a study. The walk was quiet and eerie. As soon as we reached the study, they sat me down by a table that had a complete spread and of course, alcohol.

"I don't believe we had the pleasure of meeting each other," I said, accepting the cup of wine they'd poured.

"We were invited to your grand wedding, but we didn't attend as we are greatly opposed to the match," replied the younger prince. "Our family sent a proxy for us."

"If you were opposed, then why did you help Angelique?" I asked curiously. Truth be told, I'm intrigued with the older prince. He seemed cold and silent, but I could see in his eyes that he's got a lot to say to me. Actually, I could feel it. I could feel the hatred seeping from him.

Prince Ford then replied, "Because we love Angelique despite the errors in her judgment. Honestly, we were only opposed to this because we knew she didn't want any of this. We of course kept our mouths shut and kept our opinions to ourselves. If we hadn't, I'm more than certain she would've turned her back on that duty."

"I see," I said, "You did this because she's family."

"Correct," Ford replied.

"So what is it that you wanted to talk about?" I asked.

"Everything," he replied. His tone dropped from arrogant to cold. "Let's start with your cheating with different women during your time in the front lines and end it with what the fuck you did today, huh? My cousin endured a lot during her pregnancy. She could've died even due to the wounds and stress she had before delivering. We at least expected you to have the decency of coming here as soon as you can."

Conner finally spoke, adding, "We are greatly insulted by the way you treated the crown's jewel. As her cousins, it is our duty to protect her. Tell us why you chose to go to Diamond Fortress instead of being with your wife?"

What do I say? I cannot tell them about Alicent just yet. No one can know about her unless we're certain she's safe from Grea's hands. What excuse is there to say?

"Well?" Conner asked, sipping from his wine. "Will you not give us an answer? We treat the women in our lives with such high respect and value so it's natural for us to be disturbed by how you treat Angelique. If you won't tell us why you didn't come sooner, then enlighten us about why you slept with countless women. I despise men who do that to their pregnant wives."

"It used to be punishable by death in sacred law, was it not, brother?" Ford arched his brow.

"I cannot give you an answer you want," I replied, "All I can do is apologize. But you must also understand that this was custom to my people and others. If you were that insulted, I apologize. But I need you to understand that she's married to a Cross. Things are different where I'm from."

Conner shook his head in distaste. The look on his face reminds me of Angelique's when we met at the battle of Whitefield. It was almost identical. They had the same disgust, anger, and hostility. He gestured his brother to stop before he could even utter a word, and Ford in turn obeyed him.

"I will be honest with you from the very start, Cross," Conner says with authority, "I don't like you and I don't think I ever will. But the love we have for our dear cousin is greater than the hatred we feel towards you."

"Does that mean you wish to become friends then?" I asked.

He raised his hand, saying, "Let me finish."

I nodded in response, gesturing for him to continue.

"Out of respect and love for her, we will be civil and gracious to you," Conner continued, "We will be backing you up whenever you need us. But know this: our loyalty is to her and not you."

"And for your alliance, my people and I are most grateful," I said, "May we be friendly to each other's realms. I also want to thank you once again for saving my wife. I owe you a large debt and I intend to pay you back."

"To move forward then," Conner says, raising his cup.

Ford and I did the same, saying, "To move forward."

"I am curious, how close were you with my wife?" I asked, "Angelique and I barely knew each other when we got married and I was shipped off to battle when she conceived the twins. I believe I need to know more about her if I am to be a better husband."

Ford replied, "First of all, Angelique is technically our niece given that our actual cousin is her father, King Dorian. King Dorian is very close to our father, his uncle. Angelique was born a few months before Conner was, and they have decided to raise us close. Angelique is closer to us than her actual cousins in the House of Claw. We have a very big clan and family, and I see that you were not that aware of it."

"So Angelique is your niece and not your cousin?" I asked, "That's something I didn't know. How many cousins does she have?"

"I don't know," replied Conner, "The house of Claw multiplies a lot. In fact, it's not just the House of Claw; there are plenty more. Anyway, we are closer than close."

"I see," I nodded, "Was she a happy child growing up?"

"She's happiest when she's with us," Conner replied, "She's often put under pressure by the family to become the perfect soldier and heir. They couldn't conceive a son, so they put everything on Angelique's shoulders."

"But we shouldn't talk about her," said Ford, "Why don't we talk about you? You'll have plenty of time to get to know your wife. Right now is the time we actually get to know each other."

"Very well," I said, "What is it you'd like to know?"

"Your sister is eleven years younger than you, is she not?" asked Conner, "She's to be twelve soon. How do you plan to celebrate her upcoming birthday?"

"You know about my sister?" I questioned, my tone rising. How the bloody hell did they find out about my sister? Did Angelique tell them?

Ford smirked, chuckling. His laugh was like poison dripping from his pretty mouth. "Cross, how do you think Angelique found out the origins of your little sister? She had to have help from someone she could trust. There's no one else other than us. She knows that Jonah would do anything to hurt you should this sensitive information land on his lap. The only other persons she could ask favors for are us. Secretly, of course."

So they helped Angelique uncover the truth? Why hasn't she mentioned it to me then?

"I suppose your father doesn't know a thing, huh?" Conner arched a brow. "Why would you delay relaying such important information?"

Angelique can trust them, but can I? I have a bad feeling about this. It's dangerous for me and my sister. These people are powerful and known for their intelligence and manipulation. They're not afraid to do what they have to in order to showcase their authority.

"You know Grea did it, right?" asked Ford.

"Of course he does," said Conner, "But does he know the person who spared his sister's life after all this time?"

"What are you talking about?" I asked, "Who took my sister from my mother's womb? Does Angelique know anything about this?"

"God, no," replied Conner, "She knows nothing of it. We, however, know a lot about what happened that day. We know a lot about you too. You've slain the assassin who killed your mother at just age thirteen, right?"

"That's bloody impressive," commented Ford, "Your thirst for vengeance is what made you a well-known warrior. But I think I should tell you something important as your "friend." Would you like to hear it?"

"What?" I asked.

"You never killed the assassin who killed your mother," Conner answered coldly. "The person you wished death upon died the very next day he killed your mother."

"How do you know all this?" I asked, "And why are you feeding me information for free? What's the catch? I know that your kind always asks for something in return."

"There is no catch," Ford shrugged, "We just felt like telling you what we know. I was very curious to see your reaction and now I have."

Our conversation was interrupted by the sudden entrance of the King of this realm. We all bowed to him in respect as he joined us at the table.

"Your majesty," I greeted him.

The King didn't look pleased at all. King Ford had the same look his eldest had a while ago. I suppose he favored Angelique among all his grandchildren.

"You're not what I had expected at all," he said, "I imagined you to be taller with a larger body fit for a warrior. I suppose I shouldn't have expected much from you. You couldn't even come here to be with your wife during the delivery of the twins. You are a great disappointment for a prince. Richard must be ashamed for having you as a son, and Alicent must be in agony watching you put your own wife as a second priority just as your father did to your mother. This is despicable."

"He apologized a lot," Prince Ford yawned, "I do not want to hear a very long speech again, father. He knows what he did and we made sure he wouldn't repeat the same mistakes again."

King Ford nodded, folding his arms over his chest. "Very well," he sighed, "So tell me, what did you think when you saw your children? They are beautiful, are they not? They surely take after their mother."

"I thought that they must have been so difficult to push out," I said in all honesty.

"Of course," nodded Conner, "They are twins. The eldest is a girl and the younger is a boy. How does that make you feel as the future King of Cross?"

"Relieved," I replied, "It's essential that she gave birth to a male heir. To have a daughter is another blessing that I am very much thankful for."

"Princess Dianne and Prince Alexander," says King Ford, "Do you mean to marry them to each other to keep the bloodline pure?"

I nodded, saying, "That is an option. Angelique and I mean to have two more children. Hopefully another boy and girl. We wish to marry our heirs to the spares." This conversation is truly uncomfortable. I didn't want to get to know Angeliue's family. This is totally unexpected because of the plot against her. If those rebels hadn't attacked, we wouldn't be here in Malachite Palace and I wouldn't have to sit and endure a conversation with my wife's distant relatives. I suppose the one good thing that came out of this other than my family's safety is my finding out that her "cousins" know about my sister. I have to figure out how I can avoid crossing them and keeping clear from their grasps. Who knows what they could do to us.