Damon looks worried. He's been pacing from left to right all day. Good. Whatever it is that's getting him all worked up, I hope he gets a stroke and dies because of it.

It has been exactly forty days since I was brought to the castle to be the Alpha's slave and it brings me a copious amount of shame to admit that I haven't made any progress in my plans. I have found out absolutely nothing concerning the werewolves.

It's annoying and frustrating. I need to up my game and I need to do it fast.

Ever since the Alpha put out his new law concerning the humans, everything has been better for us. They give us better food now, thrice a day. We have better clothes and better beds. They even stopped beating us too. Sorry Mr. Punisher, I guess you lost your job.

This special treatment they're giving us, I know it's not because they care about us. The werewolves don't give a shit about us humans. The alpha said he's tired of losing humans, that we're dying out too quickly. He probably just needs us to feed the vampires.

But why does he care so much about feeding the vampires and keeping them alive. He hates them. He basically destroyed their home, killed their vampire lord and took all the ones he captured and locked them up like trophies.

Does he do it to torture them? Giving them tiny amounts of blood but not enough to make them strong enough to escape just to remind them that he won and they lost? To remind them that they'll never escape him?

It's either that or he isn't killing them because he needs them for something. That's what I have to find out. I don't know why but something tells me that the Alpha has a secret and it has something to do with the vampires.

I have no way to prove this though because security here is top notch and I can't sneak around easily. Ugh it's so annoying that I just have to stay in this huge room and wear stupid clothes and run stupid errands for the Alpha.

All my wounds are healed now and my skin has regained its color. My hair feels fuller and doesn't break anymore and I don't get tired as much as I used to.

Of course, not all slaves are treated the same. Me being the alpha's pet, I get treated better than the pets of commoners.

Because the werewolves decided to give us special treatment, they hired even more guards to keep us in check and some of them still never miss an opportunity to dehumanize us with their words.

Yes, they treat us better but we are still slaves. We will always be bottom feeders to them.

"What are you thinking about Morgana?"

He hasn't called me "Pet" in seven days. He calls me by my name now. I don't know when or why he decided to start using my name but it makes me feel less like a toy and more like a person. I don't hate him any less because of that though. He's still a monster to me.

He will always be a monster to me.

He stops his pacing, standing in front of my cage.

"Nothing master." I reply quietly from where I'm sitting.

"Don't lie to me." He states raising a brow as he continues staring at me.

"I was thinking about my parents." I lie.

He makes a face, the meaning I can't decipher. A frown appears on his forehead and he opens his mouth to speak but quickly shuts it up again.

Clearing his throat, he walks towards his king-sized bed and falls to his back on it.

"Do you miss them?" He asks. What a silly question. Who in their right mind doesn't miss a dead parent? I want to insult him and call him stupid and tell him it's all his fault they're dead but I refrain.

"I do." I simply answer.

"Do you hate me for it? For their deaths I mean." He asks standing up, walking back towards my cage. I really need him to sit his ass down and stop moving around so much. He's been making me dizzy all day.

Not that he's forcing me to stare at him but it's hard to not stare at someone you want to kill.

I don't answer his question. I raise my head staring deep into his dark eyes hoping he sees the hatred in mine.

"Mmmh." He growls and nods his head, the look on my face probably being answer enough.

"You talk in your sleep sometimes you know." My eyes snap wide open at his statement. "You're always dreaming about them."

"Tell me, how does it feel? To relive that moment every night. To see your parents being burned in front of you over and over again. How does it feel Morgana?"

I hate him. That's all I can think as he taunts me. How can he be so cruel? Talking about the death of my parents like it means nothing. The Alpha has always been rude to me but this, this is the cruelest thing he has ever said to me and I hate him for it.

"Go to hell." I blurt the words out without thinking. Tears forming in my eyes and rolling down my cheeks as I remember their screams.

"There it is. That fire." He lowers himself in front of me to properly meet my gaze.

"I ask myself sometimes just when you're going to let it burn. But then again, you're just a puny human. There's very little you can do." He smirks and makes his way out of the room.

As he closes the door behind him a flood pools out of my eyes and I turn into a sobbing mess as I remember my parents.

Life wasn't easy for us with the vampires, but they never missed an opportunity to show me they loved me. The day they died and I was captured was the worst day of my life and this stupid animal just spoke about them like they were nothing.

I hate him. I hate him with every single fiber in me.

I cry even more as the memories of my parents flood my mind. I think about all the ways I want Alpha to die. I think about all the ways I want to drive a blade through his heart as he sleeps.

I want him to die and I want to be the one to kill him.