It was the darkest night of the year. He was not sure what was going to happen today but one thing was for sure someone was going to die.
He just found out from his little brother how one of his biggest shipments of guns was stolen by someone. He is going there only to punish the culprit. He will kill them mercilessly. Because that is what he is good at. Killing... he is mafia king. Ruler of this hell... he is ... LUCIFER....!
"I don't know what you will do but I want my son back. My son... Lucifer... He has suffered for centuries for his one mistake. Rebellion against you... against the almighty god! You threw him out of heaven... his home. You imprisoned him for so long and when I begged, you showed mercy and freed him only to throw him in another hell where he has to rule.
He has to take birth and go through all the pain like humans and rule that hell called mafia or whatever. He is doing this over and over again. now it is enough. I want my son back." Goddess almighty was furious today and that made the whole heaven shake under her fury. She wants only one thing from god. Her son...
God stood up and smiled. He went near her to calm her down but she took a step back. Today she won't go back without making sure that her husband will listen to her. God understood as well that today he won't be able to win against her.
"My love... can you tell me what happened that made you so angry?" God tried to ask while trying to hold her hand but she didn't let him.
"It hurts to see that my son is living a life of a human. He stays with those worst kinds of humans. He rules over them but still, he has to stay in that hell. Look around, all his other angel siblings have already found their mates. They all have someone by their side but my son is alone.
He takes birth in that inhuman mafia families and rules that mafia hell. Enough is enough. I want him to have his mate. I want him to fall in love and to be happy. You have to call him back. Many angels here are suitable for him." she stated as she has already started looking for angels for her son.
"you know it doesn't work like that. Any of our sons or daughters can only mate with someone whom they have fallen in love with and their other half loves them back. Even though I call him back, he won't fall in love. You know how our son is. And forget about him, none of the angels will fall for him. everyone thinks that he is a fallen angel. An abomination. .... The Devil." God stated which only hurt goddess more.
"You don't know what fate holds. He is always on earth. How will angels know how good he is? Call him here and I will make sure he will find someone. He will fall in love. I will make sure of it. You just make something happen so that he dies and comes back here." She said and God looked at her in the hope to reconsider but the defiance in her eyes told otherwise.
"Fine... I will make sure he dies. He just started this birth. He is young but just for you. I will make sure he dies. I am sure Fate won't be happy with me interrupting his plans like that but I will. But let me warn you.... by doing this, you might be stopping him from all the good things he could get in this life." God warned as he can see everything from past to future.
He knows what is going to happen. Goddess has the ability to create life and god nurtures it. They both have their roles.
"What good can happen from this life? It's not like he can even fall in love with a human. He never feels anything for any humans. He is just there to rule over them. To control those tyrants as their king so they don't harm your precious mankind too much. That's it.
Till now he has never felt anything for any human. He doesn't even remember that he is Lucifer. You made sure he has no powers as well. but even though fallen, he is an angel... an angel can only fall for an angel... and for that, he has to come here as earth doesn't have angels." she said and this time God kept quiet.
"Stop looking down on my creations, love. Some humans are shining even brighter than angels. Their good karma goes beyond your imagination." He said but the goddess was unwilling to believe.
God just smiled and closed his eyes and suddenly the earth was visible in front of them. All the souls were looking like a light beam. Some were shining brightest while some were less and some were just dark. But only the rarest were shining such brightly that even angels will feel shame.
"look at this soul..." god showed a soul just like that. Brightest. Maybe even more bright than angels.
"How is this even possible... !" goddess exclaimed and god just smiled.
"It is not that angels have to fall in love with has no bar..." he said but the goddess huffed. She swiftly moved her hand and removed it.
"I don't care. This kind of soul can never enter the world where my son is living. That mafia world! He only has darkness around him. This kind of bright soul won't ever enter his mafia world. It is useless to discuss this. As I said, I want my son back. That's it." She said with the ultimatum and this time god didn't say anything, he just closed his eyes and made it happen. What she wanted... he can't say no to his love.
He wanted his son to meet that human woman but now he can't. Maybe in the next life, he will meet her. This life he has to come back for the happiness of his mother. and with that, it was done...
Today Mafia King who himself doesn't know that he is Lucifer... will die. And nothing can stop it. Fate also got to know that god wants Lucifer back and he granted the wish.
Fate made some plans and made sure that today Lucifer's own little brother will plan a perfect death plan for him and he will succeed in it.
ON EARTH.....!
There he is, lying down in his own blood is the Mafia king. He has been shot by two bullets. He is almost dead. His car is half crushed at the side. He is barely breathing but he has no care in the world. He is not sad that his brother betrayed him, the only emotion he has is anger. He wants to kill his brother. But he can't as he is dying.
His eyes were about to close when he heard a voice sweeter than honey.
"Excuse me... can you hear me? Mr.? Can you hear me?" he tried to open his eyes. Then he felt hard slaps on his cheek. He knew she was trying to wake him up but her hand was so soft that he has to see her.
He slowly opened his eyes and he saw two most beautiful pairs of emerald green eyes. His vision was blurry, he tried hard but he can't see her face. She made him lift his body.
She was tying something tightly to his bullet wounds and he winced in pain.
"I am trying to stop the bleeding. You are losing a lot of blood. I am a doctor. Don't worry I won't harm you." She said and hearing this he again tried to look at her face but she stood up and went somewhere. He tried to lift his hand to stop her but he can't. He can blurrily see that she is going towards a car-like thing on another side of the road.
Luck was not on her side or should I say fate was not on her side. She tried hard but her car was not working. She couldn't believe that her old car will ditch her at such an important moment.
She is a doctor... a heart surgeon. She can save him. she knows a small health center in a nearby town. She can operate there but she has to take him there. He doesn't have much time left. She gave up on her car and got out and went near the tree where his half-broken car was smashed into the tree.
Luckily it was working, although it's windshield was broken and the front part was smashed, it was still working and that was enough. She quickly got in and took a U-turn... while she was turning she saw a motorcycle coming with two men on it.
They stopped where the man was lying and got out. They had a shovel with them. She can see the danger sign flashing. She got out of the car with a small knife which she always carries in her pocket. She went to them as one of them was checking for the man's pulse.
She is a doctor but she has learned self-defense as she always believes that girls should learn to protect themselves. She kicked one on the back and as the other turned around and tried to attack but she made a cut on his forearm and then she side-kicked him in his face. They both fall and she kicked the shovel far away from one's hand.
She went to the man who was luckily still breathing. She used all her strength and pulled him up and quickly took him to the car. She lay him down but then she felt pain.... a huge gash was made on her back which was not so deep but long. She winced in pain.
She quickly turned around and kicked the man's stomach and he fell. She is not an A-list fighter. She knows basic self-defense. She is smart. Wasting time in this fight is useless. That man again stood up and went to the lying man, she again come out and this time pulled him back and punched him and gave him a huge push and sat in the car and started driving. She took the car to the small health center which was open but quiet as it was almost two o'clock.
"DOCTOR! IT'S AN EMERGENCY." She shouted and ward boys came with a nurse and started to take the man inside.
"Two bullets. Need to be operated ASAP. Luckily no vital points but lost a lot of blood. Put him on oxygen and start with a blood transfusion. Put him in the OT and get the in-charge doctor to operate on him." she instructed the nurse about the patient so she can start till the in-charge doctor comes. She can operate but she is not the in-charge doctor here and without his permission, she can't even touch the patient. The nurse rushed to make the arrangement.
There was only one nurse so she went with her and started to help in arranging the OT.
"Are you a nurse miss?" she asked as she took the blood and gave it to the peon for testing and he rushed out of there.
"No, I am a heart surgeon." And the nurse's eyes widened. No matter what the emergency she has never seen a doctor helping a nurse in arranging the instruments. Then a peon ran inside.
"The in-charge doctor is not picking his phone up." He announced and that made her eyes widen.
"Miss, if you are a doctor then why don't you operate? Patient is looking critical" She couldn't even hear the rest. She rushed to wear a gown and started cutting his shirt and started the operation.
Soon blood bag came and luckily they had the match. She started and carefully took the bullets out. Even his heart stopped for a few seconds but she didn't accept defeat and kept doing CPR then the defibrillator was used and finally his heart started to beat again. She was relieved and the nurse assisting her was elated.
She patched him up and finally, it was done. She removed the gown and mask and gloves and came out.
"you were amazing Ms. I almost thought that he won't make it but you were so calm and collected and saved him." nurse praised her but she just smiled.
"That was just my job. Although I would appreciate it if you won't tell the management that I operated on him. Because the appointed doctor could land in big trouble as he was not here in an emergency. Once he picks up the phone, tell him the situation and tell him to take responsibility for this case for the follow-up. Make sure he tells everyone and the patient that he is the one who operated on him. That way no problem will happen." The nurse was amazed at how she saved a man and doesn't even wants to take credit and even wants to save the irresponsible doctor who didn't come.
"Yes miss, I would do as you said. But can I ask you something? what is your relation to the patient? You have to fill out the form as we don't know anything about him." that just confused her. she doesn't know anything about him.
"I don't know. He was in this condition on the side of the road while I was passing by. here..." she gave her the car keys.
"This is that man's car outside. It is almost broken but my car broke down so I had to use his to get him here. Tell the police the number plate to get access to the man or his family. I have to leave now. I have to find a mechanic to get my car towed and repaired and I don't have much time as I have an early morning shift at my hospital. So this is the only thing I can do for now." She said and got her purse out and gave everything she had as she knew using all those facilities will cost a lot. She turned to leave when she heard the gasp from the nurse.
"Miss you are injured on your back, it's bleeding. You need to get treated first." She knew it was done by that man's knife but she was feeling fine. She had covered that properly during the procedure.
"It's not that deep. Don't worry. I will go home and tend to it." With that, she smiled and she went out. With her, a peon came out who was checking the man's can for any information. She was about to leave when she saw a small outdated phone in the back seat of the car.
She took it and opened it while the peon was checking inside. He didn't notice but what she saw on the phone scared the shit out of her... it was a message and she realized that this phone belongs to the man who came with a shovel to kill him. it must have fallen from his pocket when he was trying to fight her near the car.
The message was from the one who must have planned the murder but that is not what scared her... it was what it said...
"did you reach there? Is the Mafia king dead? Send confirmation and pictures before you bury the body...".....!
Mafia king!.... She saved the Mafia king.. and she clutched the phone in her hand and then.... she ran!
Hello everyone.... sorry if it was a little boring. Now the real game will start. No more god or goddess. Next chapter you will enter the world of the mafia fully. I know till now we don't even know the name of the characters but in the next chapter, we will... Enjoy!
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