Arcangelo Romano's POV (Mafia King)
It was all blurry when I opened my eyes. Where am I? My full body was paining but as soon as I opened my eyes I was on full alert. I looked all around and realized that I was in some kind of smallest hospital room I have ever seen. I tried to find my gun in my jacket but realized that I am wearing some ridiculous hospital gown. Disgusting. I sat back on the bed when a nurse entered the room.
"Thank god you are awake. I will inform the doctor and call your family." She said and that one word started ringing. Family... and everything that happened last night came rushing to me. My own little brother did this to me. It was a trap and I walked right into it. He made sure that the backup didn't reach me. Still, I didn't go down without a fight. I killed everyone there but still, some fucker managed to shoot me twice before I ended him.
I got out of there and took my car but at one point I started to feel dizzy and lost control and my car slammed into a tree. Wait... tree... green... that angel with green eyes... where is she?
Soon a boy in his twenties came inside in a doctor's uniform, Luca entered with him. He is my right-hand man. Even though I should trust my family, I trust him more. He is my best friend... one who cares for me.
"Boss, how are you?" He said in his emotionless tone but I can sense his worry. I didn't bother to reply and just gave a single nod. That immature doctor was checking me, does that man even have a degree? He is looking awfully young.
"Your vitals are stable. I can say you are healing fine. You just need rest and proper nutrition for healing. Are you feeling any kind of pain?" He said and I rolled my eyes. Who the fuck is he? Yes, I am in pain. Does he not know when the anesthetics will wear off?
"Where is the doctor who treated me? That girl? Call her. I don't want you as my doctor" I stated clearly. And his eyes widened for a brief second and he looked at the nurse. I have been in mafia my whole life. I can tell he is lying.
"w-what are you saying, sir? He is the one who operated you. He is the one who saved your life. Our center doesn't have any female doctors. You must have been mistaken." the nurse barely tried to cover that she is lying. What is going on?
"Leave. Now" I said as calmly as I can because inside I wanted to kill these morons. As they left Luca adjusted my back with a pillow.
"Shoot," I said and he sat down and showed me an I-pad screen where my stupid brother was right now running away from the country.
"Our men are there, say the word and he is dead." Luca did this means he found out and got evidence that he is behind the attack.
"No, I want him alive. Father will not like his precious son dead without his permission. Capture him, throw him in the cells." I said and he nodded.
"I want the CCTV footage of this hospital of Yesterday." I said and he looked confused.
"Boss, you were unconscious yesterday." He said and I understood that this is the second day here. He went and came back quickly. That was fast.
"The night when you came here, the footage is erased." He said and I growled.
"Angelo, can I ask what is going on?" this time his tone was of a friend as he used my short name and I replied with the same tone.
"That doc, who just came, didn't operate on me. It was a girl, she saved me from the road and although I kept fainting I can clearly remember her green eyes, she was a doctor and she is the one who got me here. I even heard at a point that this doctor was not picking up his phone and she had to operate on me. Luca... they sent some men after to bury my body. She fought with them as well. Find her. No matter the cost I want her." I said and he looked at me like I have grown a second head. He is right.
I don't care for anyone. It is just not in my system let alone for a woman. Women are just useless. The only thing they are good at is sex and the only thing they desire is money. There is nothing more to them. Money and sex. Call me sexist but in mafia, women can rarely fight.
Even though there are female fighters and shooters, ultimately they all care about money or they have suffered so much that they are numb and they can't be called women. A good normal woman is a myth in my world. So I naturally never cared about them. They are good sex toys for which I pay nicely and that's it.
"Angelo. This is the first time I am seeing you caring for someone. Are you ok? Are you sure there was a woman or you are just frustrated that you need to find the next queen by the next competition or you might lose your chance again of becoming the mafia king?" He chuckled and I rolled my eyes.
"Who cares even if they don't give me the title officially? These rules are stupid. The whores I chose can't pass the competition but still, the whole world knows that I am the mafia king. My father has retired a long time ago. Whether they hand me the title or not, I am the mafia king who is ruling over all four mafia families." I said and he sat on a chair beside me.
"Still you need the title. Chinese and American mafia families won't object but Russians will. We Italians are ruling for a long time over the whole world's mafia but still without our mafia queen defeating other queens in the competition, as per the rules you won't get the title of king officially. Since the last three whores of yours are losing to Russian whores only. " he said and I rolled my eyes.
This mafia queen's choosing is just crap. Russians are doing this and killing my whores so that I won't have a queen and without a queen, I can't be king. Although no one else can be king as well, as we have the largest number but still they don't want me to be as well.
"Whatever. Find this girl. She saved my life. You know I don't like to owe anyone. I will pay her some good money. If she is hot I will even let her have my cock once or twice. That's it." I said and he huffed.
"Good, because you know this time my sister is preparing for the competition. She has always loved you a lot and finally, she thinks she is strong enough to do it." He said and I chuckled.
He is naive. His sister doesn't love me. She only loves the power that comes with the title of mafia queen. But who cares. I just need a body with pussy to win it. Hell, I am even ready to involve a transgender if they can win the competition.
I don't care who I marry. Her job will be to give me an heir and then stay in one corner of my mansion and spend my money for the rest of her life without bothering me. That's what my mother did; my wife will do the same. In mafia, we need a woman beside us who won't bother us.
"Whatever," I said and dismissed him. He bowed and left. My other men came and started the briefing and got me food. My whole medical team came and they did my checkup. I was shifted to my mansion. I have a whole hospital wing there with all the high-tech facilities. The whole day passed like that and I completed lots of my work on my laptop. The next day I was irritated to stay in bed so I decided to discharge myself.
"Sir you are healing fine. I must say whoever has performed the surgery is a pro. Even from seeing the sutures, I can tell that person is extremely experienced and talented. It will leave a really small scar." My doctors praised the one who did this. I am still not sure who. Was I dreaming about that girl or was she really there? We didn't find anything that says she was...
I am Arcangelo Romano. I am Mafia king in Italy. No normal citizens know. For them, I am a powerful businessman. Which is my white-collar job. Still it is big enough that no one can question me and the police know who I am they are under the control of the mafia, so they cover it up as well.
I went office in my mansion. Then Luca's sister Lucia entered in her overly dramatic style and hugged me. I hate when people touch me without my permission but I can't be too rough with her for the sake of Luca.
"Oh Angelo, I was so worried when I heard you got shot. How are you baby?" she said and I pushed her away. I was on verge of my patience.
"Stop touching Lucia, you know I don't like that." That is true. Even during sex, I make sure that these whores don't touch me except for my dick. She looked at Luca but Luca knows better than to say anything to me.
"I am fine. Leave." I kept it minimal and she huffed.
"You know I am participating in the mafia queen competition this time right?" she said I was looking at my files and didn't bother to reply and she whined and left.
"She is just excited to get married to you." Luca said and I didn't bother replying.
"Luca, did you find the girl?" I asked and he placed a tab at my desk.
"No, but I found the CCTV from the accident side. Luckily the incident was recorded there but her face is mostly covered with her open hair." He showed me and I saw what happened there.
I was right, two assholes came there but she fought with them bravely. She must have basic training. Her car didn't work and she took mine but one of the assholes hurt her back. It must have left a long scar.
"Then she took you to the hospital but I think she might have just left you there and the doc there must have operated on you. We tried to ask the staff there but they all don't know who she is. They said she left you and she was in a hurry so she left." This is not making sense.
"That nurse and doc, get them in the basement and give some treatment, I am sure they will tell the truth. Tell me about her car. Did you trace it?" I asked and he switched the screen, it was another video, late at night few men were taking the car.
"They tow it and we tracked them, they said she has called them to do it last night and she picked up the car in the morning itself. She was in a hurry and she paid extra for it. She didn't leave any number or address. She has called them from the pay phone near the hospital. And her car's number plate also we have traced. It's an old car which belongs to an old man in the nearby town who doesn't even remember his own name or this car. He must have sold her that car small time ago as she didn't change the paperwork yet" he said and it was not making any sense.
"Why do I get the feeling that this little girl is trying to hide from me," I said as her back was frozen on the screen. Luca was giving orders to get the doc and nurse here.
"I think this is just a coincidence. I mean why you are even looking for her? She saved you but if you can't find her then let it go. You want to pay her back but if you can't find her then it's ok." He said and I chuckled.
"Oh, I will pay her back with so much more than she can imagine. I just hope she is not purposely hiding from me, otherwise, things will get ugly. Because then she will force me to be the hunter and she will be my prey." and I smirked.
"Why would she try to hide from you? In Italy you are a really big businessman, so why would anyone want to hide? She must have her reasons for leaving." I don't know why but I am not ready to believe that.
"No matter what she is smart for sure. we know only two things about her, she has green eyes and brown hair and which I must say many women must have in the whole city. The thing that can identify her is the scar on her back. Now we have to find the girl with the scar. Let's see if that doc says something. Make sure only he is punished. That nurse will open her mouth anyways." I said and he left.
I started to look for all the deals which my brother knew or was part of. All these things can be classified as danger zone now. So they all need to be changed with their location and codes. After around an hour, Luca came back.
"Are you kidding me? An hour? To break that kid?" I asked about the doc and Luca sighed.
"That kid after the second hit peed his pants and begged for his life. Even promised he will always pick up his call from the hospital. I think he will never leave his phone alone. It took long to just calm him down and send him home." He said and I rolled my eyes.
"Come to the point Luca. What did you find?" I was running out of patience.
"You were right. The nurse told everything. That girl was in her late twenties. She is a heart surgeon. She got you there. She waited for the in-charge doctor but when he didn't come she decided to operate. You almost died on the table but she brought you back. She gave all her money as your hospital fees.
It was all cash. She had an early morning shift in a hospital so she left. She was the one who told them to lie, so the in-charge doc won't face any trouble. After realizing that the hospital can be in trouble and she don't want credit, they let her go without asking more. They were scared for their jobs as well" he said and I smirked.
"Crap. The only useful thing I heard is that she is a heart surgeon. And she works at a hospital. Seeing the car I can tell she is not rich and the area where I was is also surrounded by villages and small towns. you need to check the hospitals there. I want all the women who are heart surgeons with green eyes. Get them here." I said and he nodded.
"What if she is studying? I mean we should look in med schools as well, she might be doing her specialty now." he said and I groaned.
"Fuck that, all the doctors with green eyes. Preferably surgeons from the whole capital. I want every single bitch here. If someone asks... tell them our CEO wants to reward a few doctors for their hard work during the pandemic. But I want all of them here; I will find out the girl with the scar myself. " I said and he nodded and left.
Come on girl with the scar... where are you hiding? I will have you soon...
Arina's POV
It has been three days now since that scary night. I was finally done with the night duty. I got out of the hospital and went to get some rest at my home. I guess I can say I am safe. I have made sure not to reveal any of my information there and the nurse promised, she won't say anything. I am good at this. And if I use my brain right I am sure he won't find me.
I still can't believe I saved the Mafia king's life. I also found out that man's name. He is a white-collar businessman, really famous, Arcangelo Romano. He is one of the richest men in Italy. He had the face of an angel. Very handsome. Gorgeous even.
It was a pity that I couldn't see his eyes in person but I saw the photographs online which are also not many. He has beautiful hazel eyes. I have never seen that shade of eyes. The face of an angel but he is the devil. That message was the proof. I got rid of the phone as well.
My name is Arina Greco. As you know I am a heart surgeon. I am thirty years old and I have completed my course a lot faster than normal. I am working in a decent hospital in the town. I also visit other small hospitals around for heart surgeries. I go to the capital during weekend and do surgeries there as well. I earn nice big bucks there but I donate all of my money to orphanages.
I am an orphan myself and the lady who adopted me used to abuse me. That happened till I turned seven but then I ran away. Since that day, I was living in an orphanage, and life there was somewhat normal. That's why I donate to orphanages...
With the help of my talent and scholarships, I completed my study and now I am achieving more and more. I am known as the one with golden hands. None of my patients have ever died and for a heart surgeon, it is a really big thing. Many says that my carrier span is not so long so it is normal... Maybe...
Getting involved with the mafia is the last thing I want. I have a lot to do for the children and my patients. Thanks to my good fate I found out who that man is, and now I won't let him find me at any cost... thank you, god!
Little does she know that she has ruined the plan of god and Fate altogether and now there is no written fate for him and her. Now Fate is not there, destiny is not there.... now everything that will happen is even unknown to god. They will write their fate... and only time will tell if it is good, bad or.... worst!
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