31. Kidnapping


It had been a month since that guy had told us Alexandra might be alive, and she was, but I already knew that. 

At this moment I was in my office in Los Angeles waiting for more information on her entire family and movements to finalize cases in our plan. " Boss, we have everything we need to carry out the operation." Larsson said from the door "I'll decide when I hear what I need to know. Is the girl still unviable?" 

He nodded and I clicked my tongue "She is, she's surrounded all the time, and when she goes out with someone from the house even more." He said "Too bad I can't meet my granddaughter. And the man? I asked, because at least I had him left. "Just a couple of bodyguards, nothing we can't handle." He assured "Well, you already know what your job is." 

"Of course, sir, when do you want us to carry it out?" he asked. "As soon as he gets out of the house." If anything, I needed, it's for my dear daughter to come out of hiding "Okay, I'm going there with a few men." He said, "I hope you're not stupid enough to do it in front of their house." 

"No sir, we will pass a couple of streets to make sure none of the bodyguards of the house can avoid it." I nodded and he left the house. I only hoped it was so, because if not, they would be dead, and most likely by Alexandra herself. "I hope so." I whispered, focusing again on the papers in front of me. 


It had been a month since David appeared, and it turns out everything he said was true. They hadn't told Analissa yet, because Megan wasn't capable, and Alexandra had been feeling tired for a couple of weeks and that meant, getting more sleep. I should have said I was a little worried about it, but I also know everything had happened in the last month had her stressed, so we let her sleep as much as she wanted. 

At this moment I was going to our room to see if she had woken up, and as soon as I entered, I found her sitting on the window ledge looking out of it. She had her knees to her chest, and I don't know why, I get the feeling something wasn't right with her, so I slowly approached her until I got to where she was. 

"Good morning love." I said with a big smile on my face "Hey." She answered muffled and I frowned. "Is everything okay?" I asked concerned "I had a nightmare." She whispered and I pushed her away so I could sit behind her, "Oh shit, I'm sorry I wasn't here." 

"Don't worry, it's already late and I know you have more things to do than be with me all the time." She said, but nothing was more important than her and Alison. "And what was it about?" I asked. "About both you and Alison being kidnapped." I sighed, because it wasn't the first time, she'd had nightmare and I knew it was something overwhelmed her "Love, I already told you that's not going to happen, that's what bodyguards are for." 

"I know, but still, I'm worried something could happen to you." She said intertwining our fingers, "I know you're not comfortable since we arrived in Los Angeles, but we're being protected by the best bodyguards anyone can have. I don't want you to worry too much about it." I said giving her a kiss on the temple "I can't help it." She whispered again "I know, but I'm here to help you." 

" I know." I knew that had been all the conversation we were going to have at this moment, so I start to run my hands through her arms until I realize she fell asleep, so I took her in my arms and put her in bed again... 

Before leaving the room, I gave her a kiss on the forehead and left her a note saying I would be out for a while, and I would be back before dinner. Once I closed the door carefully so as not to wake her up and I went downstairs where before leaving I ran into Megan and Diego. 

"And Alexandra?" Megan asked with a frown. "She's sleeping." I said trying not to make her worry "I swear that girl has been doing nothing but sleeping lately." She said with a big smile on her face "She's stressed since we got here and to make it all better, she had one of her nightmares." 

That quickly brought a concerned look for her sister to Megan's face. "Is she alright?" she asked, and I shrugged, because I have absolutely no idea to be honest "I'm not sure, but could you keep an eye on her once in a while?" 

"You're going to go?" she asked surprised, and even though it wasn't what I wanted to do right now, I needed to find out what had happened for my father to go free "Yes, I'm following a lead from my father, and I need to get out for that. Call me anything from Alexandra." 

"We will, don't worry." With that, I left the house to head to the DEA building here in Los Angeles. I had to go in there, because Luke had told me they themselves were investigating why he had been released from prison. Luke had tried to search all the computers in the building, but I already supposed they were going to put everything on paper so as not to run the risk of the news leaking, they had released a drug dealer and arms dealer and humans like nothing. 

After walking for half an hour and being two blocks from the building, two black vans stop in front of me, and before I can turn around, I notice how someone hits me on the head with something, leaving me unconscious at that moment. 


An hour had passed since Hugo had left, and Alexandra still hadn't gotten up. Both Diego and I were playing with Alison, until she decided to go to the patio where her grandmothers were, as she called them. 

"Hey, do you know if your sister and Hugo are using condoms?" Diego asked seriously and I took a breath, because it's not something I wanted to talk about "Diego!!!! I didn't ask them, but I don't want to know how they are doing in their sex life either." 

"I'm serious." He repeated and I nodded, because I already knew "And I tell you I have no idea. We do talk about it, but not about whether they use them or not. Are you some kind of pervert who turns on with something like that?" I asked with a big smile on my face "What? Of course not." He affirmed and I rolled my eyes, because it was an ironic question. 

"Then why is it?" I asked, "Your sister is tired all the time lately, she sleeps much more than normal for her and when she's awake, she spends most of the day eating." He said and I frowned, because even though she did, she didn't eat much throughout the day "Because she eats small amounts." 

"But throughout the day. Don't you remember the day she ran to the bathroom because, according to her, something had gone wrong with her stomach?" I nodded, because even though it was true, I had no idea where I was going with it. "Where are you going with all this, Diego?" I asked directly "Your sister could be pregnant." 

"Alexandra what?" I asked surprised, because that's not something had crossed my mind "What you heard. All the symptoms she has fit with the possibility." He replied calmly "But if it was, Alexandra would know, she already was." I said with a shrug, "I don't think she even knew. From what she told me, she wouldn't have found out she was pregnant if it hadn't been for the tests she had." 

"So can it be?" I asked getting up and starting to walk from one side to the other in the living room, because this changed everything. I wouldn't let Alexandra execute the plan to get Stefan's attention if she was, rather I wouldn't let her go "It's a possibility. We need to do some tests to make sure and…" 

"NOOOO… NO, NO, NO" Hearing Luke yell, has us turned in the direction he was sitting and furiously typing on the computer keyboard until he ended up knocking it to the ground. "Hey shorty, do you have problems?" asked Diego with humour "Not only me, but everyone." He assured this and we both frowned, because it wasn't normal to see Luke so serious. "What do you mean?" 

"Where the hell is Hugo?" he asked ignoring our question completely "He went out. Better, why don't you explain to us what's going on with you?" I asked trying to get him to calm down a bit and explain what was happening, so we all had to worry "I overheard some conversations in which they were talking about something, I really had no idea that at first..." 

"Luke, to the point." I said, "They were talking about Alison and how they couldn't get close to her because she's surrounded by bodyguards and she's untouchable." My blood froze, because I wasn't liking where this was going "And what does Hugo have to do with that?" Diego asked seriously "He never has so many bodyguards." Luke whispered and I had to sit on the couch again, because he was right, that wasn't good for either of us, not when Ale finds out. 

"Tell me it's not what I'm thinking, please I beg you." I begged, "I'm afraid Hugo's been kidnapped, and there's no sign of his phone anywhere." He said, "Right now I call the bodyguards and send more to go with him." With that, Diego got up with the phone in hand and I focused on Luke who kept typing "How the fuck did that happen and who dared to do it?" 

"You're not going to like the answer." He whispered and that annoyed me even more now "Tell me fucking right now, Luke!!!!" I yelled "Stefan." He whispered again, but I had heard it clearly, "HOW THE FUCK DID STEFAN KNOW WHERE WE WERE?" I roared getting up from the sofa again and starting to walk from one side to the other. "For days something was around the recordings, but I had no idea they were here, let alone they were planning to kidnap Hugo." 

Right at that moment, I hear a glass fall to the ground, which makes both Luke and I turn to see who it is, revealing Alexandra who at this very moment had her back to us. 

"Alexandra, before you kill me for this, I swear I won't..." Luke started, but Alexandra stopped him before "When are those recordings from?" she asked, too calm for what she had heard, the calm before the storm, that was more than clear to me "Not more than an hour ago." 

"Are you telling me if you had heard them at the time, you should, this wouldn't be happening?" he asked turning in our direction "Ale I…" he started "ANSWER THE DAMN QUESTION, LUKE." Alexandra yelled clenching her fists on each side of her body "I'm afraid so." He whispers. 

"Where's Alison?" she asked out of nowhere, but I could see the terror in her eyes. "She's in the yard with Mom and Rose." She ran up the stairs at the same moment that both my mother and Rose enter with a surprised face. "What's going on here?" Our mother asked, "Why isn't Alison with you?" I asked with panic invading me 

"A while ago she said he would go to her room to read. Now can you explain to us what's happening and why there are glass next to the stairs?" At that very moment we hear how Alexandra starts calling Alison, which makes me start to worry myself about what could happen to Alison, so before I tell them anything, I start looking for the girl. 

A couple of seconds had passed, and I could hear every door upstairs being slammed open and I was about to open the bathroom door, when Alison walks in through the garden door. "ALISON, WHERE ARE YOU AT?" I yelled even though I didn't mean to "I was reading outside..." she said "Is it just..." I started, but Mom soon stopped me "Megan, stop yelling at her." 

Alison hides behind my mom and Rose, grabbing my mom's shirt. Realizing Alison doesn't deserve to hear any screaming, I calm down and call Alexandra, who's quick to come running down the stairs and hug her like there's no tomorrow. 

"Where were you, Alison?" Alexandra asked in a whisper. "I was reading in the garden." She told her with tears in her eyes "Okay... let me know where you are next time." Said Ale sighing "Okay. Can I go read in my room?" 

"Sure princess. I'm going right now." She assured, but I could see she was holding back tears. "Can you and daddy read me a story?" The moment those words left Alison's mouth, I could see Alexandra's eyes moisten even more, but she didn't shed a single tear. 

"We'll do it when he gets back." Alexandra whispered, "Do you promise?" she asked, and Ale nodded "Now go read that book you were going to read." With that, Alison hurried up the stairs, leaving us in the living room. I was going to reach out to Alexandra to show my support, but before I can take a step closer to her, she steps away. 

"Rose, I'm sorry…this wasn't supposed to be happening…" Alexandra started. "What are you talking about, Alexandra?" she asked, confused. "Hugo was kidnapped." She whispered without looking at anyone "What?" Rose asked in shock. "I really have no idea... but I promise I'll do everything in my power to bring him back safe and sound..." 

"Who?" Mom asked. "The Russians." I answered and both Alexandra and Rose turn in my direction like, and the first with anger growing inside her, I can tell. "What do you mean the Russians? HOW THE FUCK DID THEY KNOW WE WERE HERE? Alexandra yelled. "I have no idea, Alexandra." 

"This is my fault." Alexandra said starting to pace back and forth "It's not Alexandra." I said and mom tried to get closer, but she quickly got out of her way "OF COURSE IT IS, SETEFAN IS BEHIND ME." 

"Alexandra, your sister is right, you're not to blame for what's happening with Hugo." Mom said softly so as not to upset Alexandra further "Of course I have it, but why the hell did he leave the house for?" 

"He said he was following up on a lead from his father. I really have no idea what track he was talking about." I said shrugging my shoulders "Apparently those bastards have killed the bodyguards with Hugo." Luke said looking at the screen, I guess he had looked at the security cameras "Where?" Ale asked. "A couple of streets from the DEA building." answered this. 

"What would Hugo go there for?" she asked waiting for someone to give her a better answer than I had given her "I suppose he would go find information on why his father got out of jail." Said Luke. "And couldn't you have made it easier for him instead of him having to leave, Luke?" 

"I tried, but there was nothing on the network or computers there. From what he told me, when they don't want them to find out about something, they do it all on paper." He assured without taking his eyes off the computer "And he wanted to go see what those papers had." Alexandra whispered to herself. 

"Ale, we have problems" said Diego entering the room "What kind of problems?" she asked exasperated. "They killed the bodyguards with Hugo. I'm going there to see what I can find out." 

"I'm going with you, and when I get home, you better have something, Luke." With that, she walked out the door without saying anything else with Diego following her closely, while we stayed in the room not knowing what to do and Luke doing what Alexandra had just told him so she wouldn't get more upset than she was at the moment. 

"Rose, I'm sorry I didn't prevent this." Luke apologized, but we all denied, because it wasn't his fault, at least completely "Don't worry, you did everything you could Luke." Mom assured and he denied "It's not what Alexandra thinks." 

"Don't take Alexandra to heart, right now she's angry." Mom answered, but angry was not the correct term at this moment "My mother is right, she's angry and hurt, and I tell you she's not the best Alexandra we can have at this very moment." 

"What are you talking about, Megan?" asked mom focusing her gaze on me "I remember when we were there, she was usually angry and sometimes depressed, but I guess when they killed her child, she was there like an emotionless person, she doesn't give a damn and she will do whatever it takes to get what she wants, and when I say whatever it takes, I mean everything." 

"And there's no way around that?" she asked, and I denied, because I never found anything that would get her out of that state "I doubt it, and I think this time we better not get in her bad side." I said, I didn't want her to do anything to anyone and when it's all over, she'd regret it and we'd go back to the beginning "We have to do something, we can't sit idly by." 

"I'll see what I can do, but I don't want you to get involved, I don't want her to do something and then regret it." I said, "She'll also regret it if she does it to you." Mom answered, and even though she would, I was the one who knew Alexandra best, especially in this state "But unlike you, I know how I have to handle her. Deep down we are the same, and I understand her. I know she won't do anything to me." 

"Neither to us." She assured, and it may be, but I wasn't going to risk right now. "Better not risk it."