The next morning construction begins and everyone notices that the builder is insanely efficient. Not only in terms of knowledge and determination, but he was also frighteningly strong. But what surprised him the most was not him but his horse, which he used to fetch the rocks, because the extraordinary speed was what was making the job go so fast.

The days went by and the wall was being raised with unbelievable efficiency and obviously the concern began to take care of the gods, especially Loki who was feeling the hatred of his colleagues.

With 1 week to go before the deadline for a season, the builder only needed to make the entrance to finish the wall. So Odin, seeing that the job was going to be finished in time, went to the god of trickery and said: "I'm going to say this in the kindest way possible. Loki you fucking imbecile, we're about to lose Freya, the sun and the moon because you don't know how to shut your mouth, so if you don't fix this shit now I'm going to beat your ass so hard you'll never recover."

"Don't forget my assistant. God of cheating, I advise you to fix the problem you started for your own good. Yahweh faces Loki.

"No need to worry, I can just kill the guy and then kill Loki. If the idiot dares to have me as a prize. I didn't swear anything to that spear." Anastasia grins and looks at Loki like he's prey.

[Indeed, even if you swore at this lance you would not be affected anyways.] Apollyon speak in her mind and receive a only a soft hum as answer.

After the affectionate requests, the god of trickery shared the following plan. "Since the builder is a very smart guy, I've decided it's best to focus on his horse. I'll distract the animal so that he can't get the material in time and that way the builder is unable to finish on time."

"How are you going to do that?" Yahweh asks.

"The best way possible." Loki give a weak smile to Anastasia.

"So you are going with ilussions? Interesting." Ana smile and thinks to herself. 'I could just make this builder get confused from the construction site or forget about the task, but it'll be fun to watch this kid try.'

Then the builder leaves at high speed with Svaðilfari pulling the cart until at one point a very slender and charming mare appears, and she seductively neighs to attract the horse's attention, making him more excited than usual.

"Wait, Svaðilfari don't go after that mare. We have to finish the wall, after that I'll get you any mare you want."

The mare gracefully bows to drink water, this causes the horse to become excited and break free of the reins to chase the equine.

The one who starts running desperately to escape the stallion.

At the unfinished gate of Asgard three figures were watching the scene.

"Couldn't he just have transformed back into some other creature and run away from the horse?" Yahweh gets confused by Loki course of actions.

"I think he could have easily escaped, but he chose not to do it for the comedy" Anastasia laugh at the scene.

"I really don't want to recognize this fool as my son. I may be a pervert, but coming up with the idea of seducing an animal is too far even for me. Zeus however could even reach that level if he was very excited." Odin sighs in disappointment.

The builder left alone has to continue the long way on foot. The pace of construction slowed down drastically due to the lack of a fast horse, which made the builder angry. "But what the hell just happened. Those damned Æsir(Aesir) must have been up to something."

The builder, even in an adverse situation, did not give up and continued to build the wall in the last week.

Loki disappears for a long time, and in that period the construction deadline ends, leaving the work incomplete. The furious builder goes in search of the gods.

"You damn trickster gods. I demand my payment."

The builder screams furiously as he enters the halls of Valhalla.

"You haven't finished the gate."

Odin calmly points to the incomplete gate in the immense wall.

Constructor "Clearly, you interfered."

Odin "We didn't do anything to you, but you didn't do your part. As decided you wouldn't get anything if you didn't completely finish the construction."

Builder "You cursed Æsir." He lets his rage overwhelm him and ends up reverting to his true form.

All the gods are astonished by the figure that was now in the middle of the hall, an ice giant. A member of the enemy race was undercover building the wall and yet had the audacity to ask for such payment.

Thor "Die you worm." Thor quickly kills the giant with Mjolnir. He throws the hammer towards the giant's head which causes that part of the giant's body to explode.

"Well that was surprising. Who would have thought that a Jottun would be building the wall of the gods of Asgard, their greatest enemies." Yahweh is baffled by the situation.

"Well he could be a spy or simply someone greedy for the Ragnarok ignitions that would grant him power and for beautiful goddesses to satisfy his lust." Anastasia analyzes the situation.

"Well looks like we Æsir are going to have to check the whole wall?" Odin murmurs.

"Odin, are you sure you don't want our magic to help with the wall?" Yahweh and Anastasia earnestly offer their help.

"It won't be necessary, but I appreciate the offer my friend and my fair lady. Let's finish it between ourselves, or maybe we can ask the dwarves for help."

Odin gathered the other main gods of Asgard: Thor, Týr, Uller, Freya. And they went to discuss how to analyze if the wall would have any security breaches and to separate the tasks of how to finish the gate. They decided to send Thor to get help from the dwarves for repairs and to finish the construction, meanwhile Uller and Týr would observe that the wall did not have any hidden flaws.

Yahweh and Anastasia decide to stay in Asgard until Loki returns to say goodbye to everyone and for Anastasia to have her so-called revenge. After a few months, Loki returned to Asgard holding an 8-legged colt.

Odin "Loki, what the hell is that horse?"

Loki "This is Sleipnir. The fastest mount that exists now or in our future."

Odin "Okay, but why are you introducing him?"

Loki "Well, dad, I want to present him to you."

Odin "Hmmm... interesting I'll accept your gift and I'll forgive you for almost making Asgard pay an astronomical price."

Loki sighs in relief.

Thor "Loki, where were you these months? Why did you just come back with that horse?"

Loki "It's a complex question my dear giant-slayer, hammer-loving brother."

Thor "What did you said trickster?"

Loki "You heard right anvil head."

Thor throws Mjolnir wrapped in lightning towards Loki who in turn disappears proving that it was just an illusion.

"Oww, how fast they grow." Ana pouts looking at the fight or simply the hit and run game between siblings.

"You taught him to make these illusions more tangible." Yahweh questions her friend.

"And he nailed it. How do you thinks he managed to deal with that strong horse." Ana give a strange smile looking at Loki.

Odin "Oh, my peaceful days will be lost with his new pranks."

Ana "You deserve this suffering you perverted old man."

Odin "But I have my charms, do you want to be one of my wives?"

Ana "Do you want to become a woman again? You can become anyone's wife when I alter your reproductive organ."

Odin "Oh, it's late. Yahweh it was great having you and you have a great assistant. Until another opportunity." Odin says goodbye with a clearly desperate look pleading with the biblical god to leave the place with his crazy assistant.


The duo left Asgard and returned to heaven.

"This trip was a little boring." Yahweh sighs as he goes back to work on his unfinished projects.

"What? How could you say that. Loki turned into a mare, got fucked by a horse, got pregnant, and gave birth to a spider horse. My friend, if this isn't the best story you've heard in your life, I conclude that you don't have good taste." Anastasia speaks with a twinkle in her eyes.

"Sometimes I question his sanity and whether it was a wise decision to befriend him at the expense of my own sanity." Yahweh speak without taking his eyes off the project he's working on.

[Me too. This girl is crazy.] Apollyon speaks.

"You know you adore me." Anastasia smiles and winks at him.