Inside the Seventh Heaven two beings were discussing about the next actions to take.

"Well, I thinks it's time to create new beings to populate the heavens. Remember as I said before about angels?" Yahweh speaks.

"You said they were beings of light and that you will create some seraphs to rule in hierarchy." Anastasia state as a professional assistant with her experience adquired from visiting the nordic and many other mythologies with Yahweh.

"Good memory. I will start creating a small number then we will add more of them."

"Shall I assist you with my magic?"

"No need, just watch the show."

Yahweh start the system he created using his throne as base and running infinites calculation each milissecond he was able to project a new form of life based on light and purity. The system of heaven created the first being, a male child who was covered in pure light had white hair and hazel eyes appeared in the middle of the magic circle. Then after some minutes, a second boy with blond hair and green eyes appeared on the same spot. The third was a boy with black hair and violet eyes. Finally, the fourth was a girl with blond hair and green eyes.

The four children looked at him with awe and confusion. Yahweh raised his hand and talked loudly to get their attentions.

"My children, I am your father. As will need to know you four are the first angels created by me to populate my realm. So now we shall name you guys."

"The first one shall be Lucifer, the Seraph angel of Light. Your name will also be associated to the Morningstar as you were the first being to shine with the light."

"Thank you old man." The boy with white hair smiled arrogantly and looked at Ana who was taking notes about everything.

"The second shall be Michael, the Seraph angel of Faith. You need to protect you siblings and keep them in the right path, never allow them faith to be shaken by doubts."

"Thank you father, I will do my best to keep them believing and following you." The blond boy states.

"The third one shall be named Azazel, the Seraph angel of Knowledge. Follow you siblings to never waver in your faith, but do not forget to pursue more knowledge that will gives you a purpose and will make you shine just like your elder sibling."

"Thank you dad, I will try to help you with more reserchs and tecnologies." The black haired angel speak with confidence.

"The fourth one shall be named Gabriel, the Seraph angel of Chastity. Her tittle may be given for her innocence and purity that will not be corrupted by even the vilest of creatures."

"Thank you daddy." A cute voice was heard coming from the little blond haired girl as she run to hug him.

"Alright children, you are the first four angels I created so try to get along between yourselves to get used when I create more siblings." Yahweh speak with a little bit of confusion as he has no experience with infant beings and is still being embraced by Gabriel.

"Yes father, you no need to worry we will get along and we will be good big brothers in the future." Michael smiled as he said those words and all of the others agreed with him.

Then Azazel who was looking around with curiosity to learn new things noticed the presence of the woman who was watching them.

"So old man, who is she? Is she your wife or something like that? Well, looking at her ... I can't believe it, you created us by yourself. She is not even that beautiful and she must be just an inferior being because she is so weak, I don't even feel power emanating from her body." The white haired boy concluds while Yahweh trembles a little bit by the cold pressure in the air.

"Daddy who is this woman? Brother Luci is right I cannot feel any magic coming from her." The little female angel says while they keep hugging their father as if he were a koala.

"Well, one thing for sure is that she is not weak at all. First, she is a goddess not a simple mortal being. Second, she is my bestfriend and secretary in heaven. Finally, she will be your mother from now on." He just say this with a calm tone like this is a normal matter to him, but it become a bombshell revelation for the young angels and for a certain goddess of magic.

"WHAAAAAAAAAAAT?" The five individuals exclaim in utter shock at the news. While Yahweh simply walks to his throne to update his system with the little angel still clinging to it.

"No way, old man I will not recognize this random woman like my mother. She is too weak for that title." Lucifer he looks arrogantly after coming out of the trance he was in with the information.

"Lucifer, you should st-" Yahweh tried to warn the young boy before the worst, but then...

A strong aura was being released at the spot that forced the arrogant angel to kneel down and look down at someone standing on top of him.

"Boy, you are quite arrogant, but first you should acquire the strength to stand by your words instead of offending beings who can erase your brief existence without any difficulty."

Anastasia keeps the pressure of her power focused on Lucifer until she withdraws her aura when she senses the boy's fighting spirit.

The young angel didn't give up even under pressure and tried to face her head on without running away or submitting, he maintained his pride until the end.

"Ana, could you stop with this? I think he's learned his lesson." Yahweh asks her to stop and when she stops Michael helps his older brother to his feet.

"Yes my friend, he really learned a valuable lesson." She smiles mysteriously.

"...my" A shy soft voice could be heard coming from behind Yahweh.

"Gabriel, what do you want to talk?" Anastasia asks calmly to establish a friendly rapport.

"Mommy." Gabriel speaks shyly and her siblings follow her lead.

"Hello mother." Michael greets her cordially.

"Hi mom." Azazel greets her casually.

"Welcome old hag." Lucifer smiles smugly and Yahweh shiver from the deadly aura coming from the one who received the greeting.

"Nice to meet you kids. And you little brat, need a bit of love fists to correct your lack of respect to your elders." She smiles graciously at the children as she punches Lucifer in the head which sends him sinking to the ground a little.

"Looks like we will still work hard my friend." Yahweh hapilly said to Anastasia in a low voice as he looks the four angels playing with each other.

"Yeah, it will be funny to raise those little guys."

[You know they are not your soldiers like the fairies and you can't raise them to be combat addicts to satiate your desire for decent combat, right?] A certain sword speak in the goddess mind.

'Don't ruin my fun boring sword.'

She smiles at the image of four innocent beings playing and the smile increases when looking at the bump on the head of one of them.