A wasted talent

Mariette could hear some of the family members from Anatole's entourage whispering. They called the Palace and the King because of the little banquet they gave their sons.

Slowly, Mariette glanced away. She was going to convey what just now to Count Lavaud.

"Viscountess Tierney."

A deep voice rebuked him. Mariette stopped in her tracks and turned around. Anatole stood towering and striking before her.

Everyone suddenly stole glances in their direction.

"Can we talk alone?" whispered Anatole as he approached.

Mariette nodded slightly and led Anatole to one of the balconies.

"I didn't have a chance to greet you earlier," Mariette said, just the two of them. "How was your trip?"

"Everything went smoothly, except… what I wrote in the letter," said Anatole. "I'm sorry, Mariette."

"You said so in the letter."

"I still feel like I have to say it in person."

"The most important thing is that you come back safely."

"What about yourself?"

"You know how I am."

They stared at each other for quite a while. Anatole made the first move then.

The man held out his hand. He touched the sapphire blue brooch Mariette was wearing. "A little run down," he commented.

"It fell," Mariette answered.

"You fell too?"

Mariette was silent for a long time. "I got attacked by wolves."

"Are you all right?"

"Yes, fortunately. Sir Gauthier helped me."

"Oh. No wonder. I thought I saw a familiar face." Anatole moved to take Mariette's brooch. "I'll take it first. Let me fix it."


"Next time, be careful–you have special circumstances that could threaten your life. You go out alone too often," said Anatole.

"I will not die so easily, Sir Anatole. Sorry if I made you worry."

Anatole stared at Mariette's brooch for a moment. "If you want to go out, take Linda. You can ask me too–maybe I can keep you company when I'm not busy."

"Thanks for the offer."

Without warning, Anatole touched the side of Mariette's face. The man was silent as if waiting for Mariette to react. But Mariette herself wasn't sure what she should do.

What was Anatole trying to do to her anyway?

"I'm sorry, Mariette. Really. We'll talk later."


Elroy Gauthier.

Anatole would never forget his name and face. In his eyes, Elroy looked like a walking sun. Wherever Elroy went, the surroundings seemed to bloom and glow. He doesn't know what magic the man actually brought.

In addition, Elroy got the best score in the knight exam. The overall result even exceeded what Anatole had ever obtained. Elroy was a legend within the Lamamont Kingdom's academy world. Of course, his choice to become a border guard knight is the reason why Elroy is becoming known.

Anatole remembered the reason behind Elroy's choice–which he had overheard one day.

"I want to accompany Mother. My father and older brother served outside. My sister went with her husband. The real reason is I don't like working away from home. Ha ha ha!"

What an unprofessional answer.

What a wasted talent.

Elroy foolishly chose to be mediocre when he could shine brightly. When other people want a great opportunity and talent like him, the man just throws it away. No wonder then many palace knights are annoyed and hate him.

Very arrogant. Even though Elroy was only the last child. The second child onwards would not receive the nobility and family land. So why doesn't Elroy try to get it himself?

What makes him happy and satisfied with his life now?

But suddenly, on his way into Palace, he saw Elroy. Could it be that that foolish man had changed his mind and decided to become a knight of the Palace?

"Oh, you mean Sir Elroy? He tutors Louie now," said King Vallotton when Anatole asked.

"Pardon me?" he asked.

"You heard me well, son. Louie has started gathering his own strength and is looking for people he can trust," said King Vallotton proudly. "Well, although I doubt the two tutors are aware of Louie's hidden intentions."

Anatole let out a long breath. "I think he's come to his senses," he sighed.

King Vallotton laughed. "I've heard from Louie. He said that his two tutors were smart but lacked sensitivity. They are not at all interested in big things," he said. "So forget about your desire to attract Sir Elroy into your army, Anatole. My son already liked him first."

"I lost the first son and now I have lost the younger son of Gauthier," complained Anatole. "But do you really believe Sir Elroy wants to be Prince Louie's knight?"

"That depends on how my son persuades him," said King Vallotton. "He said the important thing is they get to know each other first."

The room door was knocked. Enter Mariette and Count Lavaud along with the food cart.

"Sorry to keep you guys waiting. As expected, we had a lot of protests," said Count Lavaud. He turned to Anatole. "Please convey my thanks to Duke Valent, Sir Anatole. He is struggling to quell the protests of the nobles."

"Of course, Count Lavaud." Anatole began sharing the actual results of the expedition's report.

For some time, they were all silent in reading. Anatole watched Mariette's expression. There was nothing there, only his eyes moving across Anatole's handwriting.

The first to break the silence was King Vallotton. "Wait–what is this!?" He threw his report on the table. "You're saying that the people involved will also die?!"

"This is… unbelievable," Count Lavaud muttered. "Viscountesses…"

Anatole glanced at Mariette for a moment.

"Didn't we already expect this?" Finally, Mariette spoke. "Since the beginning of this curse is impossible to break, isn't it?"

"Mariette! Do you really want to live like this forever?!"

"Your Majesty, please calm down."

"No. No! How can I calm down knowing that a dead wife left such a big problem for someone else?! This is not fair!"

Yes, it's not fair.

King Vallotton struggled to abolish collective punishment once he was crowned king. Now his late wife is cursing a girl who has absolutely nothing to do with the object of her grudge. Of course this is all unfair.

Mariette did nothing wrong. She just happened to be born to a woman loved by King Vallotton and Mariette's father Viscount Tierney. King Vallotton still loved Mariette's mother when he married the late queen, but he has made a commitment. Why must the late queen still hold a grudge against everyone?

Why did the late queen have to make so many people miserable even after 17 years of her death?