First flowers to bloom this spring

"According to the witch I met, the curse is very strong because of the sacrifice that was sacrificed," Anatole continued explaining his report. "The late Queen gave her own life when she uttered the curse. Not to mention the lives of the late Viscount Tierney and Lady Tierney that were sacrificed not long after."

"This curse only requires life," sighed Count Lavaud, shaking his head. "Is there a possibility that the curse the late Queen cast was dark magic?"

Anatol nodded. "Ancient dark magic. The sacrifice is great and the effect is great. Anything that costs lives is classified as dark magic. I brought some reference books I got from the witch. But I had a hard time translating it." he explained. He glanced at King Vallotton. "I don't know… if Auntie learned magic like that. I'll ask Father later."

"No." King Vallotton waved his hand. "There's no point in finding out where she learned the damn magic. All the magic books she had ever read were burnt with her death. We won't find it anywhere."

"But shortly before this, I saw Sir Elroy carrying a magic book out of the Palace library."

All eyes immediately turned to Mariette.

"On the night we happened to cross Sir Elroy at that time, Count Lavaud," Mariette reminded him.

"No, that's not what I meant," said Count Lavaud quickly. "Why is Sir Elroy reading a magic book?"

"Sir Elroy knows about my curse."


"Hmmm. It happened by accident. I was attacked by wolves in the woods, then Sir Elroy helped me. From there, he knows if my heart is not beating, "explained Mariette. "My apologies for just reporting it now."

"So Sir Elroy knows about your curse and wants to help you, is that it?" he asked. "Doesn't that sound too good? I understand that Sir Elroy has a tendency to be curious and to find out things. It is just…"

"Ah, about that. Sir Elroy says he likes me. That's why he wanted to help."

Again they fell silent, shocked by the statement just now.

Especially Anatole.

He had not expected that out of everyone in the Lamamont Kingdom, Elroy Gauthier would like Mariette Tierney.

Why now did Elroy's feelings bother him?


"Is it okay to let it be? We can't lose any more people to that curse, Your Majesty."

"Sir Anatole, do you know? Mariette once told me that if love was going to kill her, she wouldn't mind as long as she could feel it."

Anatole stopped when he saw Elroy greet and walk up to Mariette. His memory of his conversation with King Vallotton evaporated instantly.

Elroy's expression was bright, while Mariette's was as flat as ever. Even so, that didn't stop Elroy from rambling on happily.

Dimly Anatole heard Elroy say, "Oh, right. This for you."

"Flowers?" Mariette said.

Elroy grinned broadly. "The first flowers to bloom this spring. I found it in the yard of a shop earlier. The shop owner saw me looking at the flowers and said if I could pick some," she said. "I hope you like it."

"Yes. Thank you…"

"Then I shall go first, My Lady. May you have a good spring!"

What ridiculous thing did I just watch? thought Anatole.

Giving the first flowers that bloom in spring to someone you like… It sounds romantic, but to Anatole it's ridiculous. He couldn't believe something as absurd as just now was being done by a great warrior graduate.

Anatole could never do the same to a woman.

Or maybe, yes…

After Elroy left, Mariette froze in place. She then shook her head slowly. Her fingers traced the flower arrangement Elroy had given her and kissed it for a long time.

Something in Anatole's heart felt an indefinable ache.

Not wanting to look at the sight any longer, Anatole left.

The main purpose here is to meet Elroy. Not to see the ridiculous scene just now. So he immediately walked quickly after Elroy while trying to hide from Mariette.

Anatole then finds him going into Louie's study. From outside, he could faintly hear their conversation. Sounds like they're having fun.

"Prince Louie? It's me, Sir Anatole," greeted Anatole before he opened the door.

But suddenly, there was a scream from inside. Anatole swiftly opened the door to see if something bad had happened.

And in the room, Ferdinand is seen trampling on something burning, trying to put it out. On the other hand, Louie burst out laughing. There were also Elroy and Louisa who looked panicked.

What sights is Anatole looking at right now?

"Si-Sir Anatole! Good afternoon!" greeting Elroy hastily.

Anatole gave him a sharp look. "What's going on here? Are you trying to set this room on fire?!"

"My goodness, Sir Anatole. This is just a small bomb attempt, really, really," said Louie.

"Bomb, you say?"

"Only as small as earwax. We're trying to see if–"

"Louie, how many times do I have to tell you to stop doing your dangerous experiments indoors? Then watch your words again," sighed Anatole. He turned to Elroy and Ferdinand. "Then you two. Do not follow all his crazy desires. You can refuse it. You are paid by His Majesty the King, not Prince Louie."

"Hey–that's so unfair!" Louie grumbled.

Elroy seemed to be trying to calm Louie down. "What brought you here, Sir Anatole?"

"I need to talk to you. Come out and follow me," said Anatole.

He had heard Louisa ask, "Eh? Sir Anatole wouldn't fire him, would he?"

Anatole led Elroy to a secluded corner where no one passed. Elroy looked tense as if Anatole was going to run over him right there.

"I'll say it right away: I need your help translating some books," said Anatole.

Elroy's tense expression changed to confusion in an instant. "Translating… what book?"

"A book about magic and curses. I got it on my expedition." Anatole paused. "Books that might help Viscountess Mariette."

"Uh? Pardon me?"

"I know you know Viscountess Mariette's curse," said Anatole. "She said you were looking for a way to remove the curse in the Palace Library."

"Yes. It's just… there are only a few references I can find in the library."

"That's because the late Queen burned the books she had read at the same time as her death. You're going to have a hard time finding reference books in Lamamont. But I found quite a few outside the kingdom," said Anatole. "How are you willing to help? You will find out a lot of other things too."

"If I can help, I will," Elroy replied determinedly.

Determination for the sake of beloved, perhaps.

"Tonight comes to Count Lavaud. I'll leave his book with him," Anatole told him. "Please remember to keep this a secret from the twins."

"Yes, Sir!"

"I hope… you won't back down once you learn the truth…"