Episode 1. Little whore

Chris's feet thumped irritatedly on the hard marble floor under his feet. A sigh left his thin pouted lips as his fist went under his jaws. Beneath his steel-grey suit, sweat driblet slid down his chest. The room was well air-conditioned to refresh every soul that got in but it wasn't conditioned for tension.

He got up from his presidential seat and started parading around the large table. "Pharrell, you said they'll be here on time!" He muttered, almost raising his slurry bass voice.

"Yes sir , but we came in an hour early," his assistant calmly replied. His gaze religiously follows the pacing, apprehensive man.

He felt tempted to roll his eyes, only one person had the 'Power' to make Christopher Anders act this way…That person was Samenffa Powers.

Posturing at the edge of the glass table, Chris's brows crinkled, showing a less intense version of his frown." I hate tardiness, " he said.

For some reason, he loosened the wine-colored necktie encircling his neck while still disturbing the harmony of the office with his infuriating feet tapping.

"Sir, they are not being tardy, the is meeting is supposed to commence by 8:00, " Pharrell unsolicitedly explained, earning a brow-high reprimanding glare from Chris.

Pharrell drifted his gaze from the man as he swallowed but it didn't stop him from continuing with his banter, he raised his wrist and shifted his sleeves up to check the time. "You see boss, it's just 7:50."

He had to come to work by 5:00am in the morning as ordered by his boss so he could get everything ready, he already prepared the necessary since the previous day but the man was adamant he resumed earlier.

The minutes went by slowly with Chris's frustrated groans filling the room. The PBX telephone on his curved desk rang, he bolted to it and sat before calmly answering it. "Yes…? Let them in."

A few minutes later, the door of Chris's office open . He seized his breath as a man stepped in with a woman behind him, and he subconsciously rose to his feet.

The average height man strolling in was wearing a white knitted pattern sweater that was loosely tucked in a pair of 90s pants, his feet were braced with sparkling white ankle socks fitted neatly in to a pair of white sneakers.

His scythe-shaped eyebrows were slightly knitted, His eyes met with Chris's cognac eyes, the vigor hidden in them could burn down a valley. He stretched his hand to Chris for a handshake. "Sorry for keeping you waiting, Mr. Anders." He gleamed.

Chris also smiled but it didn't reach his eyes. "No need for the formalities, Samenffa and for the record, you didn't keep me waiting. Make yourself comfortable." He gestured to the seats before the desk as he sat.

Samenffa signaled with his eyes to his assistant, she understood it and made herself comfortable as well. The two assistants sat beside each other on separate red couches.

Chris fell silent, he couldn't believe how much Samenffa had changed. His formerly dazzling eyes were now sunken, his face as a whole was lanky, his fair gold skin was now pale gold. He was happy that Samenffa was not as elegant as he use to be but deep down, he felt pained.

Samenffa didn't seem shaken by his stare and waited patiently for him to speak. He knew he didn't look as good as he used to but that was why he wore the best, it propels the scrutiny from his body and it worked on everyone except for Chris who was scanning him.

He started feeling uncomfortable under his judging and the seconds felt like years, he lowered his head to let out a stiff cough.

Chris batted his lashes, coming back to earth, he smiled again and crossed his fingers on the desk. "Okay let us begin, Pharrell hand them the proposal."

Pharrell rose and passed a set of documents to Samenffa. Samenffa's slender fingers flipped the pages, the short, black polished manicure nails piqued the interest of Chris's eyes. Samenffa's face was blank as a white sheet, a look that was all too flat for what he was reading.

"As you can see there, we are offering you a whopping sum of 50 million U.S. Dollars for your company," Chris began.

Samenffa closed the documents and raised his eyes. He lopsided smile. "I thought we were supposed to be the ones handing you a proposal? "

"Samenffa, this is business, moreover Power fashion company would be up for auction soon, I am just killing two birds with one stone, " Chris defended as he sloughed back, his fingers fudged with the ball pen on the desk.

"You are right but that won't be happening until the end of the month," Samenffa replied to him, still maintaining his smile.

Chris's eyes flickered,he felt like Samenffa was mocking him. He bit his lips and shook his head then grinned, His sparkling white teeth looked like what was organized by a dental surgeon. The smirk vanished almost as it came.

"We are offering you a better deal, your company lost it's worth a long ago, and the highest you can get from that auction is 20 million dollars. I am just offering you a hand, it's your choice whether to take it or wait for your impending doom."

Tapping Chris's table with his slender fingers, Samenffa leaned in. "How about we offer you a deal instead?"

Chris's forehead relaxed, he expected this kind of crooked act from a cunning businessman like Samenffa ."Impress me."

"Grace, " Samenffa called out. "Hand me our proposal."

Grace, his assistant got up and gave the requested documents to Samenffa, as she returned to her seat, she smirked and winked at Pharrell. He dwindled his eyes, the gesture was too confident. He began to suspect them. 'something fishy is going on.'

Samenffa shoved the documents in front of Chris and pushed aside the proposal he was given.

"You see Christopher, we are not desperate about selling , you were wrong about the figure. Power fashion company worth 70 million Dollars and what you are offering is not enough, I would have accepted it if you offered me 75 million, " Samenffa uttered with a taunting simper that pushed in his dimples.

Chris's eyes ran down the page hurriedly, his brows kept drawing closer with every paragraph. He glared at Samenffa. "What nonsense is this?"

"The documents in your hands contain a drafted contract stating that you will provide power fashion company a loan of 50 million which would be returned in three months. Attached to the return of the fund is an interest of 7 million and a five per cent share of the company will be allotted to you, "Samenffa explained.

Chris cocked a brow in doubt after relaxing. "And what if you fail?"

Samenffa fluttered his lashes alluringly to annoy the man. "The company will be handed to you without issue, "he stated the obvious.

Pharrell's eyes widened as he read his copy of the proposal. It slipped from his hold and fell on the floor with a thud. The two CEOs turned their attention to him, it was no normal stare, it carried daggers and arrows, they looked like they wanted to murder him for interrupting them. Pharrell picked the documents off the floor but didn't dare look at the hostile men, he wished the earth to swallow him right away.

Thankfully, they returned to their discussion, he lets out a low sigh of relief then began his new mission; save his boss from this trap.

He started winking at Chris but the man was too engrossed in the conversation which was normal because he was chatting with the love of his life after such a long time. Grace caught him and inched closer with her leg. She used the heels of her red bottom to kick him hard on his ankle. Pharrell's eyes watered as a quiet, pain filled squeal came out of his mouth, he bit his lips hard to avoid the sound coming again before he unintentionally alerts the CEOs again.

Chris stroked his chin casually as he reasoned. "Hmmn, interesting." It didn't take him a minute to decide . "Fine, I accept your proposal because either way, I win."

Samenffa smiled perfunctorily. "Good decision Mr. Anders."

Chris gave Samenffa a skeptical look before he continued reading through the documents. His gaze drifted to his assistant who looked like he was having a spasm. 'Is Pharrell epileptic, why are his eyes twitching so much?' He wondered in his heart but shrugged it off as Pharrell losing his cool because he was sitting beside his ex girlfriend.

The both of them were sitting opposite/beside their ex romantic partners, it was normal to act abnormal.

He finished reading it and signed it without hesitation. "We are partners now Samenffa, too bad your company would be mine in three months. " Chris half-smiled.

"Grace, kindly give Pharrell all the necessaries so they may proceed with the bank transfers, " Samenffa said to Grace instead of replying to Chris.

Grace nodded and was led out of the office by Pharrell. The air became stuffy for Samenffa after they left. Being alone with this man was not part of his plan. He tried to avoid his gaze but Chris kept tilting his head.

"Did you miss me, little whore? " Chris questioned with his eyes squinted.

A familiar fear crept into Samenffa's chest but he decided to keep mute. It was safer that way otherwise things could escalate. Chris wanted things to escalate.

Rising halfway, the veins in Chris's neck throbbed. "Cat caught your tongue? You bastard! Why are you silent, you were quite confident a second ago! "