Episode 3. The family

The company had already declared bankruptcy when Grace reached out to him, a company he made great with his sweat and blood was on the edge of destruction. His sister completely failed the task she was given. He had no connection with the outside world so it took a while to contact him.

Samenffa only came to save them one last time and to teach them some important lessons but breathing the same air as his ex-fiancé and seeing was the heavy price for his noble sacrifice.

From his pocket, Samenffa felt a sudden vibration followed by a shrinking electric guitar tone. Grace's hands reached for her ears to protect them, she furrowed her brows. "Sam, you need to change that ringtone."

Samenffa giggled cheekily as he took out the phone, his lips puckered in a protest pout. "But it's so cute!"

Grace rolled her eyes. "Just answer it."

"What's up doc?" Samenffa's voice tinkled like the cartoon character he was mimicking.

("Hey, cutie, when did you get in the country, and why am I last to know?")

This was one of the many reasons why Samenffa hated the press, they never mind their business. He pinched between his brows then heaved." I am so sorry, Platt, I got in two days ago, I asked after you and was told you weren't in the country, or did I get the wrong information?"

("Yes and no, I came back when I heard the news, I saw a picture of you entering Anders Entertainments, are you okay? And what in heaven's name were you doing there?!")

The calm Smoky voice of Platt William was stressed, Samenffa smiled, he knew the man was concerned. Somehow, listening to him always brought him comfort and chills.

Platt was the doctor who confirmed his condition, he left the country with hopes of finding a cure for the type of cancer Samenffa has. Although the attempt was futile, the love he had for Samenffa didn't let him reason properly. A love that he knows all too well is not returned.

"I am fine don't stress it, meeting Chris was a necessary evil," Samenffa said.

He casually looked at Grace and was given a reason to cringe. She was giving him one of her lewd stares, making her puppet curved hands kiss.

Samenffa heard Platt sigh from the other end. ("Sam, you know that man hates you, why do you choose to hurt yourself like so, what was it that led you to him? Was it something I can't offer? Tell me!")He demanded.

Samenffa rubbed his forehead, the conversation wasn't one he felt like having. Platt was already getting upset. "Since you are in town why don't you we discuss this over dinner?" He suggested.

("Sounds great! ") Platt agreed without hesitation . ("How about we go to a Balinese restaurant, I have missed that place.")

Samenffa's eyes went to the streets as he heard Platt's excited voice, he didn't feel like himself. The once bustling personality in him died months ago.

"Honestly Platt, I don't want to leave my house , I don't want the paparazzi all up in my business. It would be better if you can come to my house or—"

("No I will come over!")Platt interrupted him. ("I will see you in a bit cutie, in the meantime, try not to stress yourself too much okay?")

Samenffa nodded his head as if Platt could see him, years of knowing him made Platt an expert in understanding Samenffa's expressions, he could predict his every move, it didn't take him too long to translate the silence to Samenffa physically answering him.

("You have to use your words, Sam.") He chuckled throatily. ("I can't see you although I wished I could, are you busy? We can FaceTime if—")

"I am busy Platt, we'll see later bye!" Samenffa said and hung up before Platt could say his goodbye. He clenched his phone tightly. Swallowing a lump, his body slummed back.

He couldn't even accept a video call from Platt because of his look. He had always been smallish but now he looked extra skinnier. He was ashamed of his current state. The only thing hiding his body structure was the baggy clothes he wore. He had to think of lies to tell the public otherwise arouse their suspicion.

Everything he saw now meant the world to him down to trash cans along the road and people jail walking, he had become the video recorder of an environmentalist, taking note of all the happenings around him because it might be the last time he sees them.

The car came to a halt in front of a huge skyscraper building with a stylishly drawn P crested at the top and beneath it was a pepper red inscription; Power fashion Company, all written in block form.

Samenffa rubbed his knees, letting out calculated puffs of air. The flashes of light passing through the window reminded him of those he wanted to ignore. Two men in black walked swiftly to the car and were able to make a path for him. Shortly after the door opened.

The mouths of the reporters moved but it was like Samenffa's mind muted them, he kept repeating, "No comments!"While shielding his face.

The camera lights kept flashing making him a little dizzy, if not for the bodyguards that were barricading him from the paparazzi's touch , he would have passed out seconds ago. He turned to find Grace in the same situation only that no one was guarding her.

He was forced to look ahead when his bodyguards slightly nudged him forward while shouting something that he couldn't understand. He wished the men could stop talking, their mouths sent droplets of saliva raining on his face. It was one of the many disadvantages of being small.

He lifted his hands to fence the sides of his face, the little makeup he did to conceal his features was about to be ruined by these men.

Immediately his foot entered the confines of the office, he heaved with all his upper body. It was a bad idea to come in through the front entrance but he had good reason for taking the route.

He lifted his head and found his employees staring at him like he was a rare bird. He returned their stares only with a stern one, his lashes flapped as he straighten his posture. The see-through glass door behind him opened and the noise of the reporters poured in again before it closed.