The Caravan Goes up The Mountain

About 3 hours had passed since the caravan made their way up the mountain. They made some good progress but had been attacked a couple of times on their way up.

The monsters had had enough of sneaking around and trying to sense whether the caravan was dangerous to them or not, and had decided to attack a couple of times.

The monkeys had also shown themselves and had actually managed to grab one of the long-range combatants that had been on top of a carriage.

Thankfully, his teammates were quick to respond and multiple arrows, spells, and throwing weapons struck the monkey before it was able to take the man away. The monkey died almost immediately, and the long-range fighter was saved, he quickly jumped back on the carriage, thanked those that had saved him, and continued fighting.

There had been no sight of hawks, nor any other powerful monsters, and the caravan had managed to climb up without losing any men.