The Veiled Conspirator: Lyle's Thoughts and Plans

"Continue doing things as you always have, when things change, I shall contact you," Lyle told Lintosh who nodded his head as he walked Lyle to the front door before turning around and leaving.

The guards of the Oslo mansion did nothing but stand guard as Lyle's aura was enough to make their bodies freeze from its overbearing might.

Lyle's lips curved upwards as he silently celebrated the fact that he had managed to gain the support of the Oslo family. He had done so using underhanded means, which did make the alliance quite a shaky one, but thanks to the Blood Contracts, as well as the fact that the Oslo family was now stuck between a rock and a hard place, there was little he had to worry about.

The alliance was the first main goal that Lyle had accomplished for his plan. His enemies were still more powerful than him, and defeating them would take more than mere plans and tricks.