The Powerful New Items: Meeting the City Praetor

Lyle's hands slightly trembled as he saw the armor pieces.

The [ Armor of the Dark Ones ] was a full body armor that covered his torso, his arms up to the hands, as well as the legs, leaving only the gloves and boots available to be put on. 

The armor was incredible, as were the boots and gloves.

The armor not only had great defense, but it also increased all darkness-related powers by 20%, as well as gave Lyle a shield made out of dark energy that he could use to defend himself against Titled Knights.

The shield was a mana shield, one similar to the barriers Mages used. It would appear around Lyle and shield him from all directions and it was powerful enough to defend against 3 attacks of the Titled Knight realm before breaking. Lyle can activate and deactivate the shield simply by thinking about it, and if the shield was broken, it would take the armor about 5 days to gather enough mana to use the shield again.