Infiltrating Shadows Lyle's Secret Mission Against the Organization

'Back when the organization first showed itself and attacked the camp, Soldom appeared with all four Colonels, but one of them had actually gone away for a short period of time before coming back and telling Soldom that the praetor had notified them that he will arrive.'

'That Colonel was Gustaff, he didn't get a notification that Ishtamar was coming, he just knew that the General would want to hurry back to the city praetor's residence, so he told him that the latter was coming as he was a part of the organization and knew that Ishtamar was not in his residence that evening.'

'The ambush back when the siege had begun, that was another trap the organization placed, Ishtamar had even wounded himself to make it look real, they were probably planning on having the Necromancer kill Soldom or Silrov back then, but sir Azraon arrived quickly, forcing  them to change their plans.'

'Everything from the very start was nothing more than a ploy from Ishtamar, dammit!'