Journey to the Capital: Random Side Quests

Lyle received a ring known as the "Ring of Shadows," which enhanced his darkness manipulation abilities and actually reduced the cooldown time for Void Step. Nicholas was given an "Ethereal Blade," enhancement that he could place on any sword, making it a sword that could phase through solid matter, increasing the effectiveness of his Spectral Slash.

Nicholas had placed the enhancement on his own sword and tried it out, although nothing too groundbreaking, the enhancement would definitely come in handy.

Ruby received "Bloodfang Amulet," an artifact that further amplified her [ Crimson Strike ] skill, making it draw even more blood, as well as another skill she had recently mastered, [ Blood Fury ], a skill that allowed her to gain a slight boost when blood was around her, as well as to increase the speed of which her mana regenerated and wounds healed.